


173548 record(s)


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  • Der Datensatz beinhaltet Daten aller derzeit in ihrer Ausdehnung, Erhaltung und wissenschaftlichen Qualität hinreichend bekannten Schutzzonen ausgewiesenen archäologischen Welterbestätten (Haithabu und Danewerk). Die Schutzzonen sind nach §§ 10 und 24 DSchG SH 2015 in einer Denkmalliste verzeichnet. Die Denkmallisten und die darauf basierenden Schutzflächenkartierungen sind nicht abschließend. Bei allen Vorhaben, Maßnahmen und alle beeinträchtigenden oder gefährdenden Maßnahmen in Welterbestätten ist eine Beteiligung des Archäologischen Landesamtes Schleswig-Holstein bzw. der unteren Denkmalschutzbehörden nach §§ 4 und 12 DSchG SH 2015 erforderlich. Ausführliche Informationen sowie Zugang zu den Denkmallisten erhalten Sie unter *Gesetz zum Schutz der Denkmale (Denkmalschutzgesetz) vom 30. Dezember 2014, GVOBl. Schl.-H. Ausgabe 29. Januar 2015

  • INSPIRE theme Planned Land Use (Marine Spatial Planning). Provision of marine spatial planning exclusive economic zone of Germany.

  • INSPIRE theme Existing Land Use

  • The Global Urban Footprint® (GUF®) dataset is based on the radar (SAR) satellite imagery of the German satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X. By creating the GUF database, scientists at the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) have succeeded in using a newly developed method to generate a global raster map of the world’s built-up pattern in a so far unprecedented spatial resolution of about 12m per raster cell. Using a fully automated processing system, a global coverage of more than 180,000 very high resolution SAR images (3m ground resolution) has been analyzed acquired between 2010 and 2013. Thereby, the backscatter amplitudes of the SAR data have been used in combination with derived textural information to delineate human settlements in a highly automated, complex decision-making process. The evaluation procedure based mainly on radar signals detects the characteristic vertical structures of human habitations – primarily built-up areas. In addition, auxiliary data such as digital elevation models have been included to improve the classification process. In total, over 20 million datasets were processed with a combined volume of about 320 terabytes. The final global maps show three coverage categories (e. g. in a B/W representation): Built-up areas (vertical structures only) in black, non-built-up surfaces in white, areas of no coverage by TSX/TDX satellites (NoData) as most parts of the oceans in grey. The final product has been optimized for fast online access through web services by merging the 5 x 5 degree GUF tiles into a single global mosaic. Furthermore reduced resolution overviews have been generated with an interpolation algorithm, that computes the average value of all contribution pixels. The global mosaic uses PackBits compression to reduce file size. (GUF® and Global Urban Footprint® are protected as trademarks.)

  • A large number of offshore projects are planned and implemented in the German Exclusive Economic Zone or on the continental shelf. These include wind farm projects, the connection of wind farms to the power grid by means of so-called grid connection systems, the construction and laying of other submarine cables and pipelines, the installation of measuring points and finally the performance of research activities.

  • Data on administrative boundaries, existing and planned uses as well as planning area definitions from the field of maritime spatial planning within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Germany (EEZ). This data is provided by Continental Shelf Information Systems (CONTIS).

  • The data set contains the spatial designations of the maritime spatial plan published on 1 September 2021 as an additional information service. The planning scale is 1: 400,000. The binding documents are available at

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