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  • The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. The WMS KOR250 (INSPIRE) contains the two layers MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon (mineral resources as polygons) and MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point (mineral resources as points). Via the getFeatureInfo request the user obtains additional information on the mineral resources. Notes: The colouring of the raw material occurrences in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) largely corresponds to the colouring of the original KOR250. In the INSPIRE Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) there are no portrayal rules for building raw materials and dimension stones, which constitute a large part of the raw material occurrences. It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200:

  • The KOR250 (INSPIRE) in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is derived from the KOR250, the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These mines are not included in the KOR250 (INSPIRE) as often the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself is displayed as well as in many regions the dataset is outdated. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted. The point data displayed in KOR250 (INSPIRE) indicate very small, but worth mentioning prospects of certain raw materials. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in two INSPIRE-compliant GML files: KOR250_EarthResource_polygon.gml comprises the mineral resources as polygons. KOR250_EarthResource_point.gml comprises the mineral resources as points. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format ( The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements. Notes: It should be noted that according to the INSPIRE commodity code list, most magmatites and metamorphites were assigned to the two values "granite" and "basalt". From a geological point of view and with regard to its origin, this assignment is often misleading. For more information on the outcropping rock of a specific raw material occurrence, the German name from the original KOR250 was mapped to the attribute name of the class GeologicFeature. Link KOR200:

  • Die BK50-Moor ist ein Auszug der Moor- und humusreichen Grundwasserböden aus der Bodenkarte Baden-Württemberg (BK50) als Teil der Integrierten Geowissenschaftlichen Landesaufnahme des Landesamts für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau (Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Abt. 9). Die Konzeption, Durchführung und Datenaufbereitung der BK50 ist auf den Maßstabsbereich 1:25 000 bis 1:50 000 zugeschnitten. Die BK50-Moor stellt eine überarbeitete Fassung der Moorkarte Baden-Württemberg der LUBW (Moorkarte BW) dar, mit klarem Fokus auf der bodenkundlichen Klassifizierung der entwickelten Bodentypen. Anders als in der Moorkarte der LUBW umfasst die BK50-Moor die ganze Bandbreite der humosen Grundwasserböden. Sie veranschaulicht die Bodenwasserverhältnisse um den eigentlichen Moor- bzw. überdeckten Torfkörper. Die Legendeinheiten, die nicht klar Hoch- und/oder Niedermooren zugewiesen werden, decken teils eine weitere Spanne von vergesellschafteten Grund- und Stauwasserböden ab. Für die BK50-Moor wurden im Rheintal und im Schwarzwald die Daten der Moorkarte der LUBW übernommen. Alle anderen Flächen wurden durch Feldaufnahmen im Rahmen der Erstellung der BK50 und Auswertung der Forstlichen Standortkartierung (FVA), dem Digitalen Geländemodell DGM1 (LGL) und der Bodenschätzung (FA) erstellt und ggf. an die räumlichen Verhältnisse angepasst bzw. korrigiert. Die Geometriedaten werden mit Angaben zum Bodentyp, zum Ausgangsmaterial der Bodenbildung sowie zusätzlich mit einem PDF-Datenblatt beschrieben.

  • Grösse ca. 100 ha, Junges, relativ ungestörtes Verlandungsmoor ohne Abflußmöglichkeit. Das Gebiet ist ein wertvoller Lebensraum für zahlreiche seltene moorbewohnenden Organismenarten. Es besitzt als Standort mit aktiver Torfbildung eine besondere landeskulturelle Bedeutung.

  • Die KBK25 ist eine Arbeitskarte, der eine Auswertung vorhandener Unterlagen, ohne oder nur mit anteiliger Überprüfung im Gelände, zu Grunde liegt. Sie ist nicht gleichzusetzen mit einer amtlichen Bodenkarte! Die KBK25 ist die Bodengeologische Arbeitskarte des Geologischen Dienstes M-V. Änderungen und Aktualisierungen werden laufend eingepflegt. Von 1996 bis 2006 wurde die Karte blattweise (1: 25 000) in analoger Form durch insgesamt 10 in- und externe Bearbeiter mit z.T. unterschiedlicher Aufnahmeintensität erstellt. Die Digitalisierung und die Herstellung der Blattschnittfreiheit erfolgte zentral durch das LUNG M-V. Gewässergrenzen wurden aus dem Datenbestand der Automatisierten Liegenschaftskarte (ALK) ab einer Fläche > 2 ha als Polygon abgebildet. Als Eingangsdaten wurden die Klassenflächenkarten der Bodenschätzung, die Geologische Karte 1: 25 000 (GK25), die Übersichtskarte Quartär 1: 200000 (ÜKQ200) die Forstliche Standortskarte und der Moorstandortkatalog M-V genutzt. Als topographische Grundlage fungiert die Topographische Karte 1: 25 000 (Normalausgabe). Die Karte der Moorbodenformengesellschaften stellt einen Auszug aus der KBK25 dar und folgt nomenklatorisch der Bodenkundlichen Kartieranleitung, 5. Auflage (KA5). Die Nummerierung der Legendeneinheiten entspricht dem jeweiligen Aktualisierungsstand der Landeslegende der KBK25. Bearbeiter: Digitalisierung: LUNG 420b (C. Sygusch) Attributtabelle, Datendokumentation: M. Hanetschak; LUNG 420-1 (F. Idler)

