The SkySat constellation is comprised of 21 micro satellites with a size of 60 x 60 x 80 cm. SkySats can be tasked to acquire panchromatic and multispectral images of the Earth in high resolution (up to 50 centimeter) and at sub-daily frequency. They can also capture stereo imagery and video footage for up to 90 seconds. The first SkySat was launched in 2013, whereas higher resolution SkySat-C generation satellites were first launched in 2016. The SkySat constellation is owned and operated by Planet. The SkySat imagery of this collection covers specific test sites. The data has been purchased by the German Space Agency with funds from the Ministry of Economy and is available for Germany-based researchers for scientific use. The data collection is maintained by the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) of DLR’s Earth Observation Center and can be accessed via the EOWEB Geoportal. This collection comprises SkySat Collect products. The Ortho Collect product is created by composing SkySat Ortho Scenes along an imaging strip into segments typically unifying approximately 60 SkySat Ortho Scenes. It includes multispectral (BGRN) as well as the panchromatic (PAN) assets. Radiometric corrections to correct for any sensor artifacts and transformation to top-of-atmosphere radiance are applied. If available, the atmospherically corrected Surface Reflectance layer is included. For more details see:
The SkySat constellation is comprised of 21 micro satellites with a size of 60 x 60 x 80 cm. SkySats can be tasked to acquire panchromatic and multispectral images of the Earth in high resolution (up to 50 centimeter) and at sub-daily frequency. They can also capture stereo imagery and video footage for up to 90 seconds. The first SkySat was launched in 2013, whereas higher resolution SkySat-C generation satellites were first launched in 2016. The SkySat constellation is owned and operated by Planet. The SkySat imagery of this collection covers specific test sites. The data has been purchased by the German Space Agency with funds from the Ministry of Economy and is available for Germany-based researchers for scientific use. The data collection is maintained by the German Satellite Data Archive (D-SDA) of DLR’s Earth Observation Center and can be accessed via the EOWEB Geoportal. This collection comprises SkySat Scene products. The Ortho Scene product is sensor- and geometrically-corrected, and is projected to a cartographic map projection. It includes multispectral (BGRN) as well as the panchromatic (PAN) assets. Radiometric corrections to correct for any sensor artifacts and transformation to top-of-atmosphere radiance are applied. If available, the atmospherically corrected Surface Reflectance layer is included. For more details see:
Nicht nur die CODE-DE Archive können von registrierten CODE-DE Nutzern mit einer Reihe von Funktionen abgefragt werden, sondern auch die CREODIAS und Copernicus Contributing Missions Datenkataloge sind zugänglich. Der geographische Bereich einer Abfrage kann auf der Karte durch Polygone oder Punktkoordinaten definiert werden. Eine API-Abfrage wird zur späteren Verwendung in der eigenen Anwendung zur Verfügung gestellt. Darüber hinaus können registrierte Nutzer Verarbeitungsanfragen mit Hilfe vordefinierter Prozessoren für Sentinel-1- und Sentinel-2-Daten stellen. Der EO Finder dient als einer der Zugangspunkte zu einer einsatzbereiten Prozessierungskette für Erdbeobachtungsdaten, auf die jeder registrierte Nutzer von CODE-DE Zugang hat. Die Funktionalitäten reichen dabei von einfacher Vorverarbeitung bis hin zu fortgeschritteneren Algorithmen zur Atmosphärenkorrektur. - Verfügbare Daten im CODE-DE-Katalog: Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P, Sentinel-6, Copernicus DEM (COP-DEM), MODIS / TerraAqua - Verfügbare Daten im CREODIAS-Katalog: Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Sentinel-5P, Landsat-5 ESA Archive, Landsat-7 ESA Archive, Landsat-8 ESA Archive - Verfügbare Daten im Copernicus Contributing Missions-Katalog: IRS-P5 CartoSat-1, Deimos-2, GeoEye-1, Ikonos-2, KOMPSAT-2, KOMPSAT-3, PlanetScope, Pleiades-1, QuickBird-2, RapidEye, IRS-P6 Resourcesat-1, IRS-P2 Resourcesat-2, SPOT-5, SPOT-6, SPOT-7, SkySat, SuperView-1, WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3 - Verfügbare Prozessoren für Sentinel-1: SLC Interferometry (12 days), SLC Interferometry (6 days), Terrain-corrected backscatter - Verfügbare Prozessoren für Sentinel-2: FORCE Atmospheric Correction / Cloud Mask generation, SNAP-Biophysical, SNAP-C2RCC