The data represent monthly average values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000)with observed anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2240 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of year 2000. Datasets with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_2 changed to 20C_3)
The data represent 6 hourly values of pre-industrial climate simulation. Here, for the year 1860, concentrations of well mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) were prescribed. Ocean data (MPI-OM) are available within this experiment, they are stored in EXTRA FORMAT. Datasets with monthly mean values are also available. As the boundary conditions are not time dependent, the time access is arbitrary. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02 coupled to MPI-OM Vers.1.0 GR1.5L40 and was run on a NEC-SX6(hurrikan). The output from the model run:
The data represent 6 hourly values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000) with observed anthropogenic forcings(CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2190 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of the year 2000. Data Sets with monthly mean values are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_0 changed to 20C_1)
The data represent monthly average values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000) with observed anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2190 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of year 2000. Datasets with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_0 changed to 20C_1)
The data represent monthly average values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000) with observed anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2215 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of year 2000. Datasets with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_1 changed to 20C_2)
The data represent monthly average values of pre-industrial climate simulation. Here, for the year 1860, concentrations of well mixed greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) were prescribed. Ocean data (MPI-OM) are available within this experiment, they are stored in EXTRA FORMAT. Datasets with higher resolution (6 hour mean) are also available. As the boundary conditions are not time dependent, the time access is arbitrary. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02 coupled to MPI-OM Vers.1.0 GR1.5L40 and was run on a NEC-SX6(hurrikan). The output from the model run:
The data represent 6 hourly values of a 20th century simulation (including year 2000) with observed anthropogenic forcings(CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) initialized in year 2240 of the preindustrial control run. This is followed by a commitment experiment for the 21th century (years 2001-2100) with all concentrations fixed at their levels of the year 2000. Data Sets with monthly mean values are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: Please note: experiment_name/acronym was renamed (27-JUN-2005, 20C_2 changed to 20C_3)
The data represent monthly average values of selected variables for the Data Distribution Centre (DDC) of the Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). (see also: The A2 scenario describes an economic development which is primarily regionally oriented and the technical change is more fragmented and slower than in the other SRES storylines. The experiment has been initialized in year 2000 of the 20C_1 run and continues until year 2100 with anthropogenic forcings (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, O3 and sulfate) according to A2. Datasets with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupled to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 and was run on a NEC-SX (hurrikan). The output from the model run: /ut/k/k204098/EXP000/run015
The data represent monthly avarage values of a simulation, initialized in the same year as experimnet 20C_3, with an annual CO2 increase of 1% until doubling in 1930. Between 1931 and 2080 the CO2 concentration was held constant. All other concentrations remain at their preindustrial levels (nominally year 1860). Data with higher resolution (6 hourly) are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run:
The data represent 6 hourly values of a simulation, initialized in the same year as experimnet 20C_3, with an annual CO2 increase of 1% until doubling in 1930. Between 1931 and 2080 the CO2 concentration was held constant. All other concentrations remain at their preindustrial levels (nominally year 1860). Data with monthly average values are also available. Technical data to this experiment: The experiment is using ECHAM5.2.02a coupeld to MPI-OM Vers. 1.0 GR1.5L40 The output from the model run: