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  • The period of permanent measurement was : 1st July - 31 July 2007 The measured parameters are : Air pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, position. The operation was effective during IOP, up to 6 soundings a day. Near the village of Meistratzheim, 20 km south_westward of Strasbourg. The platform on the site of Niederrott is installed just between 2 types of vegetation : Maize on the west and short grass on the east part.

  • The Soundings were usually performed during the daytime of IOPs at two fixed locations. Scheduled launching times were at 05, 08, 11, 14, 17 and 20 UTC. Radiosounding at Burnhaupt le Bas, France: Sondes of the type DFM-06 manufactured by the Company GRAW ( have been used. Radiosounding at FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany Sondes of the type DFM-97 manufactured by GRAW ( have been used. From 26 July at 5:02 DFM-06 sondes of the same company have been used. On 25 July at 11:08 there was a test run of a DFM-06 sonde.

  • University of Leeds radiosonde (Vaisala RS80 and RS92-SGP), Hornisgrinde site 2007-06-11 to 2007-08-30 University of Leeds radiosonde (Vaisala RS80 and RS92-SGP), Achern site 2007-06-05 to 2007-08-30

  • Dropsondes (mobile radiosondes) were launched by 5 mobile radiosonde teams. The launching sites were different from IOP to IOP. The positions are identical with the positions of the meteorological towers (imkmt1 to imkmt4). There have been no more than 4 teams operational on each IOP. The dropsondes are radiosonde-like systems. The maximum height is 12050 m above MSL. At this height, the sondes are separated from the balloon and then glide to the ground. Drop points are up to 70 kilometres apart from launching sites. For detailed information about the sites see supplement file and map.

  • dphase_prevah The hydrological model PREVAH is adopted for (ensemble) runoff forecasts for several basins in Switzerland and North Italy. Runoff nowcasting is driven by observed meteorology consisting of data from meteorological stations and operational radar precipitation data. Forecasts are computed with three deterministic NWP models and with one atmospheric ensemble predictions system (EPS). Principal investigators are the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the ETH (IAC_ETH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). Data providers: Observed meteorology: MeteoSwiss, WSL, IST-SUPSI Rainfall Radar: MeteoSwiss CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7: MeteoSwiss MM5_15: FZK, IMK-IFU Observed discharge: Swiss Federal Office for Environment (FOEN), CONTICINO Basins: Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Ticino_at_Bellinzona, Maggia_at_Solduno, Tresa_at_Rocchetta, Toce_at_Candoglia, Ticino_at_Miorina, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis Sub-Experiments: Runoff nowcasting, CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7 at all basins MM5_15 and Rainradar only at Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis

  • The positions of the meteorological towers (IMKMT1 to IMKMT4) are identical with the positions of the launching sites of the drop-up-sondes (IMKRS1 to IMKRS5). There have been no more than 4 teams operating on each IOP. For detailed information about the sites (including a map) and operating days see supplement pdf-file (cops_rsdu_imk_info_1). The parameters are: air_pressure: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a barometric pressure sensor that has a gill pressure port, 60s mean. air_temperature_at_1.8m: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a HYGROMER meteorology probe MP 400a, 60s mean. relative_humidity_at_1.8m: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a HYGROMER meteorology probe MP 400a, 60s mean. precipitation_amount: measured by a tipping bucket rain gauge (catchment area: 200 cm**2), 60s accumulated. wind_speed_at_4.5m, wind_from_direction_at_4.5m, virtual_temperature_at_4.5m: measured at about 4.5 m by a Young 3-D Sonic Anemometer, 60s mean.

  • Dropsondes (mobile radiosondes) were launched by 5 mobile radiosonde teams. The launching sites were different from IOP to IOP. The positions are identical with the positions of the meteorological towers (imkmt1 to imkmt4). There have been no more than 4 teams operational on each IOP. The dropsondes are radiosonde-like systems. The maximum height is 12050 m above MSL. At this height, the sondes are separated from the balloon and then glide to the ground. Drop points are up to 70 kilometres apart from launching sites. For detailed information about the sites see supplement file and map.

  • University of Leeds radiosonde (Vaisala RS80 and RS92-SGP), Hornisgrinde site 2007-06-11 to 2007-08-30 University of Leeds radiosonde (Vaisala RS80 and RS92-SGP), Achern site 2007-06-05 to 2007-08-30

  • dphase_prevah The hydrological model PREVAH is adopted for (ensemble) runoff forecasts for several basins in Switzerland and North Italy. Runoff nowcasting is driven by observed meteorology consisting of data from meteorological stations and operational radar precipitation data. Forecasts are computed with three deterministic NWP models and with one atmospheric ensemble predictions system (EPS). Principal investigators are the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences of the ETH (IAC_ETH) and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL). Data providers: Observed meteorology: MeteoSwiss, WSL, IST-SUPSI Rainfall Radar: MeteoSwiss CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7: MeteoSwiss MM5_15: FZK, IMK-IFU Observed discharge: Swiss Federal Office for Environment (FOEN), CONTICINO Basins: Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Ticino_at_Bellinzona, Maggia_at_Solduno, Tresa_at_Rocchetta, Toce_at_Candoglia, Ticino_at_Miorina, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis Sub-Experiments: Runoff nowcasting, CLEPS, COSMOCH2 and COSMOCH7 at all basins MM5_15 and Rainradar only at Verzasca_at_Lavertezzo, Thur_at_Andelfingen, Linth_at_Mollis

  • The positions of the meteorological towers (IMKMT1 to IMKMT4) are identical with the positions of the launching sites of the drop-up-sondes (IMKRS1 to IMKRS5). There have been no more than 4 teams operating on each IOP. For detailed information about the sites (including a map) and operating days see supplement pdf-file (cops_rsdu_imk_info_1). The parameters are: air_pressure: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a barometric pressure sensor that has a gill pressure port, 60s mean. air_temperature_at_1.8m: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a HYGROMER meteorology probe MP 400a, 60s mean. relative_humidity_at_1.8m: measured at about 1.8 m GND by a HYGROMER meteorology probe MP 400a, 60s mean. precipitation_amount: measured by a tipping bucket rain gauge (catchment area: 200 cm**2), 60s accumulated. wind_speed_at_4.5m, wind_from_direction_at_4.5m, virtual_temperature_at_4.5m: measured at about 4.5 m by a Young 3-D Sonic Anemometer, 60s mean.

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