cordex AFR-44 CLMcom CCLM4-8-17
The data include daily, monthly, and seasonal variables of CORDEX experiments scaled down onto a ca. 50 km grid over Africa (acronym: AFR-44) based on the CCLM4-8-17 regional climate model. Each file contains a single variable and is formatted according to the CORDEX data protocol - meaning NetCDF-4 compressed, CF-1.4 compliant, with attributes and filenames according to the specified DRS. Data from any CORDEX experiment and with any CMIP5 global model forcing available and transfered from the ESGF to the long term archive WDCC at the time of publication are included. These are the experiments evaluation, historical, rcp85, and rcp45 using forcing data derived from the CMIP5 models MPI-ESM-LR, EC-EARTH, CNRM-CM5 and HadGEM2-ES. The data are provided on the model computational (native) grid.
Citation proposal
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Panitz (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie) - Martina Schubert-Frisius (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum) - Dr. Alessandro Dosio (Institute for Environment and Sustainability). cordex AFR-44 CLMcom CCLM4-8-17. |
- Alternate title
- cordex AFR-44 CLMcom CCLM4-8-17
- Date ( Creation )
- 2015-03-03
- Identifier
- None
- Identifier
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/CXAF44CLCL / CORDEX simulations (evaluation, historical, rcp85, and rcp45) on a ca. 50 km grid over Africa based on CCLM4-8-17 forced by MPI-ESM-LR, EC-EARTH, CNRM-CM5 and HadGEM2-ES
- Other citation details
- doi:10.1594/WDCC/CXAF44CLCL
Point of contact
Point of contact
- Keywords ( Theme )
- climate simulation
- Keywords ( Theme )
- regional modelling
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Keywords ( Theme )
- CCLM4-8-17
- Keywords ( Theme )
- CLMcom
- Keywords ( Theme )
- AFR-44
- Metadata language
- eng English
- Begin date
- 1950-01-01
- End date
- 2005-12-31
- Begin date
- 1989-01-01
- End date
- 2008-12-31
- Begin date
- 2006-01-01
- End date
- 2099-11-30
- Begin date
- 2006-01-01
- End date
- 2100-12-31
- Begin date
- 1949-12-01
- End date
- 2005-12-30
- Begin date
- 1949-12-01
- End date
- 2005-12-31
- Begin date
- 1950-01-15
- End date
- 2005-10-16
- Begin date
- 2006-01-15
- End date
- 2100-10-16
- Begin date
- 1950-01-16
- End date
- 2005-10-16
- Begin date
- 1950-01-16
- End date
- 2005-12-16
- Begin date
- 1989-01-16
- End date
- 2008-12-16
- Begin date
- 2006-01-16
- End date
- 2099-10-16
- Begin date
- 2006-01-16
- End date
- 2099-11-16
- Begin date
- 2006-01-16
- End date
- 2100-12-16
- Begin date
- 1950-04-16
- End date
- 2005-10-16
- Begin date
- 1989-04-16
- End date
- 2008-10-16
- Begin date
- 1949-12-16
- End date
- 2005-12-16
- Distribution format
- NetCDF (network Common Data Format )
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- series Series
- File identifier
- de.dkrz.wdcc.iso3463686 XML
- Hierarchy level
- series Series
- Hierarchy level name
- Date stamp
- 2022-04-25T05:35:12
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115
- Metadata standard version
- ISO 19139 / DKRZ ISO Simple Profile V1.0
Point of contact
Point of contact
- Dataset URI
Provided by

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