Infrasound records of Stromboli eruptions on July 3 and August 28 2019
Two strong eruptions of Stromboli Volcano (38.789°N 15.213°E, 920 m) occurred on July 3rd and August 28th 2019. This data set provides the infrasound records in terms of raw pressure data in Pascal of both eruptions available at BGR’s infrasound array I26DE in Germany as well as infrasound arrays OHP and CEA in France. The publication “Using dense seismo-acoustic network to provide timely warning of the 2019 paroxysmal Stromboli eruptions” (Le Pichon et al., 2021, Scientific Reports) provides further details on this data set and its scientific application. Data format: The data are provided as ASCII files (separate file for each infrasound sensor and hour of measurement, plus a README file).
Citation proposal
(2021) . Infrasound records of Stromboli eruptions on July 3 and August 28 2019. |
- Alternate title
- Stromboli-Infrasound
- Date ( Publication )
- 2021-06-21
- Identifier
- 83c1f925-ad07-6fb9-0b68-98611d51b97f
- Status
- completed Completed
Point of contact
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR)
Pilger, Christoph
Stilleweg 2
- Keywords ( Theme )
- infrasound
- geophysics
- volcano
- Stromboli eruptions
- opendata
- Access constraints
- Other restrictions
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- Licence/Lizenz: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
- Other constraints
- {"id": "cc-by-nc-sa/4.0", "name": "Creative Commons Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International", "url": "", "quelle": "Stromboli-Infrasound © BGR, Hannover, 2021"}
- Spatial representation type
- Text, table
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Geoscientific information
- Distribution format
- ASCII (n/a )
- Transfer size
- 32
- OnLine resource
Stromboli-Infrasound (ASCII)
Stromboli-Infrasound im Format ASCII
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
- Flat files with raw microbarometer output digitalized to pressure values in Pascal, using data from four microbarometers at infrasound array I26DE (48.8516°N 13.7131°E), from four microbarometers at infrasound array OHP (Observatoire de Haute-Provence, 43.9300°N 5.7100°E) and four microbarometers at infrasound array CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, 48.6000°N 2.2000°E).
- File identifier
- ef5bd209-a3a1-44de-b8c6-ec5e7a0dce76 XML
- Metadata language
- English
- Character set
- UTF8
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Hierarchy level name
- Geophysik
- Date stamp
- 2022-12-21
- Metadata standard name
- INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules: Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119
- Metadata standard version
- n/a
Point of contact
Provided by

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