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  • Der Datensatz „INSPIRE BW Bodennutzung Flächeninformation und Online-Antrag FIONA ab 2023“ stellt die Bodennutzung von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen dar. Die Polygone zeigen die Grenzen einer, im Rahmen des Gemeinsamen Antrages, gemeldeten Nutzung. Die Daten werden im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU erhoben und sind Bestandteil des Verwaltungssystems von Baden-Württemberg. Ein Polygon liegt nur dann vor, wenn die landwirtschaftliche Fläche im Gemeinsamen Antrag beantragt worden ist. Die Polygone wurden anonymisiert.

  • Der Datensatz „INSPIRE BW Bodennutzung Flächeninformation und Online-Antrag FIONA“ stellt die Bodennutzung von landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen dar. Die Polygone zeigen die Grenzen einer, im Rahmen des Gemeinsamen Antrages 2022, gemeldeten Nutzung. Die Daten werden im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU erhoben und sind Bestandteil des Verwaltungssystems von Baden-Württemberg. Ein Polygon liegt nur dann vor, wenn die landwirtschaftliche Fläche im Gemeinsamen Antrag beantragt worden ist. Die Polygone wurden anonymisiert.

  • GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) is a cooperative project between the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys and Eurometeaux. In total, more than 60 international organisations and institutions worldwide were involved in the implementation of the project. During 2008 and 2009, a total of 2219 samples of agricultural (arable land soils, 0 – 20 cm, Ap samples) and 2127 samples of grazing land (pasture land soils, 0 – 10 cm, Gr samples) soil were collected at a density of 1 site/2 500 km² each from 33 European countries, covering an area of 5,600,000 km². All samples were analysed for 52 chemical elements after an aqua regia extraction, 41 by XRF (total), TC and TOC. In addition, the agricultural soil samples were analysed for 57 elements in a mobile metal ion (MMI®) extraction and Pb isotopes. All analytical results were subject to tight external quality control procedures. The GEMAS project thus provides for the first time fully harmonised data for element concentrations and bioavailability of the elements at the continental (European) scale. Compared to the original dataset, the download files contain a dataset (*.xlsx , *.csv) that has been extended to include data from eastern Ukraine and in the element spectrum. In addition, a dataset description (structure and features) is provided.

  • GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) is a cooperative project between the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys and Eurometeaux. In total, more than 60 international organisations and institutions worldwide were involved in the implementation of the project. During 2008 and 2009, a total of 2219 samples of agricultural (arable land soils, 0 – 20 cm, Ap samples) and 2127 samples of grazing land (pasture land soils, 0 – 10 cm, Gr samples) soil were collected at a density of 1 site/2 500 km2 each from 33 European countries, covering an area of 5,600,000 km2. All samples were analysed for 52 chemical elements after an aqua regia extraction, 41 by XRF (total), TC and TOC. In addition, the agricultural soil samples were analysed for 57 elements in a mobile metal ion (MMI®) extraction and Pb isotopes. All analytical results were subject to tight external quality control procedures. The GEMAS project thus provides for the first time fully harmonised data for element concentrations and bioavailability of the elements at the continental (European) scale. The original data stored on the DVD attached to the Geol. Jb. B 102 (*.xls & *.pdf; approx.. 14 MB) as well as the complete content of the DVD (dataset, maps & graphics, statistical tables, ...) in two formats (ISO image and complete content as ZIP file, each approx. 2 GB) are available for download.

  • GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) is a cooperative project between the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys and Eurometeaux. In total, more than 60 international organisations and institutions worldwide were involved in the implementation of the project. During 2008 and 2009, a total of 2219 samples of agricultural (arable land soils, 0 – 20 cm, Ap samples) and 2127 samples of grazing land (pasture land soils, 0 – 10 cm, Gr samples) soil were collected at a density of 1 site/2 500 km² each from 33 European countries, covering an area of 5,600,000 km². All samples were analysed for 52 chemical elements after an aqua regia extraction, 41 by XRF (total), TC and TOC. In addition, the agricultural soil samples were analysed for 57 elements in a mobile metal ion (MMI®) extraction and Pb isotopes. All analytical results were subject to tight external quality control procedures. The GEMAS project thus provides for the first time fully harmonised data for element concentrations and bioavailability of the elements at the continental (European) scale. The WMS presents the areal distribution of the element contents determined by different analytical methods in the shape of colour shaded contour maps with a classification in 7 and 72 levels each.

  • GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) is a cooperative project between the Geochemistry Expert Group of EuroGeoSurveys and Eurometeaux. In total, more than 60 international organisations and institutions worldwide were involved in the implementation of the project. During 2008 and 2009, a total of 2219 samples of agricultural (arable land soils, 0 – 20 cm, Ap samples) and 2127 samples of grazing land (pasture land soils, 0 – 10 cm, Gr samples) soil were collected at a density of 1 site/2 500 km² each from 33 European countries, covering an area of 5,600,000 km². In addition to the chemical element contents, soil properties and soil parameters such as pH, particle size distribution, effective cation exchange capacity (CEC), MIR spectra and magnetic susceptibility were investigated in the samples and some coefficients were calculated. The WMS presents the areal distribution of the determined parameters and coefficients in the shape of colour shaded contour maps.

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