


71235 record(s)


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  • This collection contains radar image products of the German national TerraSAR-X mission acquired in ScanSAR mode. ScanSAR imaging allows for a spatial resolution of up to 18.5 m at a scene size of 100 km (across swath) x 150-1650 km (in orbit direction) in regular ScanSAR mode (4 beams) and up to 270 km (across swath) x 200-1500 km (in orbit direction) in Wide ScanSAR mode (6 beams). TerraSAR-X is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting, all-weather, day-and-night X-band radar earth observation mission realized in the frame of a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Airbus Defence and Space. For more information concerning the TerraSAR-X mission, the reader is referred to:

  • E-SAR, “Experimental-SAR”, is an airborne imaging radar (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor operated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Microwaves and Radar Institute (HR) from 1988 until November 2009. It was operated on a Dornier Do-228 aircraft from altitudes of 2000 to 6000 m above ground in four different center frequency bands (X,C,L,P). Different center frequencies were operated sequentially in different overflights. Data were acquired either in one-channel, two-channel or four-channel mode in HH, HV, VV and/or VH polarization. Fully polarimetric data are available in L- and P-band only. Repeat-pass interferometry is available in L- and P-band. Single-pass interferometry is available in X-band only, in along- and across-track antenna configuration. Data are processed up to two different levels: RGI (Radar Geometry Image product) and GTC (Geocoded and Terrain-Corrected product). Resolutions range from 25 cm (X-band) to 1.5 m (P-band) in azimuth direction and from 1.8 m (X-band) to 3 m (P-band) in range direction. Data acquisition modes are “stripmap”, “repeat-pass” (two parallel tracks) or “tomography” (several parallel tracks). For more information concerning E-SAR data, the reader is referred to:

  • Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations.

  • Indian Remote Sensing satellites (IRS) are a series of Earth Observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by Indian Space Research Organisation. The IRS series provides many remote sensing services to India and international ground stations. With 5 m resolution and products covering areas up to 23.5 km x 23.5 km IRS LISS-IV multispectral data provide a cost effective solution for mapping tasks up to 1:25'000 scale.

  • This land cover classification of Germany was created using Sentinel-2 imagery from the years 2015 to 2017 and LUCAS 2015 in-situ reference data ( It contains seven land cover types: (1) artificial land, (2) open soil, (3) high seasonal vegetation, (4) high perennial vegetation, (5) low seasonal vegetation, (6) low perennial vegetation and (7) water with a spatial resolution of 10m x 10m. For further information, please see the following publication:

  • This collection contains radar image products of the German national TerraSAR-X mission acquired in High Resolution Spotlight mode. High Resolution Spotlight imaging allows for a spatial resolution of up to 1 m at a scene size of 10 km (across swath) x 5 km (in orbit direction). TerraSAR-X is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting, all-weather, day-and-night X-band radar earth observation mission realized in the frame of a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Airbus Defence and Space. For more information concerning the TerraSAR-X mission, the reader is referred to:

  • DBFSAR, "Digital Beam Forming SAR", is an airborne very-high-resolution imaging radar (Synthetic Aperture Radar) sensor presently operated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Microwaves and Radar Institute (HR) since November 29, 2016. It is operated on a Dornier Do-228 aircraft from altitudes of 2000 to 6000 m above ground in X-band (3 cm wavelength) only, featuring four transmit (operated sequentially) and twelve parallel receive channels. Depending on antenna deployment, it is either fully polarimetric (HH,HV,VV,VH), inetrferomtric in along- and/or across-track mode, or can be operated as a digital beamforming SAR. It has full repeat-pass capabilities. Data are processed up to three different levels: RGI (Radar Geometry Image product), INF (Interferometric product) and GTC (Geocoded and Terrain-Corrected product). The data acquisition modes are selected based on the individually planned experiments. Achieved resolutions are presently 10 cm in azimuth and 17 cm in range but will go down significantly below 10 cm in both directions.

  • This collection contains radar image products of the German national TerraSAR-X mission acquired in Spotlight mode. Spotlight imaging allows for a spatial resolution of up to 2 m at a scene size of 10 km (across swath) x 10 km (in orbit direction). TerraSAR-X is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting, all-weather, day-and-night X-band radar earth observation mission realized in the frame of a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Airbus Defence and Space. For more information concerning the TerraSAR-X mission, the reader is referred to:

  • The SkySat constellation is comprised of 21 micro satellites with a size of 60 x 60 x 80 cm. SkySats can be tasked to acquire panchromatic and multispectral images of the Earth in high resolution (up to 50 centimeter) and at sub-daily frequency. They can also capture stereo imagery and video footage for up to 90 seconds. The first SkySat was launched in 2013, whereas higher resolution SkySat-C generation satellites were first launched in 2016. The SkySat constellation is owned and operated by Planet. The SkySat imagery of this collection covers specific test sites. The data has been purchased by the German Space Agency with funds from the Ministry of Economy and is available for Germany-based researchers for scientific use. The data collection is maintained by the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) of DLR’s Earth Observation Center and can be accessed via the EOWEB Geoportal. This collection comprises SkySat Collect products. The Ortho Collect product is created by composing SkySat Ortho Scenes along an imaging strip into segments typically unifying approximately 60 SkySat Ortho Scenes. It includes multispectral (BGRN) as well as the panchromatic (PAN) assets. Radiometric corrections to correct for any sensor artifacts and transformation to top-of-atmosphere radiance are applied. If available, the atmospherically corrected Surface Reflectance layer is included. For more details see:

  • This collection contains radar image products of the German national TerraSAR-X mission acquired in StripMap mode. StripMap imaging allows for a spatial resolution of up to 3 m at a scene size of 30 km (across swath) x 50-1650 km (in orbit direction). TerraSAR-X is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting, all-weather, day-and-night X-band radar earth observation mission realized in the frame of a public-private partnership between the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Airbus Defence and Space. For more information concerning the TerraSAR-X mission, the reader is referred to:

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