The General Global Map of Seafloor Bedrock Geology (seafloorgeol) shows the global distribution of seafloor bedrock, the boundaries of the continental shelf and continental slope, the axes of the oceanic ridges and other marine geological features. Sedimentary deposits are not shown. The map is based on extracts from Bouysse et al. (2010) © CGMW, and Bryan & Ernst (2008) using Esri Basemap, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors and the GIS User Community.
The General Global Map of Seafloor Bedrock Geology (seafloorgeol) shows the global distribution of seafloor bedrock, the boundaries of the continental shelf and continental slope, the axes of the oceanic ridges and other marine geological features. Sedimentary deposits are not shown. The map is based on extracts from Bouysse et al. (2010) © CGMW, and Bryan & Ernst (2008) using Esri Basemap, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap contributors and the GIS User Community.
The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) has been established in 1989 on request of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). It is operated by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, National Meteorological Service of Germany) as a German contribution to the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). Mandate of the GPCC is the global analysis of monthly precipitation on earth’s landsurface based on in situ raingauge data. Several products are availabe e.g. First Guess Product, First Guess Daily Product, Monitoring Product, ....
Free access and download to of a growing selection of DWD’s climate data. Via CDC Search you will find data for direct download and interactive access to station data. The interactive mode gives graphical and tabular previews of the German station data. In addition, all data sets remain accessible from our ftp server for direct download
This resource contains the monthly mean temperature at 850hPa [K] for 6 months. The format of resource is GRIB2. It is provided through the web site of WMO Lead Centre for LRF MME (Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble) on about the 15th of each month. The web site requests a user account. The Grade A(GPCs) and Grade B(NMHSs, RCCs) users can download the data USAGE: Menu: Data and Plot > Data Exchange > Search/Download. This forecast data is made by GPC_Offenbach (DWD) using an operational seasonal prediction system. For more detailed information about the seasonal forecasts of GPC_Offenbach (DWD) visit the web site