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  • This landcover map was produced as an intermediate result in the course of the project incora (Inwertsetzung von Copernicus-Daten für die Raumbeobachtung, mFUND Förderkennzeichen: 19F2079C) in cooperation with ILS (Institut für Landes- und Stadtentwicklungsforschung gGmbH) and BBSR (Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung) funded by BMVI (Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure). The goal of incora is an analysis of settlement and infrastructure dynamics in Germany based on Copernicus Sentinel data. This classification is based on a time-series of monthly averaged, atmospherically corrected Sentinel-2 tiles (MAJA L3A-WASP:; DLR (2019): Sentinel-2 MSI - Level 2A (MAJA-Tiles)- Germany). It consists of the following landcover classes: 10: forest 20: low vegetation 30: water 40: built-up 50: bare soil 60: agriculture Potential training and validation areas were automatically extracted using spectral indices and their temporal variability from the Sentinel-2 data itself as well as the following auxiliary datasets: - OpenStreetMap (Map data copyrighted OpenStreetMap contributors and available from htttps:// - Copernicus HRL Imperviousness Status Map 2018 (© European Union, Copernicus Land Monitoring Service 2018, European Environment Agency (EEA)) - S2GLC Land Cover Map of Europe 2017 (Malinowski et al. 2020: Automated Production of Land Cover/Use Map of Europe Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(21), 3523; - Germany NUTS administrative areas 1:250000 (© GeoBasis-DE / BKG 2020 / dl-de/by-2-0 / - Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2019), processed by mundialis Processing was performed for blocks of federal states and individual maps were mosaicked afterwards. For each class 100,000 pixels from the potential training areas were extracted as training data. An exemplary validation of the classification results was perfomed for the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia as its open data policy allows for direct access to official data to be used as reference. Rules to convert relevant ATKIS Basis-DLM object classes to the incora nomenclature were defined. Subsequently, 5.000 reference points were randomly sampled and their classification in each case visually examined and, if necessary, revised to obtain a robust reference data set. The comparison of this reference data set with the incora classification yielded the following results: overall accuracy: 91.9% class: user's accuracy / producer's accuracy (number of reference points n) forest: 98.1% / 95.9% (1410) low vegetation: 76.4% / 91.5% (844) water: 98.4% / 92.8% (69) built-up: 99.2% / 97.4% (983) bare soil: 35.1% / 95.1% (41) agriculture: 95.9% / 85.3% (1653) Incora report with details on methods and results: pending

  • INSPIRE View Service for Digital Terrain Model Grid Width 200 m (DGM200). The Digital Terrain Model DGM200 describes the terrain forms of the earth’s surface by means of a point quantity arranged in a regular grid, which is georeferenced to planimetry and altimetry. The grid width is 200 m. The data provided through this service covers the area of Germany. Ground resolution: 200m

  • The digital terrain model of waterways for the estuary of river Elbe (DGM-W 2016) in high resolution based on airborne laser scanning and echo sounder data is produced and published by the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, WSV). The data includes the Outer Elbe and the tidally influenced side branches of the Elbe estuary upstream to the town Geesthacht. The data is available in a raster resolution of 1 meter. Coordinate reference system: EPSG 25852, ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N Elevation reference system: DHHN92, NHN Survey methods: Airborne laser scanning (ALS) 02. - 04.2016 Multibeam echo sounder, single beam echo sounder 2015-2017 It is strongly recommended to use the data source map for quality assessment.

  • The digital terrain model of waterways for the estuary of river Elbe (DGM-W 2022) in high resolution based on airborne laser scanning and echo sounder data is produced and published by the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes, WSV). The data includes the Outer Elbe and the tidally influenced tributaries and branches of the Elbe estuary upstream to the town Geesthacht. The data is available in a raster resolution of 1 meter. Coordinate reference system: EPSG 25852, ETRS89 / UTM Zone 32N Elevation reference system: DHHN2016, NHN Survey methods: Airborne laser scanning (ALS) 02.04.2022 - 19.04.2022 Multibeam echo sounder, single beam echo sounder 09.02.2017 - 09.04.2023 It is strongly recommended to use the data source map for quality assessment.

  • The hyperspectral instrument DESIS (DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) is one of four possible payloads of MUSES (Multi-User System for Earth Sensing), which is mounted on the International Space Station (ISS). DLR developed and delivered a Visual/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer to Teledyne Brown Engineering, which was responsible for integrating the instrument. Teledyne Brown designed and constructed, integrated and tested the platform before delivered to NASA. Teledyne Brown collaborates with DLR in several areas, including basic and applied research for use of data. DESIS is operated in the wavelength range from visible through the near infrared and enables precise data acquisition from Earth's surface for applications including fire-detection, change detection, maritime domain awareness, and atmospheric research. The spatial resolution is about 30m on ground. DESIS is sensitive between 400nm and 1000nm with a spectral resolution of about 3.3nm. Experimental products like the Forward Motion Compensation allow to observe the same area on ground by continuous rotating the mirror during forward motion. For more information concerning DESIS the reader is referred to

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