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  • Assessment texts on monthly mean tropospheric precipitable water, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Graphs on validation of mean tropospheric precipitable water product, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Graphs on validation of mean cloud fractional cover product, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Description of outstanding weather events, maps of various climate quantities, annual climate reviews (RA VI Bulletin), provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of anomalies of monthly mean surface incoming shortwave radiation derived from METEOSAT-Data by CM-SAF on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (reference period 1983ff), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of anomalies of monthly mean surface net shortwave radiation derived from METEOSAT-Data by CM-SAF on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (reference period 1983ff), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Monthly climate review for the WMO RA VI region based upon early available operational European climate monitoring products and bulletins of the NHMSs on the Internet (monthly RA VI Bulletin), provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of monthly normals 1981-2007 of number of snowdays derived from SYNOP observations on a 0.1x0.1 degree grid, provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring WMO-RA6-RCC-CM

  • Grids of monthly mean snow depth derived from SYNOP observations on a 0.1x0.1 degree grid, provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring WMO-RA6-RCC-CM

  • Maps of monthly number of snowdays derived from SYNOP observations on a 0.1x0.1 degree grid, provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring WMO-RA6-RCC-CM

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