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  • Regional climate simulations with the ALARO-0 model by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium and Ghent University (RMIB-UGent). Dynamical downscaling on the CORDEX EUR-11 domain and HRes domain over Belgium at convection-permitting scale. Model name: ALARO-0 Important reference: Giot et al. 2016: Resolution: RCM: 50 km and 12.5 km; LAM: 4 km Nr. vertical levels: 46 Time step (s): 900 (50 km); 300 (12.5 km); 180 (4 km) Important scheme: 3MT Focal time series / severity index: (Sub-)hourly precipitation Host GCM: ERA-Interim / ARPEGE Non-hydrostatic: no

  • The module allows for taking into account wind farms in atmospheric modelling via the wind farm parametrization by Fitch et al, 2012 in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. Prerequisite is a wind farm mask file. Further details are given in the " Step-by-step implementation" document.

  • Regional climate simulations with the MAR V 3.9 model by University of Liège. Dynamical downscaling on the CORDEX EUR-11 domain and HRes domain over Belgium at convection-permitting scale. Model name: MAR V. 3.9 Important reference: Wyard et al. 2017: Resolution: RCM: 50 km and 12.5 km; LAM: 5 km Nr. vertical levels: 30 Time step (s): Important scheme: Snow variables Focal time series / severity index: Snowfall events and snowmelt events inducing floods Host GCM: ERA-Interim / various Non-hydrostatic: no

  • The LANDMATE PFT dataset provides a land cover map for Europe for the year 2015 in 0.1° (~10km) and 0.018° (~2km) resolution. The dataset is based on land cover data of the ESA Climate Change Initiative (ESA-CCI, native resolution: 300m) which is translated into 16 plant functional types (PFTs) and non-vegetated classes employing the cross-walking procedure introduced by Reinhart et al. (2021). The translation is done under consideration of the Holdridge Life Zones (HLZs), a system, that classifies land areas based on bioclimatic properties. Through the HLZs, regional distinction of the individual PFT distribution can be achieved. The land cover information is given as fractions per grid cell where each fraction represents the area covered by the respective land cover within each grid cell (0-1). The dataset is available in two different horizontal resolutions, 0.1° (~10km) and 0.018° (~2km), whereby the land cover information is resampled using a fractional approach to achieve the desired resolution. The LANDMATE PFT dataset was carefully developed and designed to meet the present and future requirements of regional climate models and is therefore recommended to be used for regional climate modeling over the European Continent. The LANDMATE PFT dataset (0.1° resolution) serves as basemap for the historical and future land use and land cover dataset LUCAS LUC developed by Hoffmann et al. (2021).

  • The data was produced employing the Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) version 4.1.2 (Skamarock et al., 2019) for the dynamical downscaling of GCM data. WRF is a fully compressible non-hydrostatic atmospheric simulation system. Two sensitivity simulations were conducted using 15-year time slices for the present day and the mid-Pliocene simulated by ECHAM5 as initial and boundary conditions (Mutz et al., 2018; Botsyun et al., 2020). Except for the atmospheric forcing data, other parameters were the same in both simulations. The model domain has a grid spacing of 30 km. In the vertical direction, 28 terrain-following eta-levels were used. The model time steps are 120 seconds with a 6 hourly data output and are aggregated to daily values in post processing. The boundary conditions were updated every 6 h. The daily re-initialization strategy from Maussion et al. (2011) and Maussion et al. (2014) were employed: each simulation starts at 12 UTC and contains 36 h, with the first 12 h as the spin-up time. This strategy kept the large-scale circulation patterns simulated by WRF closely constrained by the forcing data, while concurrently allowing WRF to develop the mesoscale atmospheric features. Physical parameterization schemes were consistent with the ones used for high-resolution dynamical downscaling in High Mountain Asia in Wang et al. (2021). The data format follows the guidelines of the [UC]² Data Standard (

  • Das GERICS hat für alle 401 deutschen Landkreise, Kreise, Regionalkreise und kreisfreien Städte einen Klimaausblick veröffentlicht. Jeder Bericht fasst die Ergebnisse für Klimakenngrößen wie z.B. Temperatur, Hitzetage, Trockentage oder Starkregentage auf wenigen Seiten zusammen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die projizierten Entwicklungen der Klimakenngrößen im Verlauf des 21. Jahrhunderts für ein Szenario mit viel Klimaschutz, ein Szenario mit mäßigem Klimaschutz und ein Szenario ohne wirksamen Klimaschutz. Datengrundlage sind 85 EURO-CORDEX-Simulationen, sowie der HYRAS-Datensatz des Deutschen Wetterdienstes. GERICS has published a climate report for each of the 401 German districts. Each report summarizes a selection of climate indices like temperature, hot days, dry days or days with heavy precipitation on a few pages. The results show the future development of these indices in the 21st century for three scenarios with strong, medium and weak climate protection, respectively. The data originates from 85 EURO-CORDEX simulations with regional climate models, and the HYRAS dataset of the German Weather Service.

  • The module allows for taking into account wind farms in atmospheric modelling via the wind farm parametrization by Fitch et al, 2012 in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. Prerequisite is a wind farm mask file. Further details are given in the " Step-by-step implementation" document.

  • The module allows for taking into account wind farms in atmospheric modelling via the wind farm parametrization by Fitch et al, 2012 in the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. Prerequisite is a wind farm mask file. Further details are given in the " Step-by-step implementation" document. Version 2.0: Update of wind farm parametrization

  • Regional climate simulations with the ALARO-0 model by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium and Ghent University (RMIB-UGent). Dynamical downscaling on the CORDEX EUR-11 domain and HRes domain over Belgium at convection-permitting scale. Model name: ALARO-0 Important reference: Giot et al. 2016: Resolution: RCM: 50 km and 12.5 km; LAM: 4 km Nr. vertical levels: 46 Time step (s): 900 (50 km); 300 (12.5 km); 180 (4 km) Important scheme: 3MT Focal time series / severity index: (Sub-)hourly precipitation Host GCM: ERA-Interim / ARPEGE Non-hydrostatic: no

  • Regional climate simulations with the MAR V 3.9 model by University of Liège. Dynamical downscaling on the CORDEX EUR-11 domain and HRes domain over Belgium at convection-permitting scale. Model name: MAR V. 3.9 Important reference: Wyard et al. 2017: Resolution: RCM: 50 km and 12.5 km; LAM: 5 km Nr. vertical levels: 30 Time step (s): Important scheme: Snow variables Focal time series / severity index: Snowfall events and snowmelt events inducing floods Host GCM: ERA-Interim / various Non-hydrostatic: no

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