Graphs on validation of mean tropospheric precipitable water product, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring
Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.
Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). Forthermore, the NAO-index is also provided. On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.
Objective weather types of Deutscher Wetterdienst derived from different Reanalysis and Global Climate Model simulations for the control run (1951-2000) and the projection period (2000-2100). Furthermore, the NAO-index is also provided. On the one hand, the dataset is useful for evaluation of representative circulation statistics in Central Europe, on the other hand, for the analysis of future weather types due to climate change. Added temperature and precipitation data allow to study the weather type effectiveness for these important climate parameters.