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  • Copernicus Urban Atlas data were complemented by Corine Landcover data to generate an area covering land cover dataset for DWD’s urban climate model MUKLIMO_3. The land cover classifaction of the combined data set is identical to the original classification of the two input data sets and documented on the websites of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (, The dataset was created within the Copernicus project ‘Utilisation of GMES Urban Atlas for urban climate modelling’ (GUAMO). The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) of Germany under reference number ‘50 EW 1610‘ and carried out from August 2016 to September 2018. The dataset a polygon-feature (feature-class) of an ESRI Geodatabase with following coordinate system: ETRS_1989_LAEA WKID: Authority: 3035 (EPSG) Projection: Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area False_Easting: 4321000,0 False_Northing: 3210000,0 Central_Meridian: 10,0 Latitude_Of_Origin: 52,0 Linear Unit: Meter (1,0) Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_ETRS_1989 Angular Unit: Degree (0,0174532925199433) Prime Meridian: Greenwich (0,0) Datum: D_ETRS_1989 Spheroid: GRS_1980 Semimajor Axis: 6378137,0 Semiminor Axis: 6356752,314140356 Inverse Flattening: 298,257222101

  • Description of climatological monthly and annual outstanding weather events, maps of various climate quantities, provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) an Climate Monitoring WMO-RA6-RCC-CM

  • Graphs on validation of mean cloud fractional cover product, provided by ECSM - European Climate System Monitoring, WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of monthly maximum duration of fair days derived from from satellite and in-situ observations ('satellite weather') on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (near real time product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of monthly number of fair days derived from satellite and in-situ observations ('satellite weather') on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (near real time product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of mean monthly mean values of cloud fractional cover derived from satellite and in-situ observations ('satellite weather') on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (near realtime product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of monthly maximum duration of dull days derived from satellite and in-situ observations ('satellite weather') on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid (near real time product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of anomalies of mean monthly mean values of cloud fractional cover derived from satellite and in-situ observations ('satellite weather') on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid from reference period 1971-2000(near realtime product), provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Description of outstanding weather events, maps of various climate quantities, annual climate reviews (RA VI Bulletin), provided by WMO RA VI Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

  • Maps of longterm mean monthly mean values of cloud fractional cover derived from ISCCP-DX data, SYNOP-data, SHIP-data and climate observations on a 0.25x0.25 degree grid, reference period 1971-2000, provided by WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) on Climate Monitoring

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