This is the discovery service of the pan-European spatial datasets provided by the European mapping and cadastral agencies: EuroGlobalMap, EuroRegionalMap, EuroDEM, Open Cadastral Map, Pan-European Imagery, Open Gazetteer. The datasets are openly available accessible on the platform Open Maps for Europe (OME)
Modelled currents of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the German Bight and the western Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 900 m). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, this dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, separate dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021); For more information, please visit:
The Arctic-HYCOS forms the Arctic region component of the the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) implemented to support existing international initiatives. The objective of the Arctic-HYCOS Project is to allow the collection and sharing of hydrological data to evaulate freshwater fluxes to the Arctic Ocean and Seas, monitor the changes and enhance understanding of the hydrological regime of the Arctic region. GRDC hosts this dataset on behalf of the Arctic-HYCOS member countries.
The Global Terrestrial Network for River Discharge (GTN-R) is the river discharge component of the Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H) to support the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and the Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of the WMO (HWRP). The basic idea of the GTN-R project is to draw together the already available discharge data provided by the National Hydrological Services (NHS) and to redistribute it in a standardised way. Core component is the GCOS Baseline River Network of gauging stations located near the mouth of the world's major rivers. In cooperation with the Hydrological Services of the WMO Member States this network is continually being extended by confirmation of additional stations.GRDC contributes to the GTN-H by collection of discharge data. Access to GTN-R data follows GRDC's data policy of free and unrestricted but identified access and is limited to noncommercial applications. Use the GCOS/GTN-R stations catalogue to create your individual list of project stations for download via GRDC Data Portal.
Layer thickness of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the German Bight and the western Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 900 m). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, this dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, separate dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021); For more information, please visit:
Modelled sea surface height above mean sea level of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the North and Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 5 km). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, separate dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, this dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021);
Modelled currents of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the German Bight and the western Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 900 m). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, this dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, separate dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021); For more information, please visit:
Layer thickness of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the German Bight and the western Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 900 m). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, this dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, separate dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021); For more information, please visit:
Modelled currents of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the North and Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 5 km). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, separate dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, this dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021);
Modelled sea surface height above mean sea level of the operational circulation model of the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH), in the North and Baltic Sea (horizontal resolution ca. 5 km). The model (HBM, HIROMB-BOOS-Model) is run four times each day in a configuration with a fine grid in the German Bight and western Baltic Sea (900 m resolution, separate dataset) and a coarser grid which covers the North and Baltic Sea (5 km resolution, this dataset). The model is forced by the weather forecast of the German Weather Service (DWD). More detailed information about the model configuration can be found in Brüning et al. (2021);