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  • This is an atmospheric hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using COSMO-CLM version 5.0 with spectral nudging from 2002-2017. MERRA2 reanalysis data are used as forcing. Additionally transient and monthly aerosol data of the MACv2 climatology are prescribed. The model uses a rotated grid with 566 x 481 grid points and a grid point distance of 0.0625 degrees, the rotated North pole is located at 162.0 W, 39.25 N. The published data excludes the sponge zone and have 526 x 441 grid points. In rotated coordinates the published simulation data extends from 22.64 W to 10.18 E, 11.2 S to 16.3 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 12 W to 30 E, 39 N to 60 N. institution: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research, Germany source: int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4, COSMO-CLM5.0_clm14_aerosol_gust (available at DKRZ's LTA WDCC service), contact: originator: Ronny Petrik crs: EPSG:4326

  • This resource contains the monthly mean temperature at 850hPa [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean v component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean 500hPa geopotential height [gpm] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean 2m temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean mean-sea level pressure [Pa] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean u component of wind at 850hPa [m/s] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This resource contains the monthly mean sea surface temperature [K] for 6 months. The period of hindcast data is January, 1993 - December, 2019. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble). The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This hindcast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site

  • This is an atmospheric hindcast for Western Europe and the North Atlantic using COSMO-CLM version 5.0 with spectral nudging from 2002-2017. MERRA2 reanalysis data are used as forcing. Additionally transient and monthly aerosol data of the MACv2 climatology are prescribed. The model uses a rotated grid with 566 x 481 grid points and a grid point distance of 0.0625 degrees, the rotated North pole is located at 162.0 W, 39.25 N. The published data excludes the sponge zone and have 526 x 441 grid points. In rotated coordinates the published simulation data extends from 22.64 W to 10.18 E, 11.2 S to 16.3 N, in geographical coordinates this corresponds to about 12 W to 30 E, 39 N to 60 N. institution: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Institute of Coastal Research, Germany source: int2lm_131101_2.00_clm4, COSMO-CLM5.0_clm14_aerosol_gust (available at DKRZ's LTA WDCC service), contact: originator: Ronny Petrik crs: EPSG:4326

  • This is a wave hindcast for the period 1995 - 2018 covering the North and Baltic Sea. The simulation has been performed with the spectral wave model WAM Version 4.6.2. The model domain covers the area from approx 49.2° N to 66.6° N and 9.8° W to 31.6° E, with a spatial resolution of 0.044 degree latitude x 0.044 degree longitude (approx. 5 by 5 km) on a rotated grid with the coordinates of the rotated north pole 140°W E and 32° N. Integrated parameter derived from 2D spectra are available every hour. Atmospheric forcing was obtained from the COSMO-REA6 regional atmospheric reanalysis ( provided by the German Weather Service (DWD) . Lateral boundary conditions were obtained from corresponding coarse grid hindcast covering most of the Northeast Atlantic driven by the same atmospheric forcing.

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