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  • Simulated 2D residual velocity fields in the inner German Bight were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Residual currents were obtained from coastDat2 barotropic 2D simulations with the hydrodynamic model TRIM-NP V2.1.22 in barotropic 2D mode on a Cartesian grid (1.6km spatial resolution) stored on an hourly basis for the years 1948 - 2012 (doi:10.1594/WDCC/coastDat-2_TRIM-NP-2d) and later extended until August 2015. The present analysis refers to the period Jan 1958 - Aug 2015. The spatial domain considered is the region to the east of 6 degrees east and to the south of 55.6 degrees north. All grid nodes with a bathymetry of less than 10m were excluded. Residual velocities were calculated in two different ways: 1.) as 25h means, 2.) as monthly means. Both types of residual current data are available from * RESIDUAL_CURRENTS_195801_201508 The directory contains sub-directories for years and months. Daily residual currents for the 13th of September 1974, for instance, are stored in * RESIDUAL_CURRENTS_195801_201508/YEAR_1974/MONTH_09/ while monthly mean residual currents for September 1974 are stored in: * RESIDUAL_CURRENTS_195801_201508/YEAR_1974/ All current fields provided were interpolated from the original Cartesian model grid to a more convenient regular geographical grid (116x76 nodes). Mean residual currents are stored in: * This data set contains residual velocities both on original Cartesian grid nodes and interpolated to the geographical grid. An example plot is provided: * mean_residual_currents.png For PCA, two residual velocity components from each of 12133 Cartesian grid nodes were combined into one data vector (length 2x12133), referring to 21061 daily or 692 monthly time levels. Results of two independent PCAs for either daily or monthly mean fields are stored in: * * Files contain three leading Principal Components (PCs) and corresponding Emipirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs). Again EOFs were also interpolated to a regular geographical grid. PC time series are also stored in plain ASCII format: * PCs_daily.txt * PCs_monthly.txt For monthly fields the number N of variables (N=2x12133) is much larger than the number T of time levels (T=692). Therefore, to reduce computational demands, the roles of time and space were formally interchanged. Having conducted the PCA the EOFs were then transformed back to the original spatial coordinates (cf. Section 12.2.6 in von Storch and Zwiers (1999), Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Cambridge University Press). A much larger number of time levels made even this approach prohibitive for the full set of daily data. Therefore, PCAs were performed for six sub-periods (1958-1965, 1966-1975, 1976-1985, 1986-1995, 1996-2005, 2006-2015(Aug)) independently. EOFs obtained from these six sub-periods were then averaged to obtain EOFs representative for the whole period. Corresponding PCs were calculated by projecting daily fields onto these average EOFs. IMPORTANT: In contrast with PCA of monthly data, the PCA of daily data INVOLVES SOME APPROXIMATIONS! EOFs on the original nodes were normalized to have unit lengths. The following figures, * daily_EOF1.png * daily_EOF2.png * daily_EOF3.png show the first three EOFs obtained from daily data, assuming that corresponding PCs have the value of one standard deviation. The following two plots, * monthly_EOF1.png * monthly_EOF2.png show the leading EOFs for monthly mean data. EOF3 is omitted as it represents just a very small percentage of overall variance (1.7%).

  • This is an atmospheric hourly hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using REMO with spectral nudging from 1948-2007. The model uses a rotated grid with 81 x 91 grid points and a grid point distance of 0.5 degrees, the North pole is located at 170 W, 32.5 N. In rotated coordinates the model area extends from 19.5 W to 20.5 E, 25 S to 20 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 10.4 W to 70.7 E, 29.6 N to 67.8 N.

  • This is a hydrodynamic hindcast for the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic over the period 1948-2015. The simulation has been performed with the hydrodynamic model TRIM-NP V2.1.22 in barotropic 2D mode. Water level and current component fields are stored hourly. The model is set up on an equidistant Cartesian grid cascade with the center near Helgoland (7.88 E, 54.18 N). The coarsest grid with 12.8 km resolution covers the area from 20 W to 30 E and from 42 N to 65 N. Further 3 nested grids better resolve the North Sea (with 6.4km), southern North Sea (with 3.2km) and the German Bight (with 1.6km). Model data from grid 1 and grid 4 are available in this data bank. Please contact the authors for data from grid 2 and grid 3. Time supplement procedure: data over period 2013-2015 appended 04-05-2016

  • The experiment CLM_B1_2_D3 contains European regional climate simulations of the years 2001-2100 on a regular geographical grid. The data are generated during post processing of the corresponding data stream 2 experiment (CLM_B1_2_D2) of regional climate model runs (CLM non hydrostatic, see ). It is forced by the second (_2_) run of the global IPCC scenario B1 (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_B1_2_6H), which describes a possible future world with global population peaking in mid-century and rapid change in economic structures towards a service and information economy. An introduction of clean and resource efficient technologies was assumed. In data stream 3 (_D3) the output variables of CLM data stream 2 and some additionally derived parameters are stored as time series on a regular geograhical grid (0.2 deg. hor. res.). The transformation has been done via CDO routines. Please note, that none of the variables has been corrected for topographical differences between the two grids. The model domain of data stream 3 covers the European region starting at 34.6/-10.6 (lat/lon, centre of lower left grid box) with an increment of 0.2 degree. The number of grid points is 177/238 (lat/lon). For some model variables and additionally derived parameters some statistics on daily, monthly or yearly basis are available. See also for a list of available parameters. Please contact sga"at" for data request details. See for more details on CLM simulations in the context of the BMBF funding priority "klimazwei", some useful information on handling climate model data and the data access regulations. The output format is netCDF Experiment with CLM 2.4.11 on NEC-SX6(hurrikan) raw data: hpss:/dxul/ut/k/k204095/prism/experiments/B1_2

