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  • Considering water as the primary resource necessary for social life, agriculture, industry, and wealth, the importance of groundwater investigation is clear. Apart from many other pollutants, this work focusses on geogenic uranium (U) and radium (Ra), which both stand for natural radionuclides (NORM) that need to be considered frame of groundwater exploration and monitoring programmes due to their specific mobility and chemo-/radiotoxicity. As investigation of U and – to a lesser extent - Ra is done by an increasing number of scientific working groups, the global dataset is improving continuously. In order to give a summarized overview on available and recent literature, scientific papers, reports, and governmental documents have been reviewed for U-238 mass concentrations and Ra-226 and Ra-228 activity concentrations and collected in tables and global maps. Further natural isotopes of U and Ra have been rarely subject of investigation. The collected data were evaluated and interpreted in frame of an associated scientific publication (see citation). From the available data it can be concluded that high geogenic U occur mainly under oxidizing conditions and carbonate rich groundwater, which might be seen as indicator for elevated U concentrations. Certain geological formations, as for example sedimentary, granitic, and volcanic host rocks, promote high U concentrations in groundwater. For geogenic Ra, the search for definite indications proved difficult, since less clear correlation is given for any observed factor. In a global perspective, the most promising evidence for elevated Ra are highly reducing redox conditions, as well as the occurrence of Fe/Mn mineral phases. Furthermore, barite represents a sink for Ra due to its ability to incorporate Ra isotopes. Dissolution of those mineral phases eventually results in co-dissolution of Ra, when Ra is found in host rocks of investigated aquifers, or downstream of such groundwater reservoirs. Furthermore, cation exchange might enhance Ra mobility process, especially in case of sedimentary aquifers with low sorption capacity and/or aquifers with high salinity. Given those chemical requirements for the occurrence of U and Ra, a negative correlation between mother and daughter nuclide can be established. When knowledge on present geological and geochemical constraints is available, elevated U and Ra concentrations might be predictable, as long as anthropogenic influence is excluded.

  • Der WMS-Dienst Grundlagendaten der mit Nitrat belasteten Gebiete nach §13a Düngeverordnung enthält die zur Erstellung der Gebiete nach §5, §13a Düngeverordnung und §38a WHG verwendeten Grundlagendaten. Dazu gehören: Grundwasserkörper (GWK), Zustand der GWK hinsichtlich Nitrat, Die Ermittlung der Nitrataustragsgefährdung nach §7 AVV Gebietsausweisung (GeA), Die Ermittlung der potentiellen Nitratausträge gemäß §8 AVV GeA

  • GNSS Pegelmonitoring der Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde. Inhalt sind alle relevanten Informationen zur Auswertung von GNSS-Beobachtungen aller GNSS-Stationen entlang der Deutschen Bucht, die einen Pegelbezug aufweisen. Dies beinhaltet neben den BfG eigenen Stationen auch sechs GREF-Stationen des Bundesamt fpr kartografie und Geodäsie (BKG). Neben Informationen zu den GNSS-Systemen werden auch aktuelle Höhendifferenzen zwischen den GNSS-Markern und den Pegelnullpunkten bereitgestellt. Die Stationen der BfG sind mit den Pegelanlagen fest verbunden (GNSS@tide gauge), während der Pegelbezug der sechs GREF Stationen im Rahmen einer Kooperation durch die WSV/BfG realisiert wird. BfG MapService 'KLIWAS_Projekt202', OGC:WMS 1.3.0

  • The WMS GÜK250 (INSPIRE) represents the surface geology of Germany on a scale of 1:250,000. In general, the term “surface geology” refers to geologic formations up to a depth of two meters. However, particularly in the south of Germany, considerable deviations of this concept exist and thicknesses of a couple of hundred meters may be displayed. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The GÜK250 (INSPIRE) contains a base layer and an overlay layer which usually represents thin Quaternary deposits. The WMS GÜK250 (INSPIRE) contains correspondingly two layers for the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer). Additionally the WMS comprises layers representing the faults (GE.GeologicFault), marginal position of the ice shield (GE. NaturalGeomorphologicFeature) and quartz veins (GE.GeologicUnit.QuartzVein). The layers are mostly displayed according to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer.AgeOfRocks and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer.AgeOfRocks, stored in group layer GE.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.BaseLayer.Lithology and GE.GeologicUnit.OverlayLayer.Lithology, stored in group layer GE.Lithology). Because INSPIRE doesn’t provide portrayal rules for the genesis (event process und event environment), this display mode is not available compared to the original WMS GÜK250. In case of different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Pleistocene - Holocene, the portrayal is defined by the colour of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the rock or rock group representing the main part of the petrographic composition of the geologic unit. For the portrayal of different petrographic main components the corresponding colours are superimposed in a dot pattern. Analogous to the original WMS GÜK250 the petrographic content is represented graphically according to the generic terms of the main components, e.g. clastic sedimentary rock, pure carbonate sedimentary rock or metamorphic rock. In case of the geologic units the user obtains detailed information on the stratigraphy, lithology and genesis via the getFeatureInfo request.

