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  • This is an atmospheric hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using COSMO-CLM version 5.0 with spectral nudging from 2002-2017. MERRA2 reanalysis data are used as forcing. Additionally transient and monthly aerosol data of the MACv2 climatology are prescribed. The model uses a rotated grid with 566 x 481 grid points and a grid point distance of 0.0625 degrees, the rotated North pole is located at 162.0 W, 39.25 N. The published data excludes the sponge zone and have 526 x 441 grid points. In rotated coordinates the published simulation data extends from 22.64 W to 10.18 E, 11.2 S to 16.3 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 12 W to 30 E, 39 N to 60 N. institution: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research, Germany source: int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4, COSMO-CLM5.0_clm14_aerosol_gust (available at DKRZ's LTA WDCC service), contact: originator: Ronny Petrik crs: EPSG:4326

  • This resource contains the monthly mean u component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean 500hPa geopotential height [gpm] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean 2m temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean sea surface temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean v component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean temperature at 850hPa [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean mean-sea level pressure [Pa] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This is an atmospheric hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using COSMO-CLM version 5.0 with spectral nudging from 2002-2017. MERRA2 reanalysis data are used as forcing. Additionally transient and monthly aerosol data of the MACv2 climatology are prescribed. The model uses a rotated grid with 566 x 481 grid points and a grid point distance of 0.0625 degrees, the rotated North pole is located at 162.0 W, 39.25 N. The published data excludes the sponge zone and have 526 x 441 grid points. In rotated coordinates the published simulation data extends from 22.64 W to 10.18 E, 11.2 S to 16.3 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 12 W to 30 E, 39 N to 60 N. institution: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research, Germany source: int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4, COSMO-CLM5.0_clm14_aerosol_gust (available at DKRZ's LTA WDCC service), contact: originator: Ronny Petrik crs: EPSG:4326

  • This is a hydrodynamic hindcast for the North Sea and the Northeast Atlantic over the period 1948-2022 and ongoing. Atmospheric forcing is the regional COSMO-CLM NCEP1 data. The simulation has been performed with the hydrodynamic model TRIM-NP V2.5 in barotropic 2D mode. FES tides are included. Water level and current component fields are stored hourly. The model is set up on an equidistant Cartesian grid cascade with the center near Helgoland (7.88 E, 54.18 N). The coarsest grid with 12.8 km resolution covers the area from 20 W to 30 E and from 42 N to 65 N. Further nested grids better resolve the North Sea (with 6.4km), southern North Sea (with 3.2km) and the German Bight (with 1.6km and 0.4km). Hourly model data from grid 1 (ssh) and grid 4 (ssh, u-current, v-current) are available in this data bank. For data from other grids or 20min temporal resolution please contact the authors.

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