  • COSMO-CLM simulation for Bohai, Yellow and East China Sea: System Analysis and Modelling Group at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research (referred to hereinafter as data producer) has computed the regional climate simulation. By making these data available, the data producer wishes to stimulate and support climate change and impact research projects. The data producer is aiming to make the results produced on the basis of these data available on its website and in publications as part of an international overview of regional climate change research. All interested users will have access to the simulation data being calculated with high resolution both in space and time. The data were computed at the German Climate Computing Centre (DKRZ) in Hamburg using the regional climate model COSMO-CLM. The simulations were carried out with support by the China Scholarship Council, the Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIM and the CLM community.

  • The data are from a multi-decadal tide-surge hindcast 1958-2004 for the North Sea using the TELEMAC2D model. Data (sea surface elevation, depth averaged currents) are available every hour on an unstructured grid with about 27,000 nodes and varying resolution ranging from about 5 km in the open North Sea to about 75m near the coast and within estuarys. The model was driven by hourly atmospheric data from a multi-decadal atmospheric hindcast ( ) and, at the open boundries, by the most relevant tidal constituents. In addition, hourly sea level data from Aberdeen were assimilated at the Northern boundary to account for external surges.

  • This is a hydrodynamic hindcast for the Baltic Sea over the period 1958-2011. The simulation has been performed with the hydrodynamic model TRIM-NP V2.1 in barotropic 2D mode. Water level and current component fields are stored hourly. The model is set up on an equidistant Cartesian grid cascade with the center near Helgoland (7.88 E, 54.18 N) for the coarsest grid (12.8km resolution) ( Further model results from three nested grids (6.4km,3.2km, 1.6km resolution) for the Baltic Sea are hourly available for the period 1958-2011.

  • The experiment CLM_A1B_ZS contains Northern European regional climate simulations of the years 2070-2099 on a rotated grid (CLM non hydrostatic, 0.44 deg. hor. resolution, see ). It is forced by the first (_1_) run of the global IPCC SRES A1B (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A1B_1_6H), which describes a possible future world of very rapid economic growth, global population peaking in mid-century and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies with a balance across all energy sources. The model region starts at -19.36/-40.48 (lat/lon in rotated coordinates; centre of lower left corner of the domain) with rotated North Pole at 21.3/-175.0 (lat/lon). The number of grid points is 80/146 (lat/lon). The sponge zone (numerically unreliable boundary grid points) consists of 8 grid boxes at each border. EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A1B_1_6H were nudged during the simulations (spectral nudging,von Storch, H., A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes. Mon. Wea. Rev, 2000 ) The regional model variables include two-dimensional near surface fields and atmospheric fields on 6 pressure levels (200, 500, 700, 850, 925 and 1000 hPa) for zonal and meridional wind, temperature and pressure. The time interval of the output fields is 3 hours. Please contact sga"at" for data request details. The output format is netCDF. Experiment with CLM 2.4.6 on HPC Cluster ( blizzard ).

  • This is a North Sea wave hindcast for the period 1949-2014. The simulation has been performed with the wave model WAM Version 4.5.4. The model domain covers the area from 51N to 59N and 4.75W to 13E, with a spatial resolution of 0.05 degree latitude x 0.075 degree longitude (approx. 3 by 3 nautical miles). Integrated parameter derived from 2D spectra are available every hour. Atmospheric forcing was obtained from an atmospheric hindcast with COSMO-CLM (doi:10.1594/WDCC/coastDat-2_COSMO-CLM) driven by the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 data set. Lateral boundary conditions were obtained from corresponding coarse grid hindcast covering most of the Northeast Atlantic driven by the same atmospheric forcing.

  • The experiment CLM_A1B_2_D3 contains European regional climate simulations of the years 2001-2100 on a regular geographical grid. The data are generated during post processing of the corresponding data stream 2 experiment (CLM_A1B_2_D2) of regional climate model runs (CLM non hydrostatic, see ). It is forced by the second (_2_) run of the global IPCC scenario A1B (EH5-T63L31_OM-GR1.5L40_A1B_2_6H), which describes a possible future world of very rapid economic growth, global population peaking in mid-century and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies with a balance across all energy sources. In data stream 3 (_D3) the output variables of CLM data stream 2 and some additionally derived parameters are stored as time series on a regular geograhical grid (0.2 deg. hor. res.). The transformation has been done via CDO routines. Please note, that none of the variables has been corrected for topographical differences between the two grids. The model domain of data stream 3 covers the European region starting at 34.6/-10.6 (lat/lon, centre of lower left grid box) with an increment of 0.2 degree. The number of grid points is 177/238 (lat/lon). For some model variables and additionally derived parameters some statistics on daily, monthly or yearly basis are available. See also for a list of available parameters. Please contact sga"at" for data request details. See for more details on CLM simulations in the context of the BMBF funding priority "klimazwei", some useful information on handling climate model data and the data access regulations. The output format is netCDF Experiment with CLM 2.4.11 on NEC-SX6(hurrikan) raw data: hpss:/dxul/ut/k/k204095/prism/experiments/A1B_2

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