

146967 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 146967
  • Das Liegenschaftskataster wird in elektronischer Form im Amtlichen Liegenschaftskatasterinformationssystem (ALKIS) geführt. Der vorliegende Web Feature Service ermöglicht das gezielte Herunterladen von in ALKIS geführten GeoObjekten zum Themenbereich Verwaltunggrenzen (Verwaltungseinheiten, Katasterbezirke). Der Dienst ist konzipiert zur Nutzung in einfachen praxisgängigen GIS-Clients ohne komplexe Funktionalitäten.

  • Busliniennetz der Göttinger Verkehrsbetriebe. Dies beinhaltet das Liniennetz im Stadtgebiet der Stadt Göttingen sowie Bovenden und Rosdorf. Das Liniennetz der Überlandbusse sind nicht enthalten.

  • Friedhöfe im Stadtgebiet der Stadt Göttingen. Der Datensatz enthält folgende Informationen: OBJEKT, ADRESSE, ORTSTEIL, ORGANISATI, ART, KATEGORIE, EBENE, LINK, FOTO, ID_QUELLE, ID_UNIQUE, GEOMETRIE, EPSG.

  • Two strong eruptions of Stromboli Volcano (38.789°N 15.213°E, 920 m) occurred on July 3rd and August 28th 2019. This data set provides the infrasound records in terms of raw pressure data in Pascal of both eruptions available at BGR’s infrasound array I26DE in Germany as well as infrasound arrays OHP and CEA in France. The publication “Using dense seismo-acoustic network to provide timely warning of the 2019 paroxysmal Stromboli eruptions” (Le Pichon et al., 2021, Scientific Reports) provides further details on this data set and its scientific application. Data format: The data are provided as ASCII files (separate file for each infrasound sensor and hour of measurement, plus a README file).

  • Die Stadtgrenze entspricht dem Verwaltungsgebiet der Stadt Göttingen. Das Gebiet wird mittels eines Polygons dargestellt. Der Datensatz enthält folgende Informationen: Id; Flaeche; lenght; GEOMETRIE; EPSG

  • Protected Sites of Germany, derived from the german digital landscape model at scale 1:250000. Mapped via EuroRegionalMap to satisfy INSPIRE and European Location Framework conformance. The dataset is available as Open Data.

  • Dieser Dienst liefert die Blattschnitteinteilung des (historischen) Topographischen Atlas 1:50000 für das Großherzogtum Baden und das Königreich Württemberg mit den Attributen Blattnummer, Blattnamen sowie Ausgabejahr.

  • INSPIRE theme Water Transport Network (shipping routes). The maritime data of the BSH for INSPIRE Transport Networks describe the water transport network for maritime navigation in the area of responsibility of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) as well as its associated infrastructure facilities.

  • INSPIRE theme Planned Land Use (Marine Spatial Planning). Provision of marine spatial planning exclusive economic zone of Germany.

  • The IGME5000-EU (INSPIRE) represents the pre-quaternary bedrock geology (onshore and offshore) of the European map on a scale of 1:5,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS IGME5000-EU contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) and faults (GE.GeologicFault) mostly displayed according to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Ordovician - Silurian, the portrayal is defined by the color of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock or rock group. In case of the geologic units the user obtains detailed information via the getFeatureInfo request on the lithology and stratigraphy (age).

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