INSPIRE theme Environmental Monitoring Facilities. The data of the Marine Environmental Monitoring Network contain information on water temperature, salinity, level and current at different depths, air temperature, wind speed and direction, air pressure, humidity of the North and Baltic Sea at the stations Darßer Schwelle, Ems, Fehmarn Belt, Nordseeboje lll, Nordseeboje ll, Arkona Basin, German Bight, Fino 1, Kiel, Oder Bank.
INSPIRE theme Elevation (depth contours). It contains the depth contour of hydrographic surveying.
Timeseries of wind direction data obtained from the MARNET network. The MARNET network comprises of 11 stations in the North Sea and in the Baltic Sea
INSPIRE theme Elevation (depth contours). It contains the depth contour of hydrographic surveying.
INSPIRE theme Sea Regions.
INSPIRE theme Elevation (bathymetry). Provision of the topography of the seabed in the North and Baltic Sea.
Geographical names of regions and bottom structures in the German coastal waters of the North Sea and Baltic Sea based on nautical charts of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency and composition by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (StAGN)
INSPIRE theme Elevation (bathymetry). Provision of the topography of the seabed in the North and Baltic Sea.
INSPIRE theme Geology. Provision of the sediment distribution of the seabed in the North and Baltic Sea.
INSPIRE theme Planned Land Use (Marine Spatial Planning). Provision of marine spatial planning exclusive economic zone of Germany.