  • The WMS Nicht-konventionelle KW (INSPIRE) presents the results of the NiKo project according to data specifications Energy Resources (D2.8.III.20) und Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0). NiKo stands for „unconventional hydrocarbons“, „Nicht-konventionelle Kohlenwasserstoffe“ in German. In the NiKo project the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) has investigated the potential resources for shale oil and shale gas in Germany. The study was published in 2016 as a report titled „Schieferöl und Schiefergas in Deutschland – Ressourcen und Umweltaspekte“ (available in German only). The colloquial terms shale oil and shale gas refer to oil and natural gas resources in sedimentary shale rock formations, with high organic matter content. In the study, seven formations were identified to have a shale oil and/or gas potential in Germany and their distribution has been mapped in small scale. For each of the formations the organic-rich facies distribution is provided as layer and, if appropriate, the regional potential resource distribution: Fischschiefer (Oligocene), Blättertone (Barremium - Lower-Aptian), Wealden (Berriasium), Posidonienschiefer (Lower-Toarcium), Middel-Rhaetium (Oberkeuper), Permokarbon (Stefanium - Rotliegend) und Lower Carboniferous (Upper Alaunschiefer (Kulm-Facies) + Kohlenkalk-Facies). According to the overview maps in the report the following layers are provided, omitting however the sub-category “possible potential regions”. Bituminous facies distribution (0-5000 m depth) – data specification Geology: GE.GeologicUnit.Fischschiefer_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Blaettertone_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Wealden_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Posidonienschiefer_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Mittelrhaetium_black_shale_thicker_20m_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Permokarbon_black_shale_distribution, GE.GeologicUnit.Unterkarbon_Hangende_Alaunschiefer_distribution und GE.GeologicUnit.Unterkarbon_Kohlenkalk Facies layers are coloured according to the corresponding oldest formation age (olderNamedAge). Distribution shale oil and shale gas – potential resources (1000 - 5000 m depth) – data specification Energy Resources: ER.FossilFuelRessource.Blaettertone, ER.FossilFuelRessource.Wealden, ER.FossilFuelRessource.Posidonienschiefer, ER.FossilFuelRessource.Mittelrhaetschiefer, ER.FossilFuelRessource.Permokarbon und ER.FossilFuelRessource.Unterkarbon The shale oil and shale gas distribution layers are not coloured according to INSPIRE guidelines, but rather as common international practice in green and red, respectively. The distribution maps of the potential resources for shale oil and gas are based on geoscientific criteria. Further non-geoscientific limiting criteria, e.g. exclusion areas, have not been taken into account for the assessment. These assessments are based on appraisements of input parameters naturally with large uncertainties for the potential resources and their distribution in the deep underground. Based on the incipient exploration status of unconventionals in Germany, these resources are considered as undiscovered. The assessed shale oil and gas resources for Germany, represent the order of magnitude of potential resources. Source: BGR 2016 - Schieferöl und Schieferöl in Deutschland in 2016: - Potenziale und Umweltaspekte https://www.bgr.bund.de/DE/Themen/Energie/Downloads/Abschlussbericht_13MB_Schieferoelgaspotenzial_Deutschland_2016.html

  • During the period from 1974 to 2018 various cruises from BGR acquired seismic lines worldwide. The aim of these marine expeditions was a detailed survey of the geological structure.

  • The “Geological Map of Germany 1:1,000,000 OneGeology-Europe (GK1000-1GE)” shows Germany’s surface geology: All geological units are described by their age (stratigraphy) and composition (lithology). The geological units and terms used in this map were semantically harmonized within the OneGeology-Europe project and have been - in a number of regions - geometrically and semantically made consistent with the neighbouring OneGeology-Europe participants.

  • The study of the geodynamic evolution of the Arctic continental margin and opening of the Arctic Ocean represents a primary target of BGR research and is studied within the frame of the CASE programme. In addition to onshore geological investigations, BGR conducts airborne aeromagnetic surveys. The available service contains the results of aeromagnetic surveys from the CASE program as well as cooperation projects (PMAP, NARES & NOGRAM), which were obtained with helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft in the Arctic.

  • The WMS D-AERO (INSPIRE) comprises airborne geophysical surveys for mapping the shallow subsurface in Germany. Since the eighties BGR carries out helicopter borne measurements in Germany as well as in neighbouring and distant countries. In particular a series of continuous areas on the German North Sea coast are flown during the last years within the context of the D-AERO project. The helicopter of type Sikorsky S-76B is operated for the airborne geophysical survey of the earth's subsurface. Usually airborne electromagnetic, magnetic and radiometric measurements are carried out. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0, sub-theme Geophysics) the information with respect to the airborne geophysical surveys is INSPIRE-compliant. The WMS D-AERO (INSPIRE) contains for each airborne geophysical survey one layer, e.g. GE.flightLine.G081Cuxhaven. The flightlines are displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. Via the getFeatureInfo request, the user obtains the content of the INSPIRE attributes platformType und profileType. Additionally, the WMS contains a campaign layer (GE.airborneGeophysicalSurvey) with the INSPIRE attributes campaignType and surveyType.

  • The IGME5000-EU (INSPIRE) represents the pre-quaternary bedrock geology (onshore and offshore) of the European map on a scale of 1:5,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS IGME5000-EU contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) and faults (GE.GeologicFault) mostly displayed according to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Ordovician - Silurian, the portrayal is defined by the color of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock or rock group. In case of the geologic units the user obtains detailed information via the getFeatureInfo request on the lithology and stratigraphy (age).

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