16-year WRF simulation for the Southern Alps of New Zealand
The climatological dataset was produced using the Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model, version 4.2.2, configured with two nested domains at 10 km (D1) and 2 km (D2) horizontal grid spacing. It covers most of the South Island of New Zealand and is centered over Brewster Glacier in the Southern Alps. The model was forced every three hours by ERA5 reanalysis data at its outer lateral boundaries. The dataset spans the period of 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2020, providing daily output in the outer domain (D1) and 3-hourly output in the innermost domain (D2).
The data provided here are a selection of daily averages from the inner WRF domain (D2; 2-km grid spacing). They are distributed among three different file types containing 4-dimensional, 3-dimensional and time-invariant output variables, respectively. For the 4-dimensional fields, perturbation and base-state atmospheric pressure (WRF variables P and PB) and geopotential (PH and PHB) were combined to produce full model fields (PRES and GEOPT). Perturbation potential temperature (T) was converted to total potential temperature (THETA). Wind vectors (U,V, and W) were converted to mass points and rotated to earth coordinates.
Acknowledgements: The modeling and related research was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) grant no. 453305163. The authors gratefully acknowledge the scientific support and HPC resources provided by the Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU ) of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) under the NHR project b128dc / ATMOS ("Numerical atmospheric modeling for the attribution of climate change and for model improvement"). NHR funding is provided by federal and Bavarian state authorities. NHR@FAU hardware is partially funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – 440719683.
Citation proposal
(2023) . 16-year WRF simulation for the Southern Alps of New Zealand. https://gdk.gdi-de.org/geonetwork/srv/api/records/wdc-climate.de:5165959 |
- File identifier
- wdc-climate.de:5165959 XML
- Hierarchy level
- collection collection
Online resource
Resource identifier
- code
- code
- doi:10.26050/WDCC/NZ-PROXY_16yrWRF
- Metadata language
- eng; USA
- Format
- NetCDF
Classification of data and services
Classification of data and services
Coupled resource
Coupled resource
Classification of data and services
Coupled resource
Coupled resource
Other keywords
- Keywords
- Atmospheric dynamics
- Keywords
- Ocean-atmosphere interaction
- Keywords
- Keywords
- atmospheric model
- Keywords
- climatology
- Keywords
- dynamical downscaling
- Keywords
- model data
- Keywords
- model evaluation
- Keywords
- model-output
- Keywords
- regional climate simulation
Geographic coverage
Temporal reference
Temporal extent
Temporal extent
- Date ( Publication )
- 2023-07-12
Quality and validity
Restrictions on access and use
Restrictions on access and use
Responsible organization (s)
Contact for the resource
- Organisation name
- Institute of Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Responsible organization (s)
Contact for the resource
- Organisation name
- Institute of Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Metadata information
Contact for the metadata
- Organisation name
- Institute of Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Date stamp
- 2023-06-13T11:42:20
- Metadata language
- eng; USA