The Sodar/RASS device installed at Fussbach consisted of a DSDPA.90/64-Sodar and a DSDR3x7-1290MHz-RASS extension by METEK GmbH. It operated with an averaging period of 10 min. The minimum measurement height was 40 m and the maximum measurement height 700 m with a step width of 20 m in between.
The two instuments were: Scintec Sodar (MFAS) at Igelsberg, located near a waste disposal site. The device measures wind vectors every ten minutes. Metek RASS-Sodar in Bad-Rotenfels, located near a sewage treatment plant. The vertical wind component in the netCDF-files has been set to dummy values due to quality check failure for this variable.
The Sodar/RASS device installed at Fussbach consisted of a DSDPA.90/64-Sodar and a DSDR3x7-1290MHz-RASS extension by METEK GmbH. It operated with an averaging period of 10 min. The minimum measurement height was 40 m and the maximum measurement height 700 m with a step width of 20 m in between.
The two instuments were: Scintec Sodar (MFAS) at Igelsberg, located near a waste disposal site. The device measures wind vectors every ten minutes. Metek RASS-Sodar in Bad-Rotenfels, located near a sewage treatment plant. The vertical wind component in the netCDF-files has been set to dummy values due to quality check failure for this variable.