The data represent the calculated yields of wind farms in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in full load hours per wind farm expansion area, assuming an expansion of offshore wind energy in continuous expansion years. The calculations were carried out with the numerical weather model WRF using a parameterization of wind farms according to Fitch. The results refer to the areas in the North Sea and the meteorological year 2006. Reports on methodology, scenarios and results are available under the following links: Endbericht:, Ad-Hoc Analyse FEP Langzeitstatistik kontinuierlicherAusbau:, Annex zum Begleitgutachten FEP 2023 Revision 1:, Ad-Hoc Analyse Ertragsmodellierung von Ausbauszenarien:
INSPIRE theme Environmental Monitoring Facilities. The data of the Marine Environmental Monitoring Network contain information on water temperature, salinity, level and current at different depths, air temperature, wind speed and direction, air pressure, humidity of the North and Baltic Sea at the stations Darßer Schwelle, Ems, Fehmarn Belt, Nordseeboje lll, Nordseeboje ll, Arkona Basin, German Bight, Fino 1, Kiel, Oder Bank.
Data on the distribution of seabed sediments in the Baltic Sea of various classifications in a scale of 1:100.000. For more information, please visit:
The service contains the published status of the spatial stipulations of the site development plan as an additional source of information. The planning scale of the plan is 1:400,000. The published documents are authoritative.