Die Katalogschnittstelle (CSW) beschreibt den Datenbestand von GENESIS-Online (Bund) des Statistischen Bundesamtes. Diese Katalogschnittstelle beinhaltet sämtliche Daten für Deutschland. Es gibt noch 16 weitere Katalogschnittstellen dieser Reihe, die die Daten der 16 Bundesländer bereitstellen.
Accumulated radar data (RADOLAN SF product) added up to 30 days. Data only within Germany. Refresh interval: daily
Compilation of the European Pre-Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. The map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale („multi-resolution“-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2016 September). According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Pre-Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock or rock group. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).
Deutschland Ausschnitt
Radarbilder RX (Radardaten ohne Korrektur) des operationellen DWD-Radarverbundes - Radar images RX (Radardata without scaling)from the operational DWD radar composite
The IGME5000-DE (INSPIRE) represents the pre-quaternary bedrock geology (section of Germany) of the European map on a scale of 1:5,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the geological map is stored in two INSPIRE-compliant GML files: IGME5000-DE_GeologicUnit.gml contains the geologic units and IGME5000-DE_GeologicStructure.gml comprises the faults. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (IGME5000-DE-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
Radarbilder RW des operationellen DWD-Radarverbundes - Radar images RW from the operational DWD radar composite
Compilation of the European Pre-Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. The map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale („multi-resolution“-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2016 September). According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the geological map is stored in a INSPIRE-compliant GML file: EMODnet-DE_Pre-Quaternary_GeologicUnit.gml contains the geologic units. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (EMODnet-DE_Pre-Quaternary-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML file content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
Radarbilder RW des operationellen DWD-Radarverbundes - Radar images RW from the operational DWD radar composite
Karten zu mittlerer, minimaler und maximaler Temperatur (2m), Niederschlag, Sonnenscheindauer für Deutschland; jeweils Jahres- und Monatsreferenz als langjähriger Mittelwert (1961-1990) abgeleitet aus Messungen der Stationen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. Der GeoServer des DWD stellt Jahresreferenzkarten bereit. Diese sind unter folgenden Bezeichnungen zu finden: TAMM_17_1961_30 (Durchschnittstemperatur), TADNMM_17_1961_30 (mittlere Minimaltemperatur), TADXMM_17_1961_30 (mittlere Maximaltemperatur), SDMS_17_1961_30 (Sonnenscheindauer), RSMS_17_1961_30 (Niederschlag). Monatbezogene Rasterdaten und weitere Parameter stehen zum Download auf dem CDC-FTP-Server bereit. Generelle Informationen zum Datenangebot des CDC, sowie Erläuterungen zu den Nutzungsrechten sind zu finden unter: ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC .