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  • Web Map Service (WMS) of the BUEK1000. The first country wide soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000) has been compiled on the basis of published soil maps of the former German Democratic Republic and the pre 1990 federal states of Germany. To do this, it was necessary to match the soil systems used in East and West Germany and to develop standardized descriptions of soil units. A relatively homogeneous map has resulted, which permits uniform assessment of the soils throughout Germany. The map shows 71 soil mapping units, described in the legend on the basis of the German and FAO soil systems. Each soil unit has been assigned a characteristic soil profile (Leitprofil) as an aid to map interpretation. For the first time the subdivision of the country into 12 soil regions has been represented on the map. This subdivision was coordinated with the state Geological Surveys. These soil regions will represent the highest hierarchic level of nation wide soil maps in future. The colours of soil units correspond to the standards of the 'Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung' (KA 3; Guidelines for Soil Mapping). The various hues characterize differences in relief or soil humidity. The BUEK1000 was produced digitally. It is an important part of the spatial database integrated in the Soil Information System currently being established at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (FISBo BGR). It can be used together with the characteristic soil profiles to derive thematic maps related to nation wide soil protection. The scale of the BUEK1000 makes it especially suitable for small scale evaluations at federal or EU level.

  • The first country wide soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000) has been compiled on the basis of published soil maps of the former German Democratic Republic and the pre 1990 federal states of Germany. To do this, it was necessary to match the soil systems used in East and West Germany and to develop standardized descriptions of soil units. A relatively homogeneous map has resulted, which permits uniform assessment of the soils throughout Germany. The map shows 71 soil mapping units, described in the legend on the basis of the German and FAO soil systems. Each soil unit has been assigned a characteristic soil profile (Leitprofil) as an aid to map interpretation. For the first time the subdivision of the country into 12 soil regions has been represented on the map. This subdivision was coordinated with the state Geological Surveys. These soil regions will represent the highest hierarchic level of nation wide soil maps in future. The colours of soil units correspond to the standards of the 'Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung' (KA 3; Guidelines for Soil Mapping). The various hues characterize differences in relief or soil humidity. The BUEK1000 was produced digitally. It is an important part of the spatial database integrated in the Soil Information System currently being established at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (FISBo BGR). It can be used together with the characteristic soil profiles to derive thematic maps related to nation wide soil protection. The scale of the BUEK1000 makes it especially suitable for small scale evaluations at federal or EU level.

  • - Archiv umfassend untersuchter Bodenproben von bodenkundlichen Aufschlüssen - Bodenproben werden für Vergleichs- und Wiederholungsuntersuchungen aufbewahrt - Probenbank wird mit einer relationalen Datenbank verwaltet

  • Datenbank mit folgendem Inhalt: Kennzeichnung des Profils; Kennzeichnung einer Bohrung in der Ingenieurgeologie; Geochemie; Hydrologie; Geologie; Name des Archivs (Originalunterlagen der Profilbeschreibung); Archiv-Fachbereich; Standort-Nummer (Standort im Archiv); Projektkennzeichnung; Profilnummer (Kennzeichnung innerhalb eines Projektes); Aufschlußart; Aufnahmeintensität; Probenhinweise; Gemeinde-Schlüssel; sonstige Titeldaten (Bemerkungen zu Grunddaten); Aufnehmer der Profildaten (Primärdaten); Aufnahmedatum; Bearbeiter der Primärdaten; Bearbeitungsdatum; Erfasser der Profildaten; Erfassungsdatum (Computereingabe); Korrektur-Hinweise; Nummer der topographischen Karte 1:25 000; Rechts-Wert; Hoch-Wert; Koordinaten-System; Koordinaten-Findung; Geländehöhe; Höhen-System; Höhen-Findung; Endteufe; Vertraulichkeit; Naturräumliche Gliederung; regionale Einheit der Bodenlandschaften; Reliefformtyp; metrische Angaben zur Ausdehnung des Reliefformtypes; Mikrorelief ; Bohrposition; Hangneigung; Exposition; Wölbung horizontal; Wölbung vertikal ; Bodenabtrag/ auftrag (Ursache); Bodenabtrag/ auftrag (Wirkung); Nutzungsart; Vegetation; Zeigerpflanzen; Antropogene Veränderungen; Gründigkeit; mittlerer Jahresniederschlag; mittlere Jahrestemperatur; Name der Klimastation/ Meßstelle; Niederschlag/ Witterung ; Bemerkungen zur Aufnahmesituation; Bodensystematische Einheit; Substratsystematische Einheit; Substrattyp alt; Humusform; Obergrenze des geschlossenen Kapillarraumes; Grund/Stauwasserspiegel; Grundwasserstufe; Vernässungsgrad; Erosionsgrad; Bodenschätzung; Wertigkeit des Profils; Zusatzangaben/ Hinweise; Ergänzungen zum Profil; Interpretations-Hinweise; Dateihinweise (digitale Daten bei anderen Institutionen)

