Freshwater Fluxes into the World's Oceans
The GRDC Freshwater Fluxes into the World’s Oceans is a web application provided by the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) to present the Freshwater Fluxes into the World’s Oceans data product. Continental freshwater input into the oceans is computed by the GRDC at irregular intervals, most recently in December 2020 referencing the time period 1901–2016. Previous data sets prepared in 2004, 2009 and 2014 are integrated into the service.
Citation proposal
. Freshwater Fluxes into the World's Oceans. |
- Alternate title
- FwF into the World's Oceans
- Date ( Creation )
- 2021-05-01
- Keywords
- Global Runoff Data Centre
- Open Data
- Hydrology
- Freshwater Fluxes
- Discharge
- Ocean
- Continents
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Es gelten keine Bedingungen
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- This service is published as an interactive web application by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). Disclaimer, Terms and Conditions of the BfG apply. Please cite in your publication the GRDC as the source of the data: Global Freshwater Fluxes into the World's Oceans. Online provided by Global Runoff Data Centre. Koblenz: Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). URL, date of retrieval.
- Metadata language
- English
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Version
- 6.11.2
- OnLine resource
- Hierarchy level
- application
- Dataset
- Statement
- This computation is based on the latest model output from the global hydrological model WaterGAP 2.2d of the Hydrology Group, University of Frankfurt (Müller Schmied et al. 2020). The WaterGAP model operates on the 0.5° x 0.5° CRU grid between 90°N and 60°S. A comprehensive overview on model structure and applications is given by Müller Schmied et al. (2021). --- Müller Schmied, Hannes, Denise Cáceres, Stephanie Eisner, Martina Flörke, Claudia Herbert, Christoph Niemann, Thedini Asali Peiris, et al. 2020. “The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d - Standard model output.” Data set. PANGAEA. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.918447 --- Müller Schmied, H., D. Cáceres, S. Eisner, M. Flörke, C. Herbert, C. Niemann, T. A. Peiris, et al. 2021. “The global water resources and use model WaterGAP v2.2d: model description and evaluation.” Geoscientific Model Development 14 (2): 1037–79.
- File identifier
- df6f36e9-d0e8-40a2-867c-4ceb4137ed0e XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- application
- Hierarchy level name
- Wasserstand_und_Durchfluss
- Date stamp
- 2023-01-13
- Metadata standard name
- ISO 19115
- Metadata standard version
- 2003/Cor.1:2006
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