INMSREPS is 20 Member Multi-Model, Multi-Boundaries on 0.25 degree horizontal resolution with 40 vertical levels running twice a dayat 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast from HH+00h upto HH+72 h (with 6hourly forecast output). The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the next two characters): LAMs: H means HRM, I means HIRLAM, M means MM5, L means Lokal Model (COSMO) and U means Unified Model. GLOBAL CONDITIONS: AV means GFS (AVN), EC means ECMWF, GM means GME, UK means UKMO. This results in the following combinations: HAV,HEC,HGM,HUK,IAV,IEC,IGM,IUK,MAV,MEC,MGM,MUK,LAV,LEC,LGM,LUK,UAV,UEC,UGM,UUK. The 20 ensemble members are interpolated to a common verification area with 0.25 degree horizontal grid resolution, there is no FIX data set for this system. Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: 2.0 yfirst: 43.0 xsize: 65.0 ysize: 29.0 xinc: 0.25 yinc: 0.25 xnpole: 0.0 ynpole: 0.0
INMSREPS is 20 Member Multi-Model, Multi-Boundaries on 0.25 degree horizontal resolution with 40 vertical levels running twice a dayat 00 and 12 UTC. Forecast from HH+00h upto HH+72 h (with 6hourly forecast output). The 20 members are labeled with abbreviations, which denote the combination between limited area model (LAM)(first character) and global model condition (the next two characters): LAMs: H means HRM, I means HIRLAM, M means MM5, L means Lokal Model (COSMO) and U means Unified Model. GLOBAL CONDITIONS: AV means GFS (AVN), EC means ECMWF, GM means GME, UK means UKMO. This results in the following combinations: HAV,HEC,HGM,HUK,IAV,IEC,IGM,IUK,MAV,MEC,MGM,MUK,LAV,LEC,LGM,LUK,UAV,UEC,UGM,UUK. The 20 ensemble members are interpolated to a common verification area with 0.25 degree horizontal grid resolution, there is no FIX data set for this system. Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: 2.0 yfirst: 43.0 xsize: 65.0 ysize: 29.0 xinc: 0.25 yinc: 0.25 xnpole: 0.0 ynpole: 0.0