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  • The hydrological model DIMOSOP was run by University of Brescia with three different atmospheric forcings and different runoff forecast times. For more information on the model please contact the originator. Basins: Brenta at Bassano, Avisio at Stramentizzo, Noce at S.Giustina, Sarca at Maso Gobbo, Chiese at Lago Idro, Mella at Stocchetta, Oglio at Sarnico, Chiese at Malga Bissina, Lago d Arno, Lago d Avio, Cismon at Corlo, Toce at Candoglia, Rio del Sabbione at Sabbione, Gries at Morasco, T.Roni at Toggia, Rio d Arbola at Codelago, Melezzo at Masera, Bogna at Pontecaddo, Toce at Pontemaglio, Anza at Piedimulera, Isorno at Pontetto, Diveria at Crevoladossola, Ovesca at Villadossola, Anza at Ceppo Morelli, Diga Antrona, Ciampere at Avino, Ovesca at Alpe Cavalli, Devero at Agaro, Lago Busin, Lago Vannino, Taro at Pontetaro, Taro at S.Secondo, Cismon at Corlo

  • LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoff Simulation Model BW= Baden-Wuerttemberg) is described in "Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie", Band 22. 2006 (Ludwig, K.; Bremicker, M.: The water Balance Model LARSIM) The calculated results from LARSIM for the gauges Murg at Rotenfels and Kinzig at Schwaibach were handed over. The results are calcultaed in operational mode of the flood forecasting centre Karlsruhe (HVZ). The forecasts were corrected with ARIMA (0,1,0), i.e. the forecasted discharges were shifted with a constant amount, so, that the first forecast value attaches directly to the last measured value. During low water periods, the forecast is adapted to the average value of the last 24 h of the measured values. The forecasts were calculated for 72 hours. The runs driven by the DWD forecast LMK takes the LMK (new name: COSMO-DE) for the first 21 hours and then the LME-forecast. The runs called LME take only the LME (new name: COSMO-EU) forecast into accuont. For the period up to the forecast time measured values were used. The model uses precipitation, temperature, wind velocity, dew point or rel. humidity and the solar radiation. The measurement network uses the stations of the German Weatherservice DWD, the stations of the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg (called "LUBW Luft" and "LUBW Ombro") and stations of third parties. The measurement network is very dense, but the equipement of the different stations may be dissimilar. You can see the network of the precipitation stations at -> Niederschlag -> Stationskarte. The forecasts were performed by the Flood Forecasting Centre Karlsruhe (HVZ) with its operational model "Oberrheinzf" (for Oberrheinzufluesse = tributaries of the river Rhine). The HVZ is part of the "Landesanstalt fuer Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg" (LUBW)". The model covers the region: 7°42' / 48°04' und 8°33' / 49°02'

  • Hydrological forecasts with hydrological model LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoof Simulation Model, BY=Bavaria, Conceptual RR-model. Forecast depth: 72 hours.) for rivers Iller and Lech (DE) driven by numerical weather prediction models LME, GME, GFS. The runs were performed by "Wasserwirtschaftsamt Kempten" (WWA-KE).

  • The goal of the experiment is to drive FEST, a rainfall-runoff distributed model with continuous soil moisture account, with ensemble forecasts from COSMO-LEPS (CLEPS) and with forecasts from ISACMOL2. The application domain is the Toce-Ticino and Maggia watershed. Hydrograph simulations and alerts are provided for Candoglia (Toce), Solduno (Maggia) and Bellinzona (Ticino). The runs were provided by Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi), Italy.

  • FOEN is using the Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) with the hydrological model HBV for operational flood forecasts in the swiss part of the Rhine basin. With respect to MAP D-PHASE FEWS has been extended to use COSMOCH2, COCH7COR, CLEPS and PEPS. COSMOCH7 and ECMWF have been used already before for operational flood forecasting. Forecasts are issued normally during working days from Monday to Friday with t0 at 05 UTC. Updating of HBV up to time t0 (normally at 05 UTC) is done with meteorological data from MeteoSwiss (ANETZ, 1h resolution) and hydrological data from FOEN for 60 subbasins. After t0 HBV is driven by the meteorological models mentioned above. Forecasts for 12 selected hydrological stations are provided for MAP D-Phase. For MAP D-Phase, the model update of HBV based on meteorological station data is compared with an update driven by radar precipitation. The initial states for the hydrological forecasts are always based on the update driven by meteorological station data. Data providers: Observed meteorology (1h-resolution): MeteoSwiss (ANETZ data, Areal radar precipitation) CLEPS, COSMOCH2, COSMOCH7, COCH7COR and ECMWF: MeteoSwiss PEPS: DWD Observed discharge and waterstage (1h-resolution): Swiss Federal Office for Environment FOEN, Landesanstalt fuer Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg LUBW (for german tributaries), Abteilung Wasserwirtschaft Vorarlberg (for austrian tributaries) Basins: Aare-Brugg, Aare-Murgenthal, Emme-Emmenmatt, Kleine Emme-Littau, Limmat-Baden, Reuss-Mellingen, Rhein-Basel, Rhein-Diepoldsau, Rhein-Rekingen, Rhein-Rheinfelden, Thur-Andelfingen, Thur-Halden

