Watershed Boundaries of approx. 7500 GRDC Stations generated on the basis of the HydroSHEDS drainage network (Lehner et al., 2008). The "Watershed Boundaries of GRDC Stations" are provided in GeoJSON format.
Die Internetplattform „WasserBLIcK“ wird gemeinsam von den obersten Wasserbehörden des Bundes und der Länder betrieben. „WasserBLIcK“ dient in erster Linie der Information und Kommunikation innerhalb der Wasserwirtschaftsverwaltungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Eine besondere Unterstutzung erfährt die Implementierung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie und das damit verbundene Datenmanagement und Berichtswesen. Zu diesem Zweck werden Daten im „WasserBLIcK“ durch eine Zugangskennung geschützt. Der Zugang zum Extranet der Wasserwirtschaftverwaltungen (WWV-intern) ist erst nach Registrierung am System möglich. Darüber hinaus haben Vertreter der Wasserwirtschaft und wasserwirtschaftlich interessierte Personen und Gruppen die Möglichkeit den Service der Plattform zu nutzen. Zum Teil sind Informationen damit öffentlich zugänglich. Das Informationsangebot in der Plattform wird ausschließlich von außen bereitgestellt. Weder die Beiträge aus den Verwaltungen noch die Beiträge aus der Kreisen der interessierten Öffentlichkeit werden an zentraler Stelle redaktionell bearbeitet.
GNSS Pegelmonitoring der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde. Inhalt sind alle relevanten Informationen zur Auswertung von GNSS-Beobachtungen aller GNSS-Stationen entlang der Deutschen Bucht, die einen Pegelbezug aufweisen. Dies beinhaltet neben den BfG eigenen Stationen auch sechs GREF-Stationen des Bundesamt fpr kartografie und Geodäsie (BKG). Neben Informationen zu den GNSS-Systemen werden auch aktuelle Höhendifferenzen zwischen den GNSS-Markern und den Pegelnullpunkten bereitgestellt. Die Stationen der BfG sind mit den Pegelanlagen fest verbunden (GNSS@tide gauge), während der Pegelbezug der sechs GREF Stationen im Rahmen einer Kooperation durch die WSV/BfG realisiert wird. BfG MapService 'KLIWAS_Projekt202', OGC:WMS 1.3.0
The Annual Characteristics and Long-Term Statistics offer basic hydrological statistics of timeseries data of the gauging stations being represented in the Global Runoff Database. Annual characteristics are derived from monthly discharge data, either through aggregated daily data or originally provided monthly data. Long-term statistics and long-term variability are derived from annual characteristics too.
The GEMStat Data Portal provides access to freshwater quality data and statistical vizualisations at different spatial scales. The data are voluntarily provided by countries and organizations worldwide within the framework of the GEMS/Water Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .
BfG MapService 'CC_GAR_Prec_2000_2100', OGC:WMS 1.3.0; The maps and data sets summarise climate change information resulting from a well defined ensemble of 14 regional climate simulations (mainly based on EU-ENSEMBLES) for periods 2021 to 2050 and 2071 to 2100. The information are expressed as change of air temperature and precipitation with respect to the simulated present (1971-2000) averaged over meteorological seasons and 50km grid boxes. Based on the ensemble, a high, central and low estimate of the possible future development is given.
In July 2022 we mapped the tidal area of the Elbe near Cuxhaven and Brunsbüttel. The data was gathered by UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with a RBG camera and a PDGNSS-Rover (Precice Differential Global Navigation Satellite System) in three areas: 1) Otterndorf at low tidal level (beach area), 2) Neufelderkoog at low tidal level (wadden area), 3) Neufeld at high tidal level (flooded reed area). For each area we provide a digital orthophoto and the correlation of the measurement timing to the local sea level. The measurements were obtained at the same time as the radar satellite Sentinel 1 crossed the area. The data is structured in three zip-archives corresponding to the study areas: 1) 20220712_Tnw_Otterndorf.zip: provides the time series data as comma-separated text files (CSV) provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 1,5 cm resolution, (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level, (c) timing of the UAV-flightlines and (d) two PDGNSS measurement series collected simultaneously as csv. (downloadable as 10.4 GB zip archive), 2) 20220712_Tnw_NeufelderkoogPriel.zip: provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 2 cm resolution and (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level (downloadable as 6,3 GB zip archive), 3) 20220720_Thw_Neufeld.zip: provides (a) a digital orthophoto at 2 cm resolution and (b) an overview jpg showing of the measurement times and the local sea level (downloadable as 8,4 GB zip archive). The data is used in the frame of the project "satellite based water-land-boundary detection" (Sat-Land-Fluss), as validation for Sentinel-1 derived water-land determinations. Sat-Land-Fluss was a R&D project lasting from 2020-2024, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport in the 4th project call "National Copernicus Application" (50EW2015).
The Global Terrestrial Network for River Discharge (GTN-R) is the river discharge component of the Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H) to support the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of the WMO (HWRP). The basic idea of the GTN-R project is to draw together the already available discharge data provided by the National Hydrological Services (NHS) and to redistribute it in a standardised way. Core component is the GCOS Baseline River Network of gauging stations located near the mouth of the world's major rivers. In cooperation with the Hydrological Services of the WMO Member States this network is continually being extended by confirmation of additional stations.GRDC contributes to the GTN-H by collection of discharge data. Access to GTN-R data follows GRDC's data policy of free and unrestricted but identified access and is limited to noncommercial applications. Use the GCOS/GTN-R stations catalogue to create your individual list of project stations for download via GRDC Data Portal.
Karte 3.5 stellt dar die mittlere jährliche Abflusshöhe der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als Rasterfelddarstellung in einer Auflösung von ca. 1km² bezogen auf den Zeitraum 1961-1990 (MhA 61-90). Die Abflusshöhe [mm/a] (bzw. Abflussspende [l/s*km²]) gibt den an einem bestimmten Gerinnequerschnitt beobachteten Durchfluss bezogen auf das zugehörige Einzugsgebiet wieder.
BfG MapService 'CC_GAR_Temp_2000_2050', OGC:WMS 1.3.0; The maps and data sets summarise climate change information resulting from a well defined ensemble of 14 regional climate simulations (mainly based on EU-ENSEMBLES) for periods 2021 to 2050 and 2071 to 2100. The information are expressed as change of air temperature and precipitation with respect to the simulated present (1971-2000) averaged over meteorological seasons and 50km grid boxes. Based on the ensemble, a high, central and low estimate of the possible future development is given.