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  • This directory (experiment) contains volcanic SO2 data derived from limb viewing satellites for the lower stratosphere from 1998 to 2012. The usage of the data is described in Timmreck et al., (2018), datasets VolcDB1 and VolcDB1_3D. We provide 3D-plumes of observed volume mixing ratio perturbations in the lower stratosphere / upper troposphere typically derived from 10-day periods as nc-files and integrated values of injected SO2 mass with peak latitudes and altitudes as Fortran formatted ascii files (A11,5(1X,I3),I4,4(1X,I3),5(1X,I2),I3,4(1X,I2)) for at maximum 5 events at one time. Instead of A11 I2,I5,I5 can be used to read in the components of time. The data from Dec. 1997 to Jan. 2002 are based on L2-files of SAGE II (V7.0) provided by the NASA DAAC (Thomason et al., 2008). The data from Jul. 2002 to Mar. 2012 use the updated 5-day time series of MIPAS (Hoepfner et al., 2015), supplemented by SO2 derived from GOMOS extinctions (Bingen et al., 2017, with a corresponding table). 3D SO2 for 131 events in T42L90 resolution (ECHAM-grid in surface to about 80km).. same in T63L90 resolution (ECHAM-grid in Here a downscaling by 0.7 for low latitude eruptions is recommended because of less removal by overshooting convection (The data in the T42 file and in the table in Bingen et al 2017 were upscaled within the measurement uncertainty to overcome the model artifact in low resolution, this applies only for the ENVISAT part from Jul. 2002 on). Latitude from South to North, for use with ECHAM please reverse. The levels on the hybrid-grid in the grid files are defined as lev(x,y,z)=hyam(z)+hybm(z)*apsave(x,y), in Pa (apsave annual average of surface pressure or orography). Volcano_or_region_echam_merged_dd_mm_yyyy.txt: integrated SO2 mass injected (in kt), SAGE and ENVISAT period. The postscript-file is an example on the T42 grid, the *doc-file includes the volcano names for the data in the *.txt Files, see also (Smithsonian volcano database). Fluxes from outgassing volcanoes in the troposphere (below 200hPa), taken from AEROCOM (Diehl, 2012; Caution, filled with odd climatology after 2009, monthly, beginning in Jan. 1950) Subset beginning Dec. 1997.

  • Cloud droplet number concentration is derived from MODerate Resolution Imager Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data from NASA's Terra platform. The MOD08_D3 daily data (collection 4 processing stream) on a grid of 1x1 degrees is used, which can be downloaded from From the joint histrogram of cloud optical thickness (COD) and cloud-top droplet effective radius (CDR) for liquid water clouds, CDNC is diagnosed assuming adiabatic clouds.

  • The new version of the Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data set - HOAPS II - contains improved global fields of precipitation and evaporation over the oceans and all basic state variables needed for the derivation of the turbulent fluxes. Except for the NOAA Pathfinder SST data set, all variables are derived from SSM/I satellite data over the ice free oceans between 1987 and 2002. The earlier HOAPS version was improved and includes now the utilisation of multi-satellite averages with proper inter-satellite calibration, improved algorithms and a new ice detection procedure, resulting in more homogeneous and reliable spatial and temporal fields as before. The spatial resolution of 0.5 degree, makes them ideally suited for studies of climate variability over the global oceans. Pentade and climatological means are also public and available via the CERA database system. Further information under : .

  • The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data (HOAPS) set is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related turbulent heat fluxes and atmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from SSM/I passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The data set includes multi-satellite averages, inter-sensor calibration, and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. Changes in this version are a prolonged time series, now containing data from 1987 to 2005, a new neural network based precipitation algorithm, and inclusion of the RSMAS/NODC Pathfinder Version 5 SST fields. Additionally a new 85 GHz synthesis procedure has been implemented for the time period to compensate for the missing channel information on DMSP F08, see accuracy report. Apart from monthly and pentad (5-day) means on a global 0.5 deg. x 0.5 deg. grid, twice daily multi-satellite composite data on a global 1 x 1 grid are available.

