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  • Die SedDB verbindet die für die Binnenwasserstraßen vorliegenden Feststofftransportdaten (Geschiebe und Schwebstoff aus Vollprofilmessungen) mit den sedimentologischen Daten der Gewässersohle (Kornverteilung, Schichtaufbau, Sohlbeschreibung etc.) in einer Datenhaltung und macht sie für morphologische Anwendungen (quantitative Fragestellungen), für ökologische und qualitativ-gewässerkundliche Fragestellungen verfügbar.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "moisture content (pore water) in sediment " was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "phenanthrene in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "2,3,5-trimethylnaphthalene in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "chromium in dry sediment " was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "lindane, gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "polychlorobiphenyl no. 101 in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "Sum of dimethylnaphthalene in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "cadmium in dry sediment " was determined in sediment.

  • As part of the joint federal / Länder measurement program for the North and Baltic Seas, the parameter "hexachlorobenzene in dry sediment" was determined in sediment.

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