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  • This dataset is a derivative of the WSF3D raster dataset tailored for the web. As a tiled vector dataset, it enables dynamic client-side visualization of the WSF3D metrics

  • The EnMAP HSI L0 Quicklooks collection contains the VNIR and SWIR quicklook images as well as the quality masks for haze, cloud, or snow; based on the latest atmospheric correction methodology of the land processor. It allows users to get an overview which L0 data has been acquired and archived since the operational start of the EnMAP mission and which data is potentially available for on-demand processing into higher level products with specific processing parameters via the EOWEB-GeoPortal. The database is constantly updated with newly acquired L0 data. The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission that monitors and characterizes Earth’s environment on a global scale. EnMAP delivers accurate data that provides information on the status and evolution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, supporting environmental monitoring, management, and decision-making. For more information, please see the mission website:

  • The hyperspectral instrument DESIS (DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer) is one of four possible payloads of MUSES (Multi-User System for Earth Sensing), which is mounted on the International Space Station (ISS). DLR developed and delivered a Visual/Near-Infrared Imaging Spectrometer to Teledyne Brown Engineering, which was responsible for integrating the instrument. Teledyne Brown designed and constructed, integrated and tested the platform before delivered to NASA. Teledyne Brown collaborates with DLR in several areas, including basic and applied research for use of data. DESIS is operated in the wavelength range from visible through the near infrared and enables precise data acquisition from Earth's surface for applications including fire-detection, change detection, maritime domain awareness, and atmospheric research. Three product types can be ordered, which are Level 1B (systematic and radiometric corrected), Level 1C (geometrically corrected) and Level 2A (atmospherically corrected). The spatial resolution is about 30m on ground. DESIS is sensitive between 400nm and 1000nm with a spectral resolution of about 3.3nm. DESIS data are delivered in tiles of about 30x30km. For more information concerning DESIS the reader is referred to

  • The objective of the pan-European project CORINE Land Cover (CLC) is the provision of a unique and comparable data set of land cover for Europe and the delivery of regular updates to register also the land cover and land use changes over time. It is part of the European Union programme CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment). The mapping of the land cover and land use was performed on the basis of satellite remote sensing images. The first CLC data base CLC1990, which was finalized in the 1990s, consistently provided land use information comprising 44 classes, out of which 37 classes are relevant in Germany. The first two updates for Europe were based on the reference years 2000 and 2006. For Germany, DLR-DFD was responsible for the creation of CLC2000 and CLC2006 on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency. In addition to the updated land cover, change datasets were also parts of the project. For deriving a meaningful CLC2000 change product, it became necessary to re-interprete parts of the satellite data of 1990 and to create a revised product, called CLC1990 (rev). Further details:

  • The FireBIRD mission consists of two small satellites, TET-1 and BIROS. Together, the two satellites are on an Earth observation mission that aims to detect forest fires, or high-temperature events, from space. The new infrared system provides high-quality data that is capable of measuring the spread of the fire and the amount of heat generated with great accuracy very early on - almost in real time - meaning that FireBIRD can serve as an early warning system. The data acquired from this Earth observation mission can also be used as a basis for scientific climate research. In addition to the main payload of the cameras, further experiments have been planned for developing the technology on board the small satellites. Further information can be found on the following website: and in the FireBIRD brochure available at:

  • This collection contains Sentinel-2 Level 2A surface reflectances, which are computed for the country of Germany using the time-series based MAJA processor. During the Level 2A processing, the data are corrected for atmospheric effects and clouds and their shadows are detected. The MAJA L2A product is available online for the last 12 months. Further data are kept in the archive and are available upon request. Please see for additional information on the MAJA product. The MAJA product offers an alternative to the official ESA L2A product and has been processed with consideration of the characteristics of the Sentinel-2 mission (fast collection of time series, constant sensor perspective, and global coverage). Assumptions about the temporal constancy of the ground cover are taken into account for a robust detection of clouds and a more flexible determination of aerosol properties. As a result, an improved determination of the reflectance of sunlight at the earth's surface (pixel values of the multispectral image) is derived. Further Sentinel-2 Level 2A data computed using MAJA are available on the following website:

  • Digitale Orthophotos (Luftbilder) 2015 für das Stadtgebiet in unbelaubtem Zustand, 10 cm Bodenauflösung

  • The product shows forest structure information on canopy height, total canopy cover and Above-ground biomass density (AGBD) in Germany as annual products from 2017 to 2022 in 10 m spatial resolution. The products were generated using a machine learning modelling approach that combines complementary spaceborne remote sensing sensors, namely GEDI (Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation; NASA; full-waveform LiDAR), Sentinel-1 (Synthetic-Aperture-Radar; ESA, C-band) and Sentinel-2 (Multispectral Instrument; ESA; VIS-NIR-SWIR). Sample estimates on forest structure from GEDI were modelled in 10 m spatial resolution as annual products based on spatio-temporal composites from Sentinel-1 and -2 for six years (2017 to 2022). The derived products are the first consistent data sets on canopy height, total canopy cover and AGBD for Germany which enable a quantitative assessment of recent forest structure dynamics, e.g. in the context of repeated drought events since 2018. The full description of the method and results can be found in the publication of Kacic et al. (2023).

  • This serie clc5 describes the landscape according to the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) nomenclature. These classes contain mainly information about landcover mixed with some aspects of landuse. CLC5 is based on the more detailed German landcover model (LBM-DE) which uses separate classes for landcover and landuse and attribute-information about percentage of vegetation and sealing. The mimimum unit for an object is 1 ha. For the CLC5 dataset landcover and landuse classes are combined to unique CLC-classes taking into account the percentage of vegetation and sealing, followed by a generalisation process.

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