With its Energy Data publication, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) presents data and facts on the worldwide availability, production, import and export of energy sources. These include data on fossil and renewable energy sources. In the future, the BGR Energy Study will be published in text and table form every other year. The data tables, on the other hand, will continue to be published annually, and offered for download free of charge. The published data sets on the situation of renewable energy sources including deep geothermal energy, plus energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear fuels as of the end of 2018 are a classified and evaluated extract of the BGR energy sources database. In addition to estimating the geological inventory of energy sources with reliable statements on reserves and resources, the energy markets are examined with regard to the global development of production, export, import and consumption. Our Energy Data are meant to advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), German industry and science, and the general public on aspects of natural resource management.
Anteile der überwiegenden Energieträger an der Wohnraum- und Arbeitsstättenbeheizung 2005 pro Baublock.
With its Energy Data publication, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) presents data and facts on the worldwide availability, production, import and export of energy sources. These include data on fossil and renewable energy sources. In the future, the BGR Energy Study will be published in text and table form every other year. The data tables, on the other hand, will continue to be published annually, and offered for download free of charge. The published data sets on the situation of renewable energy sources including deep geothermal energy and hydrogen, plus energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear fuels as of the end of 2022 are a classified and evaluated extract of the BGR energy sources database. In addition to estimating the geological inventory of energy sources with reliable statements on reserves and resources, the energy markets are examined with regard to the global development of production, export, import and consumption. Our Energy Data are meant to advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), German industry and science, and the general public on aspects of natural resource management.
With its Energy Data publication, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) presents data and facts on the worldwide availability, production, import and export of energy sources. These include data on fossil and renewable energy sources. In the future, the BGR Energy Study will be published in text and table form every other year. The data tables, on the other hand, will continue to be published annually, and offered for download free of charge. The published data sets on the situation of renewable energy sources including deep geothermal energy and hydrogen, plus energy sources such as crude oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear fuels as of the end of 2020 are a classified and evaluated extract of the BGR energy sources database. In addition to estimating the geological inventory of energy sources with reliable statements on reserves and resources, the energy markets are examined with regard to the global development of production, export, import and consumption. Our Energy Data are meant to advise the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), German industry and science, and the general public on aspects of natural resource management.
Die Geologische Karte des Rheinisch-Westfälischen Steinkohlengebietes 1 : 10 000 [IS RK 10] zeigt die Verbreitung der karbonzeitlichen Steinkohlen-Flöze und Sandsteine. Sie informiert außerdem über die Tektonik und die Tiefenlage der Karbon-Oberfläche. Sie wurde in Jahren 1949 bis 1954 vom Amt für Bodenforschung – Landesstelle Nordrhein-Westfalen, Krefeld – erarbeitet und gibt den geowissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand des Erstellungsdatums wieder. Heute gewinnen die insgesamt 58, hochauflösenden Kartenblätter zur Bearbeitung von Fragen zum Thema Altbergbau zunehmend an Bedeutung. Das Gesamtkartenwerk besteht aus fünf Lieferungen und dazugehörigen Schnitten und Erläuterungen. Bereitstellung der Flächenkarte mit Schnitten. Die Schnitte haben keine Georeferenzierung.