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  • In order to explore the sensitivity of the climate impact of volcanic eruptions to eruption season and latitude, we simulate volcanic eruptions at different latitudes and in different seasons with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). We use the same configuration of the MPI-ESM model as used for the historical simulation of CMIP6. An initial run is performed firstly (PINArst). Then we perform 23 and 10 control runs without any volcanic eruption (PINAref and PINAwRef). Two groups of three different latitudinal volcanic eruptions in boreal summer and winter are simulated. We perform 10-member simulations for each eruption case. 9 Tg of total sulfur injection magnitude is prescribed. The eruption latitudes are set to be 0° for the equatorial eruptions (PINAeq and PINAwEQ) and 30° N and 30° S for the northern and southern hemispheric eruptions (PINAnh, PINAwNH, PINAsh and PINAwNH), respectively. For the summer eruptions, the date is set to be the same as the 1991 Pinatubo eruption on June 15, 1991; for the winter eruptions, the date is set to be December 15, 1991.

  • The data are results from radiative transfer simulations from 390 to 1020 nm in 1nm resolution. They can be convoluted to any ocean colour instrumental spectral response function and therefore represent satellite based aircraft- or groundbased measurements of the remote sensing reflectance. The data is simulated with the radiative transfer code MOMO (Matrix Operator Model), which simulates the full radiative transfer in atmosphere and ocean. The code is hosted at the institute of space sciences at Freie Universität Berlin and is not pubicly available. In addition to molecular Rayleigh scattering one maritime aerosol scatterer is considered. The data is available for 9 solar, 9 viewing zenith and 25 azimuth angles. The remote sensing reflectance is simulated in dependency of IOPs representing pure water with different salinities and 5 water constituents (Chlorophyll-a-pigment, Detritus, Yellow substance, a ’big’ and a ’small’ scatterer) in a global range of concentrations. The IOPs are varied independently. The grid points for each IOP where choosen in order to reproduce the full relation between this particular IOP and the resulting remote sensing reflectance.

  • Global paleoclimate simulations are carried out on the basis of the so-called time slice technique. The simulations are performed with the state-of-the-art global circulation model ECHAM5 (Roeckner et al., 2003) at a spectral resolution of T106 (∼1.125°×1.125°) and 19 vertical levels. Different time slices are selected at a time interval of approx. 1000 years from each other, from 6000 years ago to pre-industrial times. For each time slice a simulation is carried out over a period of 30 years. As boundary conditions prescribed sea ice fraction and sea surface temperatures were used, which were derived from a continuous simulation with transient periods. This simulation was performed with the coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation model ECHO-G, consisting of the ECHAM4 (Roeckner et al., 1996) and the ocean model HOPE (Wolff et al., 1997), at a spectral resolution of T30 (∼3.75◦×3.75◦). Further information on simulation realization can be found in Wagner et al. (2007). Detailed information on the model set-up can be found in Russo and Cubasch (2016). Russo, E. and Cubasch, U.: Mid-to-late Holocene temperature evolution and atmospheric dynamics over Europe in regional model simulations, Clim. Past, 12, 1645-1662,, 2016.

  • In order to explore the sensitivity of the climate impact of volcanic eruptions to eruption season and latitude, we simulate volcanic eruptions at different latitudes and in different seasons with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). We use the same configuration of the MPI-ESM model as used for the historical simulation of CMIP6. An initial run is performed firstly (PINArst). Then we perform 23 and 10 control runs without any volcanic eruption (PINAref and PINAwRef). Two groups of three different latitudinal volcanic eruptions in boreal summer and winter are simulated. We perform 10-member simulations for each eruption case. 9 Tg of total sulfur injection magnitude is prescribed. The eruption latitudes are set to be 0° for the equatorial eruptions (PINAeq and PINAwEQ) and 30° N and 30° S for the northern and southern hemispheric eruptions (PINAnh, PINAwNH, PINAsh and PINAwNH), respectively. For the summer eruptions, the date is set to be the same as the 1991 Pinatubo eruption on June 15, 1991; for the winter eruptions, the date is set to be December 15, 1991.

