Within the framework of DOVE and its topical questions, the project Chatseis combines two seismic methods to increase resolution and reliability of the seismic data; i.e. reflection imaging and full-waveform inversion. To acquire the data for the methodical development and to answer open topical questions, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources conducted a seismic survey together with the LIAG Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), and the BOKU University Vienna at DOVE site 5068_5 (Bad Aussee). The project team registered seismic P-wave and S-wave data on four profiles (in total approx. 3.5 km, 17.8 GB for P-wave and approx. 2.8 km, 12.7 GB for S-wave).
Within the framework of DOVE, the project Chatseis combines two seismic methods to increase resolution and reliability of the seismic data; i.e. reflection imaging and full-waveform inversion. To acquire the optimal data for the tasks in the project Chatseis, the German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Resources conducted two seismic surveys together with the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics and the Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt. At the DOVE-site 5068_3 (Schäftlarn), the project team registered seismic P-wave data with explosive and vibration sources and different geophones as well as S-wave data with a small-scale vibratory source and a landstreamer system on three profiles (in total ca 3.8 km, 100 GB for P-wave and ca 2.6 km, 16 GB for S-wave).
A global Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (EMAG2) was compiled from satellite, ship and airborne magnetic measurements. (Maus et al., 2009) Over the continents and the Arctic we made use of exisiting magnetic anomaly grids, whereas original ship and airborne trackline data were processed over the rest of the oceans, wherever available. CHAMP satellite magnetic measurements provided the magnetic field at wavelengths above 330 km. The EMAG2 grid is available at http://geomag.org and http://ngdc.noaa.gov. Directional gridding Due to the sparsity of magnetic field measurements in the southern oceans, it is necessary to interpolate the magnetic field between tracklines. Our interpolation algorithm takes the direction of the magnetic lineations into account. Tje lineations are parallel to the isochrons, which are perpendicular to the gradient of the age of teh oceanic crust. We use the age grid of Müller et al. (2008). The magnetic field ad a given grid point is computet by Least Squares Collocation from the surrounding measurements. If the point is on land, we use an isotropic correlation function with Rc = 14 km correlation length. Over the oceans we use Rc = 56 km parallel to the isochrons and Rc = 14 km in the spreading direction. Measurements seperated from the grid point by an age discontinuity or a topographic feature are excluded from the collation.
The study of the geodynamic evolution of the Arctic continental margin and opening of the Arctic Ocean represents a primary target of BGR research and is studied within the frame of the CASE programme. In addition to onshore geological investigations, BGR conducts airborne aeromagnetic surveys. The available series contains the results of aeromagnetic surveys from the CASE program as well as cooperation projects (PMAP, NARES & NOGRAM), which were obtained with helicopters or fixed-wing aircraft in the Arctic.
A geophysical reconnaissance survey was carried out in the Labrador Sea and Davis Strait between July and September 1977 by BGR. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y. The survey was executed on the research vessel MS Explora. The seismic, magnetic and gravity data from 5931 line-kilometers on 21 lines were recorded on magnetic tape. A 24-fold coverage technique was used with 48 seismic channels (traces), with a 2400m streamer cable, and 23.45 l airgun array. A full integrated computerized satellite navigation system (INDAS III) served as positioning system. Based on a preliminary interpretation of the seismograms, the Labrador Sea was devided into an eastern (Greenland) and western (Canadian) area, seperated by the Mid Labrador Ridge. Within the eastern part of the Labrador Sea the Pre-Cenozoic sediments show three distinct layers, traceable over the entire Greenland area of the sea. In the Cenozoic layer olisthostromes occur. The highest apparent velocity determined from sonobuoy data was 9.26 km/sec. The calculated refractor lies at a depth of approximately 13 km. The seismic section from the sediments on the Canadian side of the Labrador Sea show a uniform series of thick sediments below the Cenozoic cover. The highly disturbed basement is often masked by the multiple reflections from the seafloor. Statements about the nature and structure of the basement can only be made after processing data.
During the German-Canadian Nares Strait Expedition in 2001, an aeromagnetic survey was carried out across the northern part of the Nares Strait including the Hall Basin, Judge Daly Promontory and in Robeson Channel in cooperation with the Canadian GSC. The aim of the research was to detect and localize the Wegener Fault, a transform fault between Ellesmere Island and NW Greenland, which is closely linked to the opening of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. The helicopter-borne magnetic survey NARES I (Robeson Channel) was carried out with a flight line spacing of 2 km, and control profiles were flown every 10 km. During the expedition, 5470 km of line data were collected. The aeromagnetic data were recorded by a magnetometer, which was towed approx. 25 m beneath the helicopter and recorded at a constant altitude of 305 m (1000 ft) above ground.
On the F.S. POLARSTERN cruise ANT-IV/3 (6th December, 1985 - 13th March, 1986) multichannel seismic measurements were carried out in parallel with magnetic and gravimetric measurements on 33 lines with a total length of 6,263 km. 3,350 km of the multichannel seismic lines have been processed aboard. The geophysical studies were designed to investigate the structure and geological development of the Weddell Sea continental margin from meridians zero to 60°W, and to define suitable and safe drilling locations for Leg 113 of the Ocean Drilling Program. The main results of the geophysical studies are: (1) The discovery of an approximately N50°E trending failed drift basin, following the trend of a negative magnetic anomaly and a positive gravity anomaly. (2) The discovery of two extensive wedge-shaped and symmetric basement units around a failed drift basin between longitudes 40°W and 20°W. The seismic characteristics, i.e. seismic velocities of 4 km/s and an internally divergent pattern of reflectors suggest that both wedges are formed from extrusive/intrusive volcanic rocks. (3) The confirmation of a major plate tectonic boundary trending approximately N80°E to N60°E, i.e. the EXPLORA-ANDENES escarpment. (4) The confirmation of a glaciogenic progradational wedge beneath the shelf of the Weddell Sea Embayment, made up of several thousand metres of sediments. (5) The definition of 13 suitable and safe drilling locations for ODP-Leg 113.