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  • BfG MapService 'CC_GAR_Temp_2000_2050', OGC:WMS 1.3.0; The maps and data sets summarise climate change information resulting from a well defined ensemble of 14 regional climate simulations (mainly based on EU-ENSEMBLES) for periods 2021 to 2050 and 2071 to 2100. The information are expressed as change of air temperature and precipitation with respect to the simulated present (1971-2000) averaged over meteorological seasons and 50km grid boxes. Based on the ensemble, a high, central and low estimate of the possible future development is given.

  • The GRDC Freshwater Fluxes into the World’s Oceans is a web application provided by the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) to present the Freshwater Fluxes into the World’s Oceans data product. Continental freshwater input into the oceans is computed by the GRDC at irregular intervals, most recently in December 2020 referencing the time period 1901–2016. Previous data sets prepared in 2004, 2009 and 2014 are integrated into the service.

  • CO-MICC is a data portal for freshwater-related climate change risk assessment at multiple spatial scales. It is named after the research project during which it was developed, i.e. the CO-MICC (CO-development of Methods to utilize uncertain multi-model-based Information on freshwater-related hazards of Climate Change) project (2017-2021). The aim of CO-MICC is to support decision making in the public and private spheres dealing with future availability of freshwater resources. This climate service is operated and maintained by the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC), and more broadly by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology. The portal comprises data of over 80 indicators of freshwater-related hazards of climate change, which can be visualized in the form of global maps or interactive graphs. The indicators are dynamically calculated based on modelled annual and monthly gridded (0.5°) data sets of climate and hydrological variables. These data sets were computed by a multi-model ensemble comprising four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), four General Circulation Models (GCMs), three Global Hydrological Models (GHMs) and two variants per hydrological model, which amounts to 96 ensemble members in total. They were provided by three European research modelling teams that are part of the ISIMIP consortium. The indicator data correspond to absolute or relative changes averaged over future 30-year periods, as compared to the reference period 1981-2010.

  • Wasserschutzgebiete Baden-Württembergs sichtbar im Maßsabsbereich 1:1 bis 1:499925. Bereitgestellt vom LUBW.

  • Das Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG) stellt Ihnen im Internet Daten aus den Bereichen Altlasten, Baugrund, Bergbau, Bodenkunde, Geologie, Grundwasser und Rohstoffe in einer Web-Mapping Anwendung mit umfangreichen Anzeige- und Auswahlfunktionen für Niedersachsen zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus werden auch bundeslandübergreifende Daten, die in den Zuständigkeitsbereich des LBEG gehören, angeboten.

  • Past, present and future rainfall erosivity in central Europe calculated from convection-permitting climate simulations in COSMO-CLM using emission scenario RCP 8.5. A description of the dataset and methodology is given in the article "Past, present and future rainfall erosivity in central Europe based on convection-permitting climate simulations" by Magdalena Uber et al. (2024) in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (

  • The Global Terrestrial Network for River Discharge (GTN-R) is the river discharge component of the Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H) to support the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of the WMO (HWRP). The basic idea of the GTN-R project is to draw together the already available discharge data provided by the National Hydrological Services (NHS) and to redistribute it in a standardised way. Core component is the GCOS Baseline River Network of gauging stations located near the mouth of the world's major rivers. In cooperation with the Hydrological Services of the WMO Member States this network is continually being extended by confirmation of additional stations.GRDC contributes to the GTN-H by collection of discharge data. Access to GTN-R data follows GRDC's data policy of free and unrestricted but identified access and is limited to noncommercial applications. Use the GCOS/GTN-R stations catalogue to create your individual list of project stations for download via GRDC Data Portal.

  • Large-sample datasets are essential in hydrological science to support modelling studies and global assessments. This dataset is an extension to Caravan, a global community dataset of meteorological forcing data, catchment attributes, and discharge data for catchments around the world (Kratzert et al. 20231). The extension includes a subset of those hydrological discharge data and station-based watersheds from the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC), which are covered by an open data policy (Attribution 4.0 International; CC BY 4.0). In total, the dataset covers stations from 5357 catchments and 25 countries worldwide with a time series record from 1950 – 2022. GRDC is an international data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). Established in 1988, it holds the most substantive collection of quality assured river discharge data worldwide. Primary providers of river discharge data and associated metadata are the National Hydrological and Hydro-Meteorological Services of WMO Member States. 1Kratzert, F., Nearing, G., Addor, N. et al. Caravan - A global community dataset for large-sample hydrology. Sci Data 10, 61 (2023).

  • Die SedDB verbindet die für die Binnenwasserstraßen vorliegenden Feststofftransportdaten (Geschiebe und Schwebstoff aus Vollprofilmessungen) mit den sedimentologischen Daten der Gewässersohle (Kornverteilung, Schichtaufbau, Sohlbeschreibung etc.) in einer Datenhaltung und macht sie für morphologische Anwendungen (quantitative Fragestellungen), für ökologische und qualitativ-gewässerkundliche Fragestellungen verfügbar.

  • WMO Basins and Sub-Basins (WMOBB) is an ongoing GIS project of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). This dataset was created for the generation of GRDC map products and will be updated from time to time whenever extensions are required by future GRDC projects. At present the dataset comprises GIS layers of WMO Basins 2020 and WMO River Networks 2020.

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