  • High-resolution simulations of the palaeoclimate are carried out throughout Europe. A set of climate simulations will be performed, based on the so-called time slicing technique. The simulations are performed with the state-of-the-art regional climate model COSMO-CLM (cosmo_4.8_clm19) at a horizontal resolution of 0.44° longitude and 40 vertical levels. The COSMO-CLM is a non-hydrostatic RCM with rotated geographical coordinates and a terrain following height coordinate (Rockel et al., 2008), developed by the German Weather Service (DWD) of the COSMO model (Doms and Schättler, 2003). The ECHAM5 output is used as a boundary data set for the dynamic downscaling approach. Detailed information on the model set-up can be found in Russo and Cubasch (2016). Russo, E. and Cubasch, U.: Mid-to-late Holocene temperature evolution and atmospheric dynamics over Europe in regional model simulations, Clim. Past, 12, 1645-1662,, 2016.

  • High-resolution simulations of the palaeoclimate are carried out throughout Europe. A set of climate simulations will be performed, based on the so-called time slicing technique. The simulations are performed with the state-of-the-art regional climate model COSMO-CLM (cosmo_4.8_clm19) at a horizontal resolution of 0.44° longitude and 40 vertical levels. The COSMO-CLM is a non-hydrostatic RCM with rotated geographical coordinates and a terrain following height coordinate (Rockel et al., 2008), developed by the German Weather Service (DWD) of the COSMO model (Doms and Schättler, 2003). The ECHAM5 output is used as a boundary data set for the dynamic downscaling approach. Detailed information on the model set-up can be found in Russo and Cubasch (2016). Russo, E. and Cubasch, U.: Mid-to-late Holocene temperature evolution and atmospheric dynamics over Europe in regional model simulations, Clim. Past, 12, 1645-1662,, 2016.

  • This experiment comprises 3 different simulations: - future simulations scenario RCP6.0 - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC2-base-04: SSTs/SICs: taken from coupled HADGEM2-ES simulation T42L90MA 1960-2099 RC2-base-05: same as RC2-base-04 but with resolution T42L47MA 1960-2099 RC2-oce-01: with interactive MPI ocean T42L47MA/GR30L40 1960-2100 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to:

  • This experiment comprises 5 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations with specified dynamics from 1979 to 2013 - ERA-Interim SSTs/SICs RC1SD-base-07 T42L90MA “wave zero” (i.e. the global mean) temperature included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-08 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-09 T42L47MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10 T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation RC1SD-base-10a (years 2000-2014) T42L90MA global mean temperature (wave 0) not included for the Newtonian relaxation with corrected road traffic emissions and stratospheric aerosol optical properties For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to: MESSy version 2.50.5

  • This experiment comprises 4 different simulations: - hind-cast simulations, free-running - SSTs/SICs: global data set HadISST provided by the UK Met Office Hadley Centre - model data output mostly as 10-hourly global snapshots, monthly averages or as monthly accumulated variables, on model levels or pressure levels, respectively RC1-base-07: T42L90MA 1960–2011 RC1-base-07a: same as RC1-base-07, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 RC1-base-08: T42L47MA 1960-2011 RC1-base-08a: same as RC1-base-08, with corrected optical properties of stratospheric aerosol 1990-2010 For further studies based on simulations of the ESCiMo project and on the EMAC model please also refer to:

  • IPCC-AR3 LUGANO T106 TIME-SLICE INTEGRATION 2*CO2 of Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum Based on the greenhouse gas experiment (GHG) which used the modified scenario IS92a ("IS95a"), two 10 year periods were re-calculated with the higher horizontal resolution (appr. 110 km grid spacing) version (T106) of the ECHAM4 model. The stand-alone atmosphere model was used. The integrations were performed with transient forcing while the results were corrected by the model drift. The drift has been determined from the corresponding control run periods. SSTs have been taken from the Experiment EH4OPYC_22670GHG_MM and the AMIP climatology: SST_NEW(m,y)=(SST_CLIM(m)+SST_T42(m,y))*M+TS_T42(m)*(1-M) with m=1,12 and n=1,10 and M=land-sea mask(sea:1, land:0) This experiment contains results from the decade of CO2 equivalent doubling decade 2041-2050 in the IS92A scenario. Trace gas concentrations were hardcoded as 10-years means in the model. These experiments were calculated on a NEC SX4 in the swiss supercomputer center (CSCS) in Mano near Lugano. The data are used for the third assessment report. Model_raw_data location:

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