Source code of the Max Planck Institute atmospheric general circulation model (ECHAM6) adopted to the project PalMod for the concurrent execution of radiative transfer on HPC-systems.
The data include daily, monthly, and seasonal variables of CORDEX experiments scaled down onto a ca. 50 km grid over Africa (acronym: AFR-44) based on the CCLM4-8-17 regional climate model. Each file contains a single variable and is formatted according to the CORDEX data protocol - meaning NetCDF-4 compressed, CF-1.4 compliant, with attributes and filenames according to the specified DRS. Data from any CORDEX experiment and with any CMIP5 global model forcing available and transfered from the ESGF to the long term archive WDCC at the time of publication are included. These are the experiments evaluation, historical, rcp85, and rcp45 using forcing data derived from the CMIP5 models MPI-ESM-LR, EC-EARTH, CNRM-CM5 and HadGEM2-ES. The data are provided on the model computational (native) grid.
RCM forcing data from two realisations of the CMIP5 experiment historical. The historical experiment covers the period 1850-2005. Forcing data are available from 1949 to 2005 only. The realisations differ with respect of their branch times of the pre-industrial control run (piControl): historical_r1i1p1 started end of 1849, historical_r2i1p1 started end of 1900 .
RCM forcing data from the first realisation of the CMIP5 experiment amip. The experiment covers the years 1979 to 2008 with a three year initialized spinup phase. (Realisations differ by a small disturbance of the initial state only, and therefore by their restart files only)
RCM forcing data from the first realisation of the CMIP5 experiment rcp45. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. Realisation is started end of 2005 from the respective realisation of the historical experiment.
RCM forcing data from the first realisation of the CMIP5 future scenario experiment rcp26. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. Realisation is started end of 2005 from the respective realisation of the historical experiment.
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment amip. The experiment covers the years 1979 to 2008 with a three year initialized spinup phase. Realisations differ by a small disturbance of the initial state only, and therefore by their restart files only.
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 future scenario experiment rcp26. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. The members are started end of 2005 from the respective members of the historical experiment.
RCM forcing data from the first realisation of the CMIP5 experiment rcp85. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. Realisation is started end of 2005 from the respective realisation of the historical experiment.
RCM forcing data from three realisations of the CMIP5 experiment rcp45. The experiment covers the period 2006-2100. The members are started end of 2005 from the respective members of the historical experiment.