The map service "Magnetic Variation" offered for the information system "Geomagnetic Information" shows position-related magnetic variation data with the name of the nautical chart for which the respective magnetic variation value was calculated. The magnetic variation information is available for the current year and additionally for the following year and based on the World Magnetic Model (WMM) valid at the time of display. In addition, areas of uncertain declination mapped for the German coastal area, i.e. areas where the declination of the earth's magnetic field deviates significantly from its normal value.
The map service "Magnetic Variation" offered for the information system "Geomagnetic Information" shows position-related magnetic variation data with the name of the nautical chart for which the respective magnetic variation value was calculated. The magnetic variation information is available for the current year and additionally for the following year and based on the World Magnetic Model (WMM) valid at the time of display. In addition, areas of uncertain declination mapped for the German coastal area, i.e. areas where the declination of the earth's magnetic field deviates significantly from its normal value.
The dataset 'Coastline - Baltic Sea' contains the water-land boundary of the German federal territory in the area of the Baltic Sea. Survey data, orthophotos and map material were used to create the coastline.
The dataset 'Coastline - Baltic Sea' contains the water-land boundary of the German federal territory in the area of the Baltic Sea. Survey data, orthophotos and map material were used to create the coastline.
Description: Spatial distribution of selected demersal fish species in the German Bight. Data source: Data from environmental impact assessments (EIA) under the permit procedures of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in the North Sea EEZ and research data of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research; time period: 2000 to 2014, mainly spring and autumn data (EIA data), but also summer and winder data (AWI data) Sampling standards: Data of EIAs follow the standard investigation concept StUK 1-3 (BSH 2007), AWI data mainly collected in accordance with the ICES sampling standard (Rumohr 1999). Sampling gears: EIA-data with 7-8 m (partly 6 m) beam trawl (haul: 15 min), AWI-data with a 2-3 m beam trawl (haul: 5-15 min); trawling speed 3-4 kn, codend mesh size 10 mm Sampling: 1 haul per station and sampling date, data were recorded on board or subsamples were stored frozen for further analysis, analysis of abundance and biomass (kg wet weight) per species Data analysis: science information system of demersal fish data, examination of quality and plausibility, data harmonisation, product computation by AWI Product description: Grid: 10x10 km²; available selectable parameter: number of stations, minimum, maximum, mean, median and standard deviation of density (km-²) per species; classification method: natural jenks (Jenks Caspall algorithm); Note: The products contain a different classification of species density! Note: Please regard different value ranges! Note: Data refer exclusively to demersal fish species spectrum! Cited literature Rumohr, H. (1999). "Soft bottom macrofauna: Collection, treatment, and quality assurance of samples." ICES Techniques in Environmental Sciences, No. 27: 1-19. BSH (2007): Standard Investigation of the Impacts of Offshore Wind Turbines on the Marine Environment (StUK 3), Hamburg.
The data set contains the tidal current data for certain positions in the German Bight. The information is based on a tidal current simulation using the BSH circulation model BSHcmod V4. For more information, please visit:
For the calculation of the data "AIS Vessel Traffic Density", the data of the Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) were evaluated with regard to various parameters and ship types under stochastic aspects. The data are requested once a year for the past year from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). Among others, the information is collected and stored for the purpose of securing maritime traffic and is used for the manufacture of products produced for navigation by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The data "AIS Vessel Traffic Density" represent the mean spatio-temporal density distribution of the ships. This is the average number of ships that have passed through a defined area (grid cell) in a certain period of time. The counting distinguishes between five types of vessels: fishing vessels, cargo vessels, tankers, passenger vessels and all vessels. For more information, please visit:
The data set contains the published status of the spatial designations of the infrastructure area plan as an additional source of information. The planning scale of the plan is 1:400,000. The announced documents are authoritative.
For the calculation of the data "AIS Vessel Density", the data of the Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) were evaluated with regard to various parameters and ship types under stochastic aspects. The data are requested once a year for the past year from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). Among others, the information is collected and stored for the purpose of securing maritime traffic and is used for the manufacture of products produced for navigation by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The data "AIS Vessel Density" represent the mean spatial density distribution of the ships. The mean spatial ship density is the current number of ships that could be expected in a defined area (grid cell) at any time during a reference period under consideration. The counting distinguishes between five types of vessels: fishing vessels, cargo vessels, tankers, passenger vessels and all vessels. For more information, please visit:
For the calculation of the data "AIS Vessel Traffic Density", the data of the Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) were evaluated with regard to various parameters and ship types under stochastic aspects. The data are requested once a year for the past year from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). Among others, the information is collected and stored for the purpose of securing maritime traffic and is used for the manufacture of products produced for navigation by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The data "AIS Vessel Traffic Density" represent the mean spatio-temporal density distribution of the ships. This is the average number of ships that have passed through a defined area (grid cell) in a certain period of time. The counting distinguishes between five types of vessels: fishing vessels, cargo vessels, tankers, passenger vessels and all vessels. For more information, please visit: