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  • Non hydrostatic model Moloch, developed at ISAC CNR and operational at ARPAL CFMI-PC. Initial and boundary conditions provided by the model chain based on bolam and initialized with the 00 UTC ECMWF run. Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: -1.99 yfirst: -1.93 xsize: 200.0 ysize: 194.0 xinc: 0.02 yinc: 0.02 xnpole: -171.0 ynpole: 45.0

  • Forecast data are modelled by the parallel version of the hydrostatic BOlogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM) operational at the Italian National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services in Rome (Italy). This parallel version, called QBOLAM, is employed in an operational setting as a part of the Sistema Idro-Meteo-Mare (Hydro-Meteo-Marine System; SIMM) forecasting chain, with a 11-km grid step over a domain covering the entire Mediterranean basin. The QBOLAM11 model is forced with the QBOLAM33 forecast data, neglecting the first 12 hours (spin-up time), producing a 48-h forecast starting at 0000 UTC. The QBOLAM 33 runs are instead initialized using the 1200 UCT European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analyses and forecasts. The SIMM modelling chain includes also a 10-km WAve model (WAM) over the Mediterranean Sea, a shallow-water version of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) for sea elevation over the Adriatic Sea and a finite element model for sea elevation in the Venice Lagoon (VL-FEM). For DPHASE project, forecast data are provided over a subdomain (referred as DDOM) of the original domain (which covers the entire Mediterranean Basin). Forecast data will be also available on the COPS domain (referred as CDOM). Not all the meteorological fields selected for the experiment are provided, since some of these are not produced by the QBOLAM model. Grid description: Please note that the westermost longitude and the southermost latitude points refer to the sub-domain chosen for MAP DPHASE. The QBOLAM original domain covers the Mediterranean Basin. CDOM: xfirst: -6.0 yfirst: 8.4 xsize: 54.0 ysize: 27.0 xinc: 0.1 yinc: 0.1 xnpole: -167.5 ynpole: 51.5 DDOM: xfirst: -9.5 yfirst: 4.4 xsize: 147.0 ysize: 67.0 xinc:0.1 yinc: 0.1 xnpole: -167.5 ynpole: 51.5

  • lami28 stands for 'Limited Area Model Italy' which is the Italian implementation of COSMO Model, run with a 2.8 km grid interval. COSMO model in lami28 suite is run operationally once a day with a 2.8 km grid interval; it is initialised at 00 UTC with the lami7 interpolated analysis; the boundary conditions as well are provided by lami7 model; the integration domain ranges approximately from 6°E to 19°E and from 36°N to 48°N and the integration time range is 48 hours. The model is run at Cineca computing centre ( on an IBM Power5 platform. The PICS datasets was not provided due to computer time constraints. Please note: data are available ONLY from 09/10/2007 to 30/11/2007. Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: -3.5 yfirst: -15.425 xsize: 417.0 ysize: 272.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: 32.5 ynpole: -170.0

  • LARSIM (LARSIM=LArge Area Runoff Simulation Model BW= Baden-Wuerttemberg) is described in "Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie", Band 22. 2006 (Ludwig, K.; Bremicker, M.: The water Balance Model LARSIM) The calculated results from LARSIM for the gauges Murg at Rotenfels and Kinzig at Schwaibach were handed over. The results are calcultaed in operational mode of the flood forecasting centre Karlsruhe (HVZ). The forecasts were corrected with ARIMA (0,1,0), i.e. the forecasted discharges were shifted with a constant amount, so, that the first forecast value attaches directly to the last measured value. During low water periods, the forecast is adapted to the average value of the last 24 h of the measured values. The forecasts were calculated for 72 hours. The runs driven by the DWD forecast LMK takes the LMK (new name: COSMO-DE) for the first 21 hours and then the LME-forecast. The runs called LME take only the LME (new name: COSMO-EU) forecast into accuont. For the period up to the forecast time measured values were used. The model uses precipitation, temperature, wind velocity, dew point or rel. humidity and the solar radiation. The measurement network uses the stations of the German Weatherservice DWD, the stations of the federal state Baden-Wuerttemberg (called "LUBW Luft" and "LUBW Ombro") and stations of third parties. The measurement network is very dense, but the equipement of the different stations may be dissimilar. You can see the network of the precipitation stations at -> Niederschlag -> Stationskarte. The forecasts were performed by the Flood Forecasting Centre Karlsruhe (HVZ) with its operational model "Oberrheinzf" (for Oberrheinzufluesse = tributaries of the river Rhine). The HVZ is part of the "Landesanstalt fuer Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Wuerttemberg" (LUBW)". The model covers the region: 7°42' / 48°04' und 8°33' / 49°02'

  • The model is the very-high resolution operational implementation of COSMO model used by the Italian Met Service. The geographic area where the model is being run covers the entire italian pensinsula and major islands. The horizontal resolution is 2.8 km (0.025deg) with 50 vertical levels. The model is routinely run on the ECMWF computing resources once a day at 00Z with hourly output. The boundary conditions (BC) are interpolated from COSMO-ME forecast fields with 1 hour frequency update. Grid description: CDOM: xfirst: -2.6 yfirst: -10.65 xsize: 139.0 ysize: 110.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 32.5 DDOM: xfirst: -5.0 yfirst: -14.3 xsize: 449.0 ysize: 256.0 xinc: 0.025 yinc: 0.025 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 32.5

  • COSMO-ME is the high-resolution operational implementation of COSMO Model at the National Meteorological Service of Italy. The model domain covers most of continental Europe and the entire Mediterranean Basin. The horizontal resolution is 7km (0.0625deg) with 40 vertical levels. The model is routinely run on the ECMWF super-computer once a day at 00Z with hourly output. The initial conditions are interpolated from the Italian Met. Service 3DVAR-FGAT data assimilation system. The boundary conditions (BC) are provided by IFS global model. Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: -5.875 yfirst: -14.312 xsize: 194.0 ysize: 112.0 xinc: 0.0625 yinc: 0.0625 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 32.5

  • 72h forecast with MM5 V3.7, nested run using - mm5_60 run as input - 15km x 15km resolution - 77 x 73 Grids - Noah land-surface scheme - MRF PBL - Grell cumulus scheme - Graupel (Reisner2) explicit moisture scheme - Cloud for atmospheric radiation Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: 2.800095 yfirst: 42.172424 xsize: 76.0 ysize: 72.0 xinc: 0.02 yinc: 0.14 xnpole: 0.0 ynpole: 0.0

  • Forecast data are modelled by a 30-km parallel version of the hydrostatic BOlogna Limited Area Model (BOLAM) operational at the National Agency for Environmental Protection and Technical Services (APAT) at Rome (Italy). This version, referred as 30-km QBOLAM model, is the driving model of the 11-km QBOLAM model which is described in the dphase_qbolam11 experiment. For DPHASE project, forecast data are provided over a subdomain (refered as DDOM) of the original domain (which covers the entire Mediterranean Basin). Not all the meteorological fields selected for the experiment are provided, since some of these are not produced by the QBOLAM model. Initial and boundary conditions for a 60-h QBOLAM33 forecast are derived from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analysis and forecast issued at 1200 UTC on the previous day. Grid description: Please note that the westermost longitude and the southermost latitude points refer to the sub-domain chosen for MAP DPHASE. The QBOLAM original domain covers the Mediterranean Basin. DDOM: xfirst: -10.2 yfirst: 4.2 xsize: 54.0 ysize: 40.0 xinc: 0.3 yinc: 0.3 xnpole: -167.5 ynpole: 51.5

  • 72h forecast with MM5 V3.7 using - 60km x 60km resolution - 55 x 45 Grids - NOAA GFS input - Noah land-surface scheme - MRF PBL - Grell cumulus scheme - Graupel (Reisner2) explicit moisture scheme - Cloud for atmospheric radiation Grid description: DDOM: xfirst: -6.769222 yfirst: 34.404968 xsize: 55.0 ysize: 45.0 xinc: 0.2 yinc: 0.54 xnpole: 0.0 ynpole: 0.0

  • - preoperational model (planned to become operational in 2008) - configuration: Runge Kutta time integration scheme (dt=20sek); multi layer soil module; no parameterized deep convection; 60 levels; prognostic TKE, rain, snow and graupel - model runs are started at 00UTC 03UTC 09UTC 12UTc and 18UTC. Forecast range is 24h, except 09 and 18 run ranging upt to 30h. To complete the timeseries, dummy text files have been generated for 06UTC, 15UTC, 21UTC. Missing time steps are filled with dummy text files as well. Note: From 12th of July 2007 on, +24h forecasts are produced for 06, 15 and 21 UTC as well. Grid description: CDOM: xfirst: -2.76 yfirst: -0.02 xsize: 174.0 ysize: 141.0 xinc: 0.02 yinc: 0.02 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 43.0 DDOM: xfirst: -5.5 yfirst: -3.8 xsize: 500.0 ysize: 330.0 xinc: 0.02 yinc: 0.02 xnpole: -170.0 ynpole: 43.0

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