IPCC-AR3 EH4-T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 1*CO2 IS92A: 1971-1980 6 HOUR values Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Germany
IPCC-AR3 LUGANO T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 1*CO2 of Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum. Based on the greenhouse gas experiment (GHG) which used the modified scenario IS92a ("IS95a"), two 10 year periods were re-calculated with the higher horizontal resolution (appr. 110 km grid spacing) version (T106) of the ECHAM4 model. The stand-alone atmosphere model was used. The integrations were performed with transient forcing while the results were corrected by the model drift. The drift has been determined from the corresponding control run periods. SSTs have been taken from the Experiment EH4OPYC_22670GHG_MM and the AMIP climatology: SST_NEW(m,y)=(SST_CLIM(m)+SST_T42(m,y))*M+TS_T42(m)*(1-M) with m=1,12 and n=1,10 and M=land-sea mask(sea:1, land:0) This experiment contains results from the present-day reference decade 1971-1980. Trace gas concentrations were hardcoded as 10-years means in the model. These experiments were calculated on a NEC SX4 in the swiss supercomputer center (CSCS) in Mano near Lugano. The data are used for the third assessment report. Model_raw_data location: schauer.dkrz.de://pf/k/k204026/k204004/04100/atm_d
Citation proposal
Dr. Michael Lautenschlager (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie (MD)) - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Cubasch (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie (MD)). IPCC-AR3 EH4-T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 1*CO2 IS92A: 1971-1980 6 HOUR values Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Germany. https://gdk.gdi-de.org/geonetwork/srv/api/records/de.dkrz.wdcc.iso20226 |
- Identification
- Distribution
- Quality
- Spatial rep.
- Ref. system
- Content
- Portrayal
- Metadata
- Md. constraints
- Md. maintenance
- Schema info
Data identification
- Alternate title
- IPCC-AR3 EH4-T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 1*CO2 IS92A: 1971-1980 6 HOUR values Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Germany
- Date ( Creation )
- 2001-11-26
- Identifier
- None
- Identifier
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/EH4106_6H_1CO2IS92A_1971-1980 / IPCC-AR3 EH4-T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 1*CO2 IS92A: 1971-1980 6 HOUR values Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Germany
- Other citation details
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/EH4106_6H_1CO2IS92A_1971-1980
Point of contact
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Keywords ( Theme )
- greenhouse gases
- Keywords ( Theme )
- IS92a
- Metadata language
- eng English
- Begin date
- 1971-01-01
- End date
- 1980-12-30
- Begin date
- 1971-01-01
- End date
- 1980-12-30
- Distribution format
- GRIB (WMO format GRIdded Binary data )
Digital transfer options
- Units of distribution
- Mb
- Transfer size
- 422037
- OnLine resource
- http://doi.org/doi:10.1594/WDCC/EH4106_6H_1CO2IS92A_1971-1980
- Hierarchy level
- series Series
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- File identifier
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- Hierarchy level
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- EH4106_6H_1CO2IS92A_1971-1980
- Date stamp
- 2022-04-25T05:33:35
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115
- Metadata standard version
- ISO 19139 / DKRZ ISO Simple Profile V1.0
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