Wind speed 10m from EWAM, euopean covering (66.00°N -30.00°N 10.50°W -42.00°E), horizontal resolution 0.05°x0.1° (~5km), based on ICON-EU and GWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Mean direction of propagation of total swell (swell) from CWAM, covering of german coast area ((56°26‘45‘‘–53°13‘45‘‘, 006°10‘25‘‘–014°54‘35‘‘), horizontal resolution 30‘‘ x 50‘‘(~900m), based on ICON-EU and CWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Peak period of total swell (swell) from CWAM, covering of german coast area ((56°26‘45‘‘–53°13‘45‘‘, 006°10‘25‘‘–014°54‘35‘‘), horizontal resolution 30‘‘ x 50‘‘(~900m), based on ICON-EU and CWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Temperature on different height level above ground in m (2, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500) from model ICON-EU in horizontal resolution 0.0625° and hourly forecast step, european covering (ICON-EU model area). Data are available for model runs 00, 06, 12, 18 UTC for forecast steps vv+00 until vv+120.
Mean direction of propagation of wind waves (windsea) from CWAM, covering of german coast area ((56°26‘45‘‘–53°13‘45‘‘, 006°10‘25‘‘–014°54‘35‘‘), horizontal resolution 30‘‘ x 50‘‘(~900m), based on ICON-EU and CWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Significant height of total swell (swell) from CWAM, covering of german coast area ((56°26‘45‘‘–53°13‘45‘‘, 006°10‘25‘‘–014°54‘35‘‘), horizontal resolution 30‘‘ x 50‘‘(~900m), based on ICON-EU and CWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Significant height of waves (wind sea) from EWAM, euopean covering (66.00°N -30.00°N 10.50°W -42.00°E), horizontal resolution 0.05°x0.1° (~5km), based on ICON-EU and GWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Peak period of total swell (swell) from EWAM, euopean covering (66.00°N -30.00°N 10.50°W -42.00°E), horizontal resolution 0.05°x0.1° (~5km), based on ICON-EU and GWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Significant height of waves (total swell) from CWAM, covering of german coast area ((56°26‘45‘‘–53°13‘45‘‘, 006°10‘25‘‘–014°54‘35‘‘), horizontal resolution 30‘‘ x 50‘‘(~900m), based on ICON-EU and CWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)
Mean direction of propagation of wind waves (wind sea) from EWAM, euopean covering (66.00°N -30.00°N 10.50°W -42.00°E), horizontal resolution 0.05°x0.1° (~5km), based on ICON-EU and GWAM, hourly forcast step (here only vv+00,24,48,72)