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  • This dataset contains in-situ measurements of ship-generated wave heights and currents collected during 14 campaigns from 1998 to 2022 in German coastal waterways. It includes 81,092 filtered datapoints (from an initial 97,877) across 46 measurement stations in 28 cross-sections, with 23 unique locations, some of which were repeated after a certain time. Each wave event is linked to the ship and nautical parameters responsible for its generation. A more detailed metadata description for each campaign is attached to the dataset. Citation for this data set: Seemann, A.; Melling, G. (2024): Ship Wave Measurements in German Coastal Waterways from 1998 to 2022 [Dataset], DOI:

  • Der Datensatz enthält die Soll-Belastungsklassen des Straßenoberbaus für das Hamburger Stadtstraßennetz. Die dimensionierungsrelevante Beanspruchung B (Summe der gewichteten äquivalenten 10-t -Achsübergänge im Nutzungszeitraum) zur Bestimmung der Soll-Belastungsklassen wurde entsprechend Methode 1.2 der Richtlinien für die Standardisierung des Oberbaus von Verkehrsflächen (RStO) ermittelt. Mit Ausnahme des Steigungsfaktors fz wurden alle übrigen in der entsprechenden Formel enthaltenen Faktoren aus den in der Hamburger Straßeninformationsbank hinterlegten Daten ermittelt (z.B. Durchschnittliche tägliche Schwerverkehrsbelastung, Fahrstreifenbreite, Fahrstreifenanzahl). Einzig zur Ermittlung der Steigungsfaktoren liegen keine Netzdaten vor, daher wurde eine Höchstlängsneigung ≤ 6 % für die Berechnungen angesetzt. Weiter konnte die Berechnung in den Aufweitungsbereichen der Knotenpunkte nicht rechnerisch ermittelt werden, da Straßenbreiten und Fahrstreifenzahl in der Regel nicht konsistent sind. Für den Liniennetzschluss war es daher erforderlich die Kreuzungsbereich zwischen den Berechnungsergebnissen sinnvoll zu schließen. Für bauvorbereitende Maßnahmen sind die Soll Belastungsklassen in der Liniendarstellung daher nur bedingt geeignet, in Knotenpunkten ist eine detaillierte Betrachtung zwingend erforderlich. Der Datensatz gibt ausdrücklich nur die Soll-Belastungsklasse wieder und nicht zwingend die aktuell auf der jeweiligen Straße vorliegende Ist-Belastungsklasse.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

  • Web Feature Service (WFS) zum Thema Soll-Belastungsklassen des Straßenoberbaus für das Hamburger Stadtstraßennetz. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

  • Web Map Service (WMS) zum Thema Soll-Belastungsklassen des Straßenoberbaus für das Hamburger Stadtstraßennetz. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

  • New, nationwide background values for 16 heavy metals and trace elements were published by the LABO in 2017. They are based on profile descriptions and measurements of aqua regia extracts, which were combined and homogenized by the BGR. Measurements with high quantification limits were excluded from further evaluation according to certain criteria in order to avoid their influence on the derivation of background values. To prevent the background values from being disproportionately influenced by regions with high sample densities, spatial thinning was partially performed. The values of several horizons of a site were combined to one value by depth-weighted averages. For evaluation, the available measured values were assigned to different groups of soil parent materials. In addition, a distinction was made whether the samples were taken in the topsoil, in the subsoil or in the underground. In the case of topsoil, the different land use (arable land, grassland, forest) was also taken into account for the evaluation. Unconsolidated rocks were evaluated separately for northern and southern Germany due to their different composition. By dividing the data into sub-collectives, reliable case numbers were not achieved in all cases. Consequently, only background values with case numbers ?20 are presented. The exact derivation procedure can be found in the report of the LABO-Bund/Länder-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz (2017): 'Hintergrundwerte für anorganische und organische Stoffe in Böden', 4th revised and supplemented edition.

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