Classilied polygon data set of various sedimentological parameters for the German Bight area. Polygons are based on a triangulated model grid (spatial resolution: 250 m * 250 m). Parameters: - "Median_Grain_Size": median grain size (D50) of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Mean_Grain_Size": mean grain size´ of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Sorting1": sorting after Trask (1932): sqrt(D75/D25) - "Sorting2": sorting after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi84-phi16)/4+(phi95-phi5)/6.6 - "Skewness": Skewness after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi16+phi84-2phi50)/2(phi84-phi16)+(phi5+phi95-2phi50)/2(phi95-phi5) - "Kurtosis": Kurtosis after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi95-phi5)/2.44(phi75-phi25) - "GSF_micrometer": content of sand fractions (half phi grad intervals) [%], 63 to 2000 micrometers - "PredominantSandFractions": spatial distribution of sediment fractions with a coontent 50 % / 20 % - 50 %. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight", 01.11.2009-31.12.2012). For more information, please visit:
Classilied polygon data set of various sedimentological parameters for the German Bight area. Polygons are based on a triangulated model grid (spatial resolution: 250 m * 250 m). Parameters: - "Median_Grain_Size": median grain size (D50) of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Mean_Grain_Size": mean grain size´ of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Sorting1": sorting after Trask (1932): sqrt(D75/D25) - "Sorting2": sorting after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi84-phi16)/4+(phi95-phi5)/6.6 - "Skewness": Skewness after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi16+phi84-2phi50)/2(phi84-phi16)+(phi5+phi95-2phi50)/2(phi95-phi5) - "Kurtosis": Kurtosis after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi95-phi5)/2.44(phi75-phi25) - "GSF_micrometer": content of sand fractions (half phi grad intervals) [%], 63 to 2000 micrometers - "PredominantSandFractions": spatial distribution of sediment fractions with a coontent 50 % / 20 % - 50 %. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight", 01.11.2009-31.12.2012). For more information, please visit:
Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight", 01.11.2009-31.12.2012). Various sedimentological parameters processed as products for the German Bight area were calculated from interpolated grain size distributions (spatial resolution of model grid 250 m * 250 m): - "Median_Grain_Size": Median-Durchmesser (D50) der interpolierten Kornsummenkurve - "Mean_Grain_Size": Mittelwert des Korndurchmessers - "Sorting1": Sortierung after Trask (1932): sqrt(D75/D25) - "Sorting2": Sortierung after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi84-phi16)/4+(phi95-phi5)/6.6 - "Skewness": Skewness after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi16+phi84-2phi50)/2(phi84-phi16)+(phi5+phi95-2phi50)/2(phi95-phi5) - "Kurtosis": Kurtosis after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi95-phi5)/2.44(phi75-phi25) - "GSF_micrometer": content of sand fractions (half phi grad intervals) [%], 63 to 2000 micrometers - "PredominantSandFractions": spatial distribution of sediment fractions with a coontent 50 % / 20 % - 50 %.
Classilied polygon data set of various sedimentological parameters for the German Bight area. Polygons are based on a triangulated model grid (spatial resolution: 250 m * 250 m). Parameters: - "Median_Grain_Size": median grain size (D50) of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Mean_Grain_Size": mean grain size´ of interpolierted grain size distribution, - "Sorting1": sorting after Trask (1932): sqrt(D75/D25) - "Sorting2": sorting after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi84-phi16)/4+(phi95-phi5)/6.6 - "Skewness": Skewness after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi16+phi84-2phi50)/2(phi84-phi16)+(phi5+phi95-2phi50)/2(phi95-phi5) - "Kurtosis": Kurtosis after Folk and Ward (1957): (phi95-phi5)/2.44(phi75-phi25) - "GSF_micrometer": content of sand fractions (half phi grad intervals) [%], 63 to 2000 micrometers - "PredominantSandFractions": spatial distribution of sediment fractions with a coontent 50 % / 20 % - 50 %. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight", 01.11.2009-31.12.2012). For more information, please visit:
This dataset contains in-situ measurements of ship-generated wave heights and currents collected during 14 campaigns from 1998 to 2022 in German coastal waterways. It includes 81,092 filtered datapoints (from an initial 97,877) across 46 measurement stations in 28 cross-sections, with 23 unique locations, some of which were repeated after a certain time. Each wave event is linked to the ship and nautical parameters responsible for its generation. A more detailed metadata description for each campaign is attached to the dataset. Citation for this data set: Seemann, A.; Melling, G. (2024): Ship Wave Measurements in German Coastal Waterways from 1998 to 2022 [Dataset], DOI:
DTM of the German Bight (yearly, 1982 - 2012). Spatiotemporally interpolated bathymetries for the years 1982 to 2012, with two parameters for the purposes of reliability: Confidence and Minimum dt. The parameter Confidence [m] indicates the reliability of the modelled bathymetry. Spatial resolution: 50 m, file format: CSV. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Aufbau integrierter Modellsysteme zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht" ["Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight"], 01.11.2009-31.12.2012).
DTM of the German Bight (yearly, 1982 - 2012). Spatiotemporally interpolated bathymetries for the years 1982 to 2012, with two parameters for the purposes of reliability: Confidence and Minimum dt. The parameter Confidence [m] indicates the reliability of the modelled bathymetry. Spatial resolution: 50 m, file format: CSV. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Aufbau integrierter Modellsysteme zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht" ["Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight"], 01.11.2009-31.12.2012).
DTM of the German Bight (yearly, 1982 - 2012). Spatiotemporally interpolated bathymetries for the years 1982 to 2012, with two parameters for the purposes of reliability: Confidence and Minimum dt. The parameter Confidence [m] indicates the reliability of the modelled bathymetry. Spatial resolution: 50 m, file format: CSV. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Aufbau integrierter Modellsysteme zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht" ["Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight"], 01.11.2009-31.12.2012).
DTM of the German Bight (yearly, 1982 - 2012). Spatiotemporally interpolated bathymetries for the years 1982 to 2012, with two parameters for the purposes of reliability: Confidence and Minimum dt. The parameter Confidence [m] indicates the reliability of the modelled bathymetry. Spatial resolution: 50 m, file format: CSV. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Aufbau integrierter Modellsysteme zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht" ["Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight"], 01.11.2009-31.12.2012).
DTM of the German Bight (yearly, 1982 - 2012). Spatiotemporally interpolated bathymetries for the years 1982 to 2012, with two parameters for the purposes of reliability: Confidence and Minimum dt. The parameter Confidence [m] indicates the reliability of the modelled bathymetry. Spatial resolution: 50 m, file format: CSV. Data were generated within the framework of the German Coastal Engineering Research Council project AufMod ("Aufbau integrierter Modellsysteme zur Analyse der langfristigen Morphodynamik in der Deutschen Bucht" ["Development of integrated model systems for the analysis of long-term morphodynamics in the German Bight"], 01.11.2009-31.12.2012).