  • - Anleitung zur Aufnahme von Bodenprofilen in der bodenkundlichen Landesaufnahme - standardisierte Beschreibung einschließlich Symbolschlüssel und Aufnahmeformular

  • The exchange frequency of water in soils describes how often water and the dissolved substances in it can be replaced in a soil layer during the annual leachate flow. Small water storage capacity means high replacement frequency. The risk of the discharge of easily detachable materials like nitrate is given at high exchange rates.

  • Der Downloaddienst stellt Informationen aus dem bodenkundlichen Kartenwerk des Freistaates Sachen (Grundlage Digitale Bodenkarte 1:50.000) bereit. Dargestellt werden Kartier-/Legendeneinheiten, die repräsentative Leitbodenformen (eine Kombination von Bodentyp und Substrattyp) in ihrer räumlichen Verbreitung abbilden. Diese enthalten darüber hinaus Informationen zur nutzbaren Feldkapazität im potenziellen Wurzelraum. Jede Kartier-/Legendeneinheit ist mit einem Leitprofil hinterlegt, das Informationen zu den einzelnen Bodenschichten/Horizonten enthält. Diese umfassen obere und untere Grenze der Schicht/des Horizonts, Horizontbezeichnung und Bodenart. Die Bodenarten wurden laboranalytisch validiert.

  • Der Datensatz beinhaltet Informationen aus dem bodenkundlichen Kartenwerk des Freistaates Sachsen (Grundlage Digitale Bodenkarte 1:50.000). Dargestellt werden Kartier-/Legendeneinheiten, die repräsentative Leitbodenformen (eine Kombination von Bodentyp und Substrattyp) in ihrer räumlichen Verbreitung abbilden. Diese enthalten darüber hinaus Informationen zur nutzbaren Feldkapazität im potenziellen Wurzelraum. Jede Kartier-/Legendeneinheit ist mit einem Leitprofil hinterlegt, das Informationen zu den einzelnen Bodenschichten/Horizonten enthält. Diese umfassen obere und untere Grenze der Schicht/des Horizonts, Horizontbezeichnung und Bodenart. Die Bodenarten wurden laboranalytisch validiert.

  • In addition to the natural soil functions, knowledge of the thermal properties of soils is an important parameter for the use of soils, e.g. for near-surface geothermal energy. The heat distribution is largely determined by how quickly the soil conducts energy in the form of heat. How strongly this happens is expressed in the property of thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity is given in the unit W/(m*K). In addition to the material composition of soil, the water and air balance is decisive. For the present dataset, the soil profiles of the BUEK1000N were evaluated according to the soil science method documentation of the Soil Working Group AG Boden. The soil texture, the dry density and the current water content served as input data. The water content is determined indirectly by deriving the soil moisture from the field capacity and dry density. With G horizons, the total pore volume is also taken into account, with peat only the field capacity. These data are incorporated into soil type-specific equations that take into account the respective properties of sand, clay, silt and loam soils as well as those of peat soils. For solid rock, the rock-specific characteristic values of thermal conductivity are taken from tables. The parameters are determined by horizon. For each legend unit of the BUEK1000N, the dataset gives a minimum and maximum value, the median and a weighted mean value of the thermal conductivity depending on the thickness of the horizons. Settlements, open-cast mining and mudflat areas as well as the areas of landfills, wetlands and bodies of water are not assessed.

  • - Datenbank mit bodenchemischen und bodenphysikalischen Analysenergebnissen und Analysenmethoden

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