WMS Landschaftsprogramm Bremen Plan 1, Teil Stadtgemeinde Bremen
Dieser Darstellungsdienst (WMS) stellt Daten zum INSPIRE-Thema Bodennutzung in der Freien Hansestadt Bremen (FHB) dar.
Der Datensatz umfasst Plan 1 des Landschaftsprogamms der Stadtgemeinde Bremen.
Citation proposal
Landesamt GeoInformation Bremen. WMS Landschaftsprogramm Bremen Plan 1, Teil Stadtgemeinde Bremen. https://gdk.gdi-de.org/geonetwork/srv/api/records/E78E45F3-0553-49D3-AB87-2AD3501ED0F6 |
Identification info
- Alternate title
- WMS Landschaftsprogramm Stadt Bremen
- Date ( Revision )
- 2023-02-28T00:00:00.000+01:00
Point of contact
Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Die Senatorin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft
An der Reeperbahn 2
- GEMET - INSPIRE themes, version 1.0 ( Theme )
- Service Classification, version 1.0 ( Theme )
- humanGeographicViewer
- Keywords
- Lapro
- Keywords
- inspireidentifiziert
- UMTHES Thesaurus ( Theme )
- GEMET - Concepts, version 3.1 ( Theme )
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Creative Commons Namensnennung (CC-BY)
- Other constraints
- Quellenvermerk: Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Die Senatorin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft
- Other constraints
- {"id":"cc-by","name":"Creative Commons Namensnennung (CC-BY)","url":"https://www.opendefinition.org/licenses/cc-by","quelle":"Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Die Senatorin für Umwelt, Klima und Wissenschaft"}
- Access constraints
- otherRestrictions Other restrictions
- Service Type
- view
- Service Version
- OGC:WMS 1.3.0
- Extent type code
- true
- Geographic identifier
- Bremen (040110000000)
Coupled Resource
- Operation Name
- GetCapabilities
- Coupling Type
- Tight
Contains Operations
- Operation Name
- GetCapabilities
- Distributed Computing Platforms
- Web services
- Operation Description
- Lapro Plan 1
- Distribution format
- ()
- OnLine resource
Dienst "WMS Landschaftsprogramm Bremen Plan 1, Teil Stadtgemeinde Bremen" (GetCapabilities)
Lapro Plan 1
- Hierarchy level
- Service
- Other
- service
Conformance result
- Date ( Publication )
- 2009-10-20
- Explanation
- see the referenced specification
- Pass
- true
Conformance result
- Date ( Publication )
- 2013-04-04
- Explanation
- see the referenced specification
- Pass
- true
- File identifier
- E78E45F3-0553-49D3-AB87-2AD3501ED0F6 XML
- Metadata language
- German
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- service Service
- Hierarchy level name
- service
- Date stamp
- 2025-01-28
- Metadata standard name
- ISO19119
- Metadata standard version
- 2005/PDAM 1
Point of contact

Landschaftsprogramm Bremen Plan 1
Provided by

Access to the portal
Read here the full details and access to the data.
Associated resources
Not available