  • dphase_prevah The hydrological model PREVAH is adopted for (ensemble) runoff forecasts for several basins in Switzerland and North Italy. Runoff nowcasting is driven by observed meteorology consisting of data from meteorological stations and operational radar precipitation data. Forecasts are computed with three deterministic NWP models and with one atmospheric ensemble predictions system (EPS). Principal investigators are the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the ETH (IAC_ETH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). Data providers: Observed meteorology: MeteoSwiss, WSL, IST-SUPSI Rainfall Radar: MeteoSwiss CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7: MeteoSwiss MM5_15: FZK, IMK-IFU Observed discharge: Swiss Federal Office for Environment (FOEN), CONTICINO Basins: Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Ticino_at_Bellinzona, Maggia_at_Solduno, Tresa_at_Rocchetta, Toce_at_Candoglia, Ticino_at_Miorina, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis Sub-Experiments: Runoff nowcasting, CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7 at all basins MM5_15 and Rainradar only at Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis

  • The goal of the experiment is to drive FEST, a rainfall-runoff distributed model with continuous soil moisture account, with ensemble forecasts from COSMO-LEPS (CLEPS) and with forecasts from ISACMOL2. The application domain is the Toce-Ticino and Maggia watershed. Hydrograph simulations and alerts are provided for Candoglia (Toce), Solduno (Maggia) and Bellinzona (Ticino). The runs were provided by Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi), Italy.

  • LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoff Simulation Model BW= Baden-Wuerttemberg) is described in "Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie", Band 22. 2006 (Ludwig, K.; Bremicker, M.: The water Balance Model LARSIM) The calculated results from LARSIM for the gauges Murg at Rotenfels and Kinzig at Schwaibach were handed over. The results are calcultaed in operational mode of the flood forecasting centre Karlsruhe (HVZ). The forecasts were corrected with ARIMA (0,1,0), i.e. the forecasted discharges were shifted with a constant amount, so, that the first forecast value attaches directly to the last measured value. During low water periods, the forecast is adapted to the average value of the last 24 h of the measured values. The forecasts were calculated for 72 hours. The runs driven by the DWD forecast LMK takes the LMK (new name: COSMO-DE) for the first 21 hours and then the LME-forecast. The runs called LME take only the LME (new name: COSMO-EU) forecast into accuont. For the period up to the forecast time measured values were used. The model uses precipitation, temperature, wind velocity, dew point or rel. humidity and the solar radiation. The measurement network uses the stations of the German Weatherservice DWD, the stations of the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg (called "LUBW Luft" and "LUBW Ombro") and stations of third parties. The measurement network is very dense, but the equipement of the different stations may be dissimilar. You can see the network of the precipitation stations at -> Niederschlag -> Stationskarte. The forecasts were performed by the Flood Forecasting Centre Karlsruhe (HVZ) with its operational model "Oberrheinzf" (for Oberrheinzufluesse = tributaries of the river Rhine). The HVZ is part of the "Landesanstalt fuer Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg" (LUBW)". The model covers the region: 7°42' / 48°04' und 8°33' / 49°02'

  • Hydrological forecasts with hydrological model LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoof Simulation Model, BY=Bavaria, Conceptual RR-model. Forecast depth: 72 hours.) for rivers Iller and Lech (DE) driven by numerical weather prediction models LME, GME, GFS. The runs were performed by "Wasserwirtschaftsamt Kempten" (WWA-KE).

  • The hydrological model DIMOSOP was run by University of Brescia with three different atmospheric forcings and different runoff forecast times. For more information on the model please contact the originator. Basins: Brenta at Bassano, Avisio at Stramentizzo, Noce at S.Giustina, Sarca at Maso Gobbo, Chiese at Lago Idro, Mella at Stocchetta, Oglio at Sarnico, Chiese at Malga Bissina, Lago d Arno, Lago d Avio, Cismon at Corlo, Toce at Candoglia, Rio del Sabbione at Sabbione, Gries at Morasco, T.Roni at Toggia, Rio d Arbola at Codelago, Melezzo at Masera, Bogna at Pontecaddo, Toce at Pontemaglio, Anza at Piedimulera, Isorno at Pontetto, Diveria at Crevoladossola, Ovesca at Villadossola, Anza at Ceppo Morelli, Diga Antrona, Ciampere at Avino, Ovesca at Alpe Cavalli, Devero at Agaro, Lago Busin, Lago Vannino, Taro at Pontetaro, Taro at S.Secondo, Cismon at Corlo

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