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  • The MPIC/DLR "climate" water vapor product, developed within ESA's "GOME Evolution" project, provides a consistent time series of monthly mean H2O columns from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (MetopA). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. WARNING: Version 1.0 is based on spectral analysis settings which have slightly changed during the GOME-2 timeseries, introducing a small but clear "jump" in the TCWV timeseries at the turn of the years 2012/2013. This version should not be used any more! Use version >2.2 instead! doi:10.1594/WDCC/GOME-EVL_water_vapor_clim_v2.2

  • The "climate" water vapor product developed within ESA's "GOME-Evolution" project provides a consistent time series of monthly mean global maps of total column water vapor derived from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (Metop-A). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. This is Version 2.2

  • The "climate" water vapor product developed within ESA's "GOME-Evolution" project provides a consistent time series of monthly mean global maps of total column water vapor derived from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (Metop-A). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. Use version >2.2 instead! doi:10.1594/WDCC/GOME-EVL_water_vapor_clim_v2.2

  • This experiment comprises 5 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations with specified dynamics from 1979 to 2013 - ERA-Interim SSTs/SICs RC1SD-base-07 T42L90MA “wave zero” (i.e. the global mean) temperature included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-08 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-09 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10 T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10a (years 2000-2014) T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation with corrected road traffic emissions and stratospheric aerosol optical properties For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to: MESSy version 2.50.5 Technical details: simulation run on IBM Power 6 p375 "Blizzard" at DKRZ

  • This experiment comprises 3 different simulations: - future simulations scenario RCP6.0 - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC2-base-04: SSTs/SICs: taken from coupled HADGEM2-ES simulation T42L90MA 1960-2099 RC2-base-05: same as RC2-base-04 but with resolution T42L47MA 1960-2099 RC2-oce-01: with interactive MPI ocean T42L47MA/GR30L40 1960-2100 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to: Technical details: simulation run on IBM Power 6 p375 "Blizzard" at DKRZ

  • This experiment comprises 4 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations, free-running - SSTs/SICs: global data set HadISST provided by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC1-base-07: T42L90MA 1960–2011 RC1-base-07a: same as RC1-base-07, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 RC1-base-08: T42L47MA 1960-2011 RC1-base-08a: same as RC1-base-08, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to: Technical details: simulation run on IBM Power 6 p375 "Blizzard" at DKRZ

  • This experiment comprises 5 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations with specified dynamics from 1979 to 2013 - ERA-Interim SSTs/SICs RC1SD-base-07 T42L90MA “wave zero” (i.e. the global mean) temperature included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-08 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-09 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10 T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10a (years 2000-2014) T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation with corrected road traffic emissions and stratospheric aerosol optical properties For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to: MESSy version 2.50.5

  • This experiment comprises 3 different simulations: - future simulations scenario RCP6.0 - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC2-base-04: SSTs/SICs: taken from coupled HADGEM2-ES simulation T42L90MA 1960-2099 RC2-base-05: same as RC2-base-04 but with resolution T42L47MA 1960-2099 RC2-oce-01: with interactive MPI ocean T42L47MA/GR30L40 1960-2100 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to:

  • This experiment comprises 4 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations, free-running - SSTs/SICs: global data set HadISST provided by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC1-base-07: T42L90MA 1960–2011 RC1-base-07a: same as RC1-base-07, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 RC1-base-08: T42L47MA 1960-2011 RC1-base-08a: same as RC1-base-08, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to:

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