The HTXQ10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HT): Temperature A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (Q): 144 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 144 (GLOBAL MODEL) TEMPERATURE 100 HPA)
The HUXW10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HU): Eastward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (W): Not assigned T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 54 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HVXW10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (W): Not assigned T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 54 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HTXK10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HT): Temperature A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (K): 72 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 72 (GLOBAL MODEL) TEMPERATURE 100 HPA)
The HVXF10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (F): 30 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 30 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HTXF10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HT): Temperature A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (F): 30 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 30 (GLOBAL MODEL) TEMPERATURE 100 HPA)
The HVXH10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (H): 42 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 42 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HVXK10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (K): 72 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 72 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HVXA10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HV): Northward wind component A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (A): Analysis (00 hour) T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 00 (GLOBAL MODEL) WIND COMPONENT 100 HPA)
The HTXJ10 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (H): Grid point information (GRIB) T1T2 (HT): Temperature A1 (X): Global Area (area not definable) A2 (J): 60 hours forecast T1ii (H10): 100 hPa (Remarks from Volume-C: H+ 60 (GLOBAL MODEL) TEMPERATURE 100 HPA)