  • The KOR250 in the scale of 1:250,000 shows occurrences and deposits of mineral resources in Germany, which lie close to the Earth’s surface, i.e. can be mined in open-pits, quarries or near-surface mines. These mineral resources include industrial minerals, aggregates, peat, lignite, oil shales, and natural brines. The map is the digital successor of the map series KOR200 „Map of Near-Surface Deposits of the Federal Republic of Germany 1:200,000”, which has been published since 1984. The KOR200 and KOR250 have been published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the State Geological Surveys of the federal states on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Primary purpose of the KOR250 is to display Germany’s potential of domestic raw materials in a comparable way. The explanations given in the printed booklets accompanying the KOR200 are not available in the digital KOR250. In the KOR250 besides the defined deposits and differently coloured areas of raw materials, "active mines" (= operations) at time of publication or "focal points of several active mines" are marked with one symbol each. These symbols often display the headquarters of the mining company and not the mining site itself. As the map sheets of the KOR200 have been generated over more than three decades the timeliness of data is extremely different. For more detail, the current large-scale raw material maps of the Federal State Geological Surveys should always be consulted.

  • In order to exploit mineral raw materials close to the Earth's surface, experts are working on trans-regional and national planning documents. To do this, they need maps which clearly depict the raw materials close to the surface in Germany. KOR200 displays Germany's national raw material potential in a comparable way, thus forming a basis for future exploration and investigations as well as making a contribution towards the assurance of the supply of raw materials. The map follows the sheet line system of the topographical survey map 1:200.000 (TÜK 200) and consists of 55 sheets, each with an explanatory booklet. There is a review of the current situation, a description, a depiction and documentation of the occurrence and deposits of mineral raw materials which are usually extracted in mines either on or close to the Earth's surface. Such deposits include, in particular, industrial minerals, rocks and soils, peat, lignite, oil shale and brines. Besides the delimited deposits and areas of raw materials coloured according to the raw material in question, the maps also depict "mining areas" (=operations) or "focal points of several mining areas", each marked with a symbol. The map entries are - just as with the topographical basis - recorded in digitalised form in a databank, from which they can be retrieved via a computer using various search criteria. The entries in the map are supplemented by between 40 to 80 pages of textual explanations, which are currently available only in the printed edition of the map. The text is divided into: - introduction - description of the deposits and occurrence of useful rocks - supply and demand assessment of the deposits and occurrence of raw materials close to the Earth's surface in the area covered by the sheet - possible ways of using the useful rocks present in the sheet area - list of publications - appendix (with, amongst other things, a general legend and survey of sheets)

  • Grösse ca. 30 ha, Komplex aufgelassene, sich in unterschiedlichen Verlandungsphasen befindliche Torfstiche im Niederungsbereich der Datze. Das Gebiet ist aus faunistischer, herpetologischer und ornithologischer Sicht von herausragender Bedeutung. Langfristig wird die Regeneration des Wasserhaushaltes angestrebt.

  • Die Karte beinhaltet folgende Rohstoffe: Torfe, Braunkohle, Steinkohle. Rückseite mit Erläuterung, u.a. regionalgeologisches und stratigraphisches Auftreten der Braunkohlen- und Steinkohlenflöze, Charakteristik der Braunkohlen- und Steinkohlenflöze, Torfgenese, Entwicklung der Braunkohlenförderung nach 1989 in Sachsen, Struktur der sächsischen Braunkohlenreserven in Sachsen.

  • Enthält Angaben zu landschaftsökologischer Bedeutung des Gebietes und zu historischen und aktuellen Nutzungsformen. Enthält Hydrologie und Hydrogeologie, Auswirkungen auf das Regenmoor, auf das Niedermoor, auf landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen, Maßnahmen zur Wiedervernässung.

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