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  • The basis of the Numerical Ocean Wave Prediction of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) is a 3rd generation spectral wave model (3G-WAveModel). Spectral models describe the sea state in terms of the 2-dimensional distribution of wave energy by frequency (or period or wave number) and propagation direction. In the current version, a resolution of 36 directions and 30 frequencies (wave periods between 1.5 and 24 seconds) is used. In the numerical model, the temporal evolution of the wave energy spectrum is calculated at a multi-tude of points of a grid stretched over the sea surface. The wave energy changes through the following physical processes: • Wave growth due to the downward momentum flux from the wind field • Wave propagation (advection, refraction) • Redistribution of energy between wavenumbers due to nonlinear interactions • Dissipation (internal friction and wave breaking) Similar to the chain of atmospheric models (ICON, ICON-EU and ICON-D2), the wave prediction system serves more than one forecast areas: the global model GWAM, the European model EWAM and the high-resolution coastal model CWAM. In the model, wave growth is forced by analyzed and predicted 10m winds of the atmospheric models.

  • The basis of the Numerical Ocean Wave Prediction of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) is a 3rd generation spectral wave model (3G-WAveModel). Spectral models describe the sea state in terms of the 2-dimensional distribution of wave energy by frequency (or period or wave number) and propagation direction. In the current version, a resolution of 36 directions and 30 frequencies (wave periods between 1.5 and 24 seconds) is used. In the numerical model, the temporal evolution of the wave energy spectrum is calculated at a multi-tude of points of a grid stretched over the sea surface. The wave energy changes through the following physical processes: • Wave growth due to the downward momentum flux from the wind field • Wave propagation (advection, refraction) • Redistribution of energy between wavenumbers due to nonlinear interactions • Dissipation (internal friction and wave breaking) Similar to the chain of atmospheric models (ICON, ICON-EU and ICON-D2), the wave prediction system serves more than one forecast areas: the global model GWAM, the European model EWAM and the high-resolution coastal model CWAM. In the model, wave growth is forced by analyzed and predicted 10m winds of the atmospheric models.

  • The basis of the Numerical Ocean Wave Prediction of the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) is a 3rd generation spectral wave model (3G-WAveModel). Spectral models describe the sea state in terms of the 2-dimensional distribution of wave energy by frequency (or period or wave number) and propagation direction. In the current version, a resolution of 36 directions and 30 frequencies (wave periods between 1.5 and 24 seconds) is used. In the numerical model, the temporal evolution of the wave energy spectrum is calculated at a multi-tude of points of a grid stretched over the sea surface. The wave energy changes through the following physical processes: • Wave growth due to the downward momentum flux from the wind field • Wave propagation (advection, refraction) • Redistribution of energy between wavenumbers due to nonlinear interactions • Dissipation (internal friction and wave breaking) Similar to the chain of atmospheric models (ICON, ICON-EU and ICON-D2), the wave prediction system serves more than one forecast areas: the global model GWAM, the European model EWAM and the high-resolution coastal model CWAM. In the model, wave growth is forced by analyzed and predicted 10m winds of the atmospheric models.

  • The IXXD41 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (I): Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR T1T2 (IX): Other data types A2 (D): 90°E - 0° northern hemisphere (Remarks from Volume-C: LIGHTNING REPORT)

  • Mittelwert, Streuung und Anzahl der verwendeten Meldungen des maritim meteorologischen Datenarchivs aus dem Bezugszeitraum 1951 bis 2000

  • Mittelwert, Streuung und Anzahl der verwendeten Meldungen des maritim meteorologischen Datenarchivs aus dem Bezugszeitraum 1951 bis 2000

  • The IXXD42 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (I): Observational data (Binary coded) - BUFR T1T2 (IX): Other data types A2 (D): 90°E - 0° northern hemisphere (Remarks from Volume-C: LIGHTNING REPORT)

  • The FQBQ63 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FQ): Other shipping A1A2 (BQ): Baltic Sea area (Remarks from Volume-C: FORECAST FOR THE BALTIC SEA (IN GERMAN))

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