Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The original map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale („multi-resolution“-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the geological map (section of Germany) provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS EMODnet-DE Quaternary (INSPIRE) contains layers of the geologic units (GE.GeologicUnit) displayed correspondingly to the INSPIRE portrayal rules. The geologic units are represented graphically by stratigraphy (GE.GeologicUnit.AgeOfRocks) and lithology (GE.GeologicUnit.Lithology). The portrayal of the lithology is defined by the first named rock. Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains detailed information on the lithology, stratigraphy (age) and genesis (event environment and event process).
Compilation of the European Quaternary marine geology (section of Germany). The map consists of data at highest available spatial resolution, map scale („multi-resolution“-concept) and data completeness vary depending on the project partner (as of 2019 April). Project partners are the national geological services of the participating countries. According to the Data Specification on Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the geological map is stored in a INSPIRE-compliant GML file: EMODnet-DE_Quaternary_GeologicUnit.gml contains the geologic units. The GML file together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format ( The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML file content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) contains five layers: MR.Mine displays important mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point.EnergyResourcesAndMineralRawMaterials displays small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.DistributionOfSalt displays the distribution of salt. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays large-scale energy resources as polygons. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.MineralRawMaterials displays large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The user obtains detailed information on the mineral raw materials, energy resources and mines via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The colouring of the large- and small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as well as of the mines corresponds largely to the colouring of the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE). In addition, the gas and oil polygons are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal polygons are displayed in their original colour grey. Also the colours of the mine symbols correspond largely to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. Only the salt and potash mine symbols have their original colour. All mine symbols are BGR symbols. The distribution areas of the Triassic and Zechstein salt show the corresponding geochronological INSPIRE colours (see Data Specification on Geology D2.8.II.4_v3.0). The distribution area of salt diapirism is displayed in a BGR colour.
The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in five INSPIRE-compliant GML files: BSK1000_Mine.gml contains important mines as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_point_Energy_resources_and_mineral_raw_materials.gml contains small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Distribution_of_salt.gml contains the distribution of salt as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains large-scale energy resources as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Mineral_raw_materials.gml contains large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format ( The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.
GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) is a cooperative project between the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys and Eurometeaux. In total, more than 60 international organisations and institutions worldwide were involved in the implementation of the project. During 2008 and 2009, a total of 2219 samples of agricultural (arable land soils, 0 – 20 cm, Ap samples) and 2127 samples of grazing land (pasture land soils, 0 – 10 cm, Gr samples) soil were collected at a density of 1 site/2 500 km² each from 33 European countries, covering an area of 5,600,000 km². In addition to the chemical element contents, soil properties and soil parameters such as pH, particle size distribution, effective cation exchange capacity (CEC), MIR spectra and magnetic susceptibility were investigated in the samples and some coefficients were calculated. The downloadable files present the areal distribution of the determined clay content in the shape of colour shaded contour maps.
In order to exploit mineral raw materials close to the Earth's surface, experts are working on trans-regional and national planning documents. To do this, they need maps which clearly depict the raw materials close to the surface in Germany. KOR200 displays Germany's national raw material potential in a comparable way, thus forming a basis for future exploration and investigations as well as making a contribution towards the assurance of the supply of raw materials. The map follows the sheet line system of the topographical survey map 1:200.000 (TÜK 200) and consists of 55 sheets, each with an explanatory booklet. There is a review of the current situation, a description, a depiction and documentation of the occurrence and deposits of mineral raw materials which are usually extracted in mines either on or close to the Earth's surface. Such deposits include, in particular, industrial minerals, rocks and soils, peat, lignite, oil shale and brines. Besides the delimited deposits and areas of raw materials coloured according to the raw material in question, the maps also depict "mining areas" (=operations) or "focal points of several mining areas", each marked with a symbol. The map entries are - just as with the topographical basis - recorded in digitalised form in a databank, from which they can be retrieved via a computer using various search criteria. The entries in the map are supplemented by between 40 to 80 pages of textual explanations, which are currently available only in the printed edition of the map. The text is divided into: - introduction - description of the deposits and occurrence of useful rocks - supply and demand assessment of the deposits and occurrence of raw materials close to the Earth's surface in the area covered by the sheet - possible ways of using the useful rocks present in the sheet area - list of publications - appendix (with, amongst other things, a general legend and survey of sheets)