  • The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data (HOAPS) set is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, turbulent heat fluxes and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related athmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from SSM/I passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The dataset includes multi-satellite averages, inter-sensor calibration, and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. Changes in this version are a longer time series, now containing data from 1987 to 2005, a new neural network based precipitation algorithm, and inclusion of the RSMAS/NODC Pathfinder Version 5 SST fields. Additionally a new 85 GHz synthesis procedure has been implemented, making a continuous time series for all parameters for the whole time series possible. This dataset contains 1 degree twice daily globally gridded multi-satellite composite products, providing high temporal resolution. Each grid-cell contains data from only one satellite pass, there is no average from two or more satellites. Early passes are overwritten by later passes. This method provides more spatial homogeneity than averaging all available data. The fields are stored for 0-12 and 12-24 UTC. Timesteps in the data files are at 0 UTC (0-12 UTC overpasses) and 12 UTC (12-24 UTC overpasses). Each grid-cell contains the average of data from the satellite that passed this gridbox closest to 12 and 24 UTC, respectively. Other gridded data sets available are pentad (5-day) and monthly means on a global 0.5 deg. x 0.5 deg. grid. For more information see

  • The Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data (HOAPS) set is a completely satellite based climatology of precipitation, turbulent heat fluxes and freshwater budget (evaporation minus precipitation) as well as related athmospheric state variables over the global ice free oceans. All variables are derived from SSM/I passive microwave radiometers, except for the SST, which is taken from AVHRR measurements. The dataset includes multi-satellite averages, inter-sensor calibration, and an efficient sea ice detection procedure. Changes in this version are a longer time series, now containing data from 1987 to 2005, a new neural network based precipitation algorithm, and inclusion of the RSMAS/NODC Pathfinder Version 5 SST fields. Additionally a new 85 GHz synthesis procedure has been implemented, making a continuous time series for all parameters for the whole time series possible. All pentad (5-day) mean products are distributed in separate monthly files. The first day of a 5-day average period determines the monthly file wherein it is saved. Each year is subdivided in 73 pentads starting at the same day of the year. During leap years, the twelfth pentad (starting at February 25) is the average of six days. Apart from pentad (5-day) and monthly means on a global 0.5 deg. x 0.5 deg. grid, twice daily multi-satellite composite data on a global 1 x 1 deg. grid are available. For more information see

  • The new version of the Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data set - HOAPS II - contains improved global fields of precipitation and evaporation over the oceans and all basic state variables needed for the derivation of the turbulent fluxes. Except for the NOAA Pathfinder SST data set, all variables are derived from SSM/I satellite data over the ice free oceans between 1987 and 2002. The earlier HOAPS version was improved and includes now the utilisation of multi-satellite averages with proper inter-satellite calibration, improved algorithms and a new ice detection procedure, resulting in more homogeneous and reliable spatial and temporal fields as before. Here, 5-days mean( Pentad )datasets are available but monthly mean and climatological means are also public and available via the CERA database system. The spatial resolution of 0.5 degree, makes them ideally suited for studies of climate variability over the global oceans. Further information under : .

  • The "climate" water vapor product developed within ESA's "GOME-Evolution" project provides a consistent time series of monthly mean global maps of total column water vapor derived from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (Metop-A). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. This is Version 2.2

  • The MPIC/DLR "climate" water vapor product, developed within ESA's "GOME Evolution" project, provides a consistent time series of monthly mean H2O columns from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (MetopA). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. WARNING: Version 1.0 is based on spectral analysis settings which have slightly changed during the GOME-2 timeseries, introducing a small but clear "jump" in the TCWV timeseries at the turn of the years 2012/2013. This version should not be used any more! Use version >2.2 instead! doi:10.1594/WDCC/GOME-EVL_water_vapor_clim_v2.2

  • The "climate" water vapor product developed within ESA's "GOME-Evolution" project provides a consistent time series of monthly mean global maps of total column water vapor derived from the satellite instruments GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 (Metop-A). Consistency amongst the different instruments (including cloud treatment) is substantially improved by (1) merging SCIAMACHY and GOME-2 observations to GOME pixel size, and (2) reducing the GOME-2 swath width to GOME/SCIAMACHY swath, thereby mimicking GOME-like observation conditions for all three sensors. Use version >2.2 instead! doi:10.1594/WDCC/GOME-EVL_water_vapor_clim_v2.2

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