dphase_isacmol: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by GFS forecasts run by ISAC-CNR for the MAP D-PHASE project
The forecasting chain is based on the 00 UTC, GFS forecasts at 0.5 degree resolution. The chain comprises the hydrostatic model BOLAM, which is driven directly by the global model, and the non-hydrostatic model MOLOCH (horizontal resolution 0.02 degrees), which is nested in cascade using a 1-way nesting procedure. BOLAM run starts at 00 UTC, MOLOCH is nested at 09 UTC.
MOLOCH domain is smaller than official DPHASE domain. A 39-h MOLOCH forecast is provided daily.
Only a sub-set of TIGGE list is provided (see DS).
More information available here: http://www.isac.cnr.it/~dinamica/
Grid description:
lat-lon Arakawa C grid. Rotated equidistant grid.
DDOM: xfirst: -2.69 yfirst: -1.84 xsize: 340.0 ysize: 290.0 xinc: 0.02 yinc: 0.02 xnpole: -171.0 ynpole: 44.7
Citation proposal
Silvio Davolio (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate) - A. Buzzi (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate) - P. Malguzzi (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate) - O. Drofa (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate). dphase_isacmol: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by GFS forecasts run by ISAC-CNR for the MAP D-PHASE project. https://gdk.gdi-de.org/geonetwork/srv/api/records/de.dkrz.wdcc.iso2150485 |
- Alternate title
- dphase_isacmol: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by GFS forecasts run by ISAC-CNR for the MAP D-PHASE project
- Date ( Creation )
- 2007-06-08
- Identifier
- None
- Identifier
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/dphase_isacmol / dphase_isacmol: MOLOCH high-resolution forecasts driven by GFS forecasts run by ISAC-CNR for the MAP D-PHASE project
- Other citation details
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/dphase_isacmol
Point of contact
- Keywords ( Theme )
- regional model forecast
- Keywords ( Theme )
- model data
- Metadata language
- eng English
- Begin date
- 2007-06-01
- End date
- 2007-11-30
- Distribution format
- XML (Extensible Markup Language )
- GRIB1;records separated;bz2-zip (GRIB1; zipped with bzip )
- tar of png (tarball of png )
- Units of distribution
- Mb
- Transfer size
- 189834
- OnLine resource
- http://doi.org/doi:10.1594/WDCC/dphase_isacmol
- Hierarchy level
- series Series
- File identifier
- de.dkrz.wdcc.iso2150485 XML
- Hierarchy level
- series Series
- Hierarchy level name
- dphase_isacmol
- Date stamp
- 2022-04-25T04:48:43
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115
- Metadata standard version
- ISO 19139 / DKRZ ISO Simple Profile V1.0
Point of contact
- Dataset URI
- http://doi.org/doi:10.1594/WDCC/dphase_isacmol
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