Raw Data on Helicopter-borne Electromagnetics (HEM) Area 196 Gnarrenburg
BGR conducted an airborne survey in the region of Gnarrenburg (Lower Saxony) as part of the BGR project D-AERO-Moore. This project is a study to survey the mires near Gnarrenburg with the BGR airborne geophysical standard measuring system. The peatland is located about 30 km northeast of the city of Bremen between Bremervörde and Worpswede . The size of the area is about 173 km². The area was surveyed with 6 flights totalling to 778 line-km (206,972 survey points). The nominal separation of the 62 WNW-ESE lines and 6 NNE-SSW tie lines was 300 m and 1500 m, respectively. In addition, 33 NNO-SSW lines at 100 m line separation were flown. The two ASCII datafiles contain the raw data as well as the processed HEM data at the six frequencies of the HEM system (0.4 - 130 kHz).
Citation proposal
(2023) . Raw Data on Helicopter-borne Electromagnetics (HEM) Area 196 Gnarrenburg. https://gdk.gdi-de.org/geonetwork/srv/api/records/70ae0b6a-40a3-480c-9937-24295eacdca2 |
- File identifier
- 70ae0b6a-40a3-480c-9937-24295eacdca2 XML
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Online resource
Resource identifier
- code
- 0e01ee62-0910-9889-2fb4-7cd58c61716a
- Metadata language
- German
- Spatial representation type
- Text, table
- Format
- Version
- n/a
Classification of data and services
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
Classification of data and services
Coupled resource
Coupled resource
Classification of data and services
Coupled resource
Coupled resource
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ( Theme )
- Geologie
- Geology
- GEMET - Concepts, version 2.4 ( Theme )
- Geophysik
Other keywords
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Aerogeophysik
- Hubschrauber-Elektromagnetik
- Roh- und prozessierte Daten
- airborne geophysics
- helicopter-borne electromagnetics
- raw and processed data
- opendata
- Keywords ( Place )
- Niedersachsen
- Gnarrenburg
Geographic coverage
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
Temporal extent
- Date ( Publication )
- 2023-06-01
Quality and validity
- Lineage
- BGR-Projekt "D-AERO-Moore: Untersuchung von Möglichkeiten für eine großflächige Moorerkundung"
Restrictions on access and use
- Access constraints
- Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, s. https://www.bgr.bund.de/agb - General Terms and Conditions, s. https://www.bgr.bund.de/agb_en
- Access constraints
- Dieser Datensatz kann gemäß der "Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung 2.0" (https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0) unter Angabe des Quellenvermerks "196GnarrenburgHEM-RD © BGR, Hannover, 2023, doi:10.25928/w12s-5s19_v1" kostenlos genutzt werden.
- Access constraints
- {"id": "dl-by-de/2.0", "name": "Datenlizenz Deutschland Namensnennung 2.0", "url": "https://www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0", "quelle": "196GnarrenburgHEM-RD © BGR, Hannover, 2023, doi:10.25928/w12s-5s19_v1"}
Restrictions on access and use
Responsible organization (s)
Contact for the resource
- Organisation name
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
- heli@bgr.de
Responsible organization (s)
Contact for the resource
- Organisation name
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
- heli@bgr.de
Metadata information
Contact for the metadata
- Organisation name
- Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
- Date stamp
- 2024-06-19
- Metadata language
- German
- Character set
- UTF8
Conformance class 1: invocable
Access Point URL
Endpoint URL
Technical specification
Conformance class 2: interoperable
Coordinate reference system
Quality of Service
Access constraints
Use constraints
Responsible custodian
Contact for the resource
Conformance class 3: harmonized
Provided by
Access to the portal
Read here the full details and access to the data.
Associated resources
Not available