This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_hadgem2_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with HadGEM forcing refer to a calendar with 360 days. The 12 km resolution of this experiment is the second step of the two step downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with HadGEM forcing refer to a calendar with 360 days. The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 GFDL r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with GFDL forcing refer to a calendar with 365 days (noleap). The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 MPIESM r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with MPIESM forcing refer to a Gregorian calendar. The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_gfdlesm_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12 km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with GFDL forcing refer to a calendar with 365 days (noleap). The 12 km resolution of this experiment is the second step of the two step downscaling WRF experiment.
Das GERICS hat für alle 401 deutschen Landkreise, Kreise, Regionalkreise und kreisfreien Städte einen Klimaausblick veröffentlicht. Jeder Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse für Klimakenngrößen wie z.B. Temperatur, Hitzetage, Trockentage oder Starkregentage auf wenigen Seiten zusammen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die projizierten Entwicklungen der Klimakenngrößen im Verlauf des 21. Jahrhunderts für ein Szenario mit viel Klimaschutz, ein Szenario mit mäßigem Klimaschutz und ein Szenario ohne wirksamen Klimaschutz. Datengrundlage sind 85 EURO-CORDEX-Simulationen, sowie der HYRAS-Datensatz des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. GERICS has published a climate report for each of the 401 German districts. Each report summarizes a selection of climate indices like temperature, hot days, dry days or days with heavy precipitation on a few pages. The results show the future development of these indices in the 21st century for three scenarios with strong, medium and weak climate protection, respectively. The data originates from 85 EURO-CORDEX simulations with regional climate models, and the HYRAS dataset of the German Weather Service.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses the data from the WRF60_hadgem2_rcp45 experiment as forcing data for downscaling to 12km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with HadGEM forcing refer to a calendar with 360 days. The 12 km resolution of this experiment is the second step of the two step downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 GFDL r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with GFDL forcing refer to a calendar with 365 days (noleap). The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 HadGEM2-ES r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with HadGEM forcing refer to a calendar with 360 days. The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.
This experiment (2006-2100) uses 'CMIP5 MPIESM r1i1p1 rcp45' forcing data for downscaling to 60km resolution by the regional model WRFV3.5.1 for the region of West Africa. 'rcp45' is an experiment of the CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 ( 4.1 rcp45 (4.1 RCP4.5) - future projection (2006-2300) forced by RCP4.5. Experiment design: . This experiment is divided into several time slices of 11 years. The first year of each time slice is used as a spin-up phase and should not be used in the analysis. All experiments with MPIESM forcing refer to a Gregorian calendar. The 60 km resolution of this experiment is an intermediate step to the 12km downscaling